eu reform treaty EU Heads for Eurobond Clash Amid German Dread Over Looming Fiscal ...
Two broad options are under consideration in Brussels, according to EU officials: building ... Debt over the treaty limit would be financed by “red” bonds, ...
EU says Spain can temporarily restrict free movement of Romanian ...
László Andor, the EU commissioner responsible for employment, ... He added, "I continue to encourage Spain to reform its labour market and improve ...
EU Accepts That Spain Can Temporarily Restrict Free Movement Of ...
Eurasia Review
I continue to encourage Spain to reform its labour market and improve ... Both countries need to useEU structural funds better in order to create jobs in a ...
Italy: A constitutional crisis exit?
New Europe
... giving a news conference in which he pledged to speed up reform measures. ... at the same time on a new Maastricht Treaty for a more federal Europe and, ...
Italy: A constitutional crisis exit?
New Europe
Deputies from his party insisted at the same on a new Maastricht treaty for a more federal Europeand on seeing the letter from the ECB to determine the ...
Friday, 12 August 2011
Posted by Britannia Radio at 11:06