A week after its historic downgrade by Standard and Poor's, investors have been piling their money into US bonds. 14 Aug 2011 Sir Mervyn King will this week write his seventh successive letter to the Chancellor, and his 12th in total, explaining why inflation remains so far above target. 14 Aug 2011 The immediate debt problem is not in the United States of America but in the disunited states of Europe, writes Satyajit Das. 13 Aug 2011 Any hope we have lies in China, which is fast realising its investment in US debt will not be fully repaid, writes Ed Conway. 13 Aug 2011 They call themselves "the indignant". Armed with sleeping bags and week old clothes stuffed into rucksacks, around 500 people stand shoulder-to-shoulder in Madrid's central square. 13 Aug 2011 UK Chancellor George Osborne has called for some form of fiscal union to resolve the eurozone's debt crisis, while Italian counterpart Giulio Tremonti renewed his call for the introduction of common euro-area bonds. 13 Aug 2011 Regulators are examining the models used by Standard & Poor's after the US government accused the ratings agency of a $2 trillion (£1.2 trillion) error when it downgraded America. 12 Aug 2011 Rolling coverage of the roller coaster in financial markets as the eurozone and US come under increasing pressure to deal with high levels of debt and stave off another recession. 12 Aug 2011 Fears that growth is grinding to a halt across the world have been fuelled by evidence of mounting weakness in France, Japan and Greece. 12 Aug 2011 US retail sales rose by the most in four months in July, providing a welcome sign that the country may avoid slipping back into recession, but a separate survey showed consumer confidence at a 31-year low. 12 Aug 2011 Greece remains mired in a deep recession, with the economy shrinking by 6.9pc in the second quarter of the year. 12 Aug 2011 Eurozone industrial production fell unexpectedly in June, raising fears that nation in the currency bloc will face slower growth as they struggle to half an escalating debt crisis. 12 Aug 2011 David Blanchflower holds out little hope for the single currency. 12 Aug 2011 French economic growth ground to a halt in the second quarter, raising the pressure on President Sarkozy who is trying to convince nervous financial markets that he can deliver on debt reduction targets. 12 Aug 2011 All the latest and must-have information around the key business and economic issues of the day. 12 Aug 2011 George Osborne has pledged he will not go soft on austerity as he redoubled the Government's commitment to cuts in the face of faltering UK growth and turmoil in the markets. 11 Aug 2011 Switzerland is mulling drastic measures to fend off safe-haven flows from Euroland and stop the relentless rise of the Swiss franc crippling large parts of the country's economic base. 11 Aug 2011 Chancellor George Osborne says austerity measures make Britain a "safe haven" as developed nations around the world battled with the sovereign debt crisis. 11 Aug 2011 Italy launches a hard-hitting campaign against its endemic tax evasion as Silvio Berlusconi tries frantically to reassure Europe it can reduce its massive public debt. 11 Aug 2011 George Osborne warned of tough times ahead but stuck to Plan A. 11 Aug 2011 David Blanchflower: New policies needed to prevent 'lost generation'. 11 Aug 2011 Outlook for US economy got a boost today after a week of sliding markets. 11 Aug 2011ECONOMICS NEWS
Washington sets out to slay its debt monster
Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King to issue seventh inflation apology in a row
Eurozone's problems present UK with great risks
Abandoning the gold standard was a fatal error we're now all paying for
Spain branded the eurozone's big weak link as 'the indignant' take to the streets
George Osborne calls for move towards eurozone fiscal union
S&P faces inquiry over US downgrade
Debt crisis: as it happened - August 12, 2011
More evidence of worldwide growth slowdown
US consumer gives economy a boost as retail sales rise
Greece still mired in a deep recession
Surprise fall in eurozone production raises growth fears
Blanchflower: 'Euro is doomed to fail'
French economy shows zero growth
City Desk Morning Briefing - Friday August 12, 2011
Osborne sticks to austerity plan
Desperate Swiss eye euro peg to repel safe-haven flood
Osborne: UK a 'safe haven'
Italy turns on the 'parasites on society'
Britain 'will not abandon Plan A'
Government fails youth
US gets boost from fall in jobless claims
Sunday, 14 August 2011
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Britannia Radio