Matthew Carr: First they dismissed him as a lone madman, now they say he was disenfranchised Wednesday: The First Post's super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points Follow The First Post on Twitter for the latest news In pictures: With foreign journalists banned, YouTube has become a crucial source of information EPL in talks with Sony and EA Sports over ‘immersion technology’ avatar-style coverage Dragons' Den star has 'Mel Gibson moment' as he offers £50,000 for anyone who breaks arms of stalker Car manufacturer accuses BBC show of misleading viewers as electric car seen running out of battery Chinese iPhone 5 fake released well before the real thing – but is it an accurate copy? Mayor of Vilnius strikes devastating blow in battle between cyclists and drivers (with video) In pictures: The Nasa spacecraft Dawn has gone into orbit around the asteroid Vesta.The First Post Daily Email
Far right blames BBC for ignoring Breivik’s beliefs
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The view from inside Syria - in pictures
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iPhone 5 knock-off excites Apple lovers
Cycling mayor drives tank over illegally parked cars
Voyage to Vesta - in pictures
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
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Britannia Radio