The following is research published today from MEMRI’s Special Dispatch Series and the MEMRI TV Project. · Reactions to Mubarak Trial in Egypt and the Arab World · Syrian Blogger Milad 'Umran: 'We Have Seen the True Face of the Regime' and It Can No · Abd Al-Basset Sarot, Syrian National Youth Soccer Team Goalkeeper, Calls to Topple the · Editorial in Saudi Daily: 'What Syria Needs is Real and Meaningful Change; Instead of Blaming Israel, America, the Muslim Brotherhood … Assad Should Address His People's Genuine Craving for Freedom' · Syrian Uprising and President Assad Depicted in Cartoons · MEMRITV Clip No. 3061 - Syrian Civil Rights Activist Ammar Qurabi: The Syrian Regime Is a Gang that Kills Children in Cold Blood · MEMRITV Clip No. 3055 - Association of Syrian Scholars President Muhammad Ali Al-Sabouni Calls to Disband the Syrian Ba'th Party and Sentence Future Members to Death The trial of deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, of his sons Gamal and 'Alaa, and of Egypt's former interior minister Habib Al-'Adli and six of his aides, began yesterday (August 3, 2011) in Cairo. The main charge against them is responsibility for the deaths of protesters during the January revolution. Hosni Mubarak, seen on television for the first time since his resignation on February 12, was wheeled into the defendants' cage on a gurney, and his sons sat by his side throughout the hearing, holding Korans. All three denied the charges against them. The trial is scheduled to continue on August 15, 2011. To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch No. 4050—Syria In his column in the Hamas-affiliated daily Falastin, Mustafa Al-Sawwaf claimed that the PLO's 1993 recognition of Israel, in an official letter from PLO chairman Yasser Arafat to Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, was meaningless, as the factions that comprised the PLO, including Fatah, did not recognize Israel. Al-Sawwaf then called on the Palestinians to present a united front opposing recognition of Israel and the Jews' right to the land of Palestine, adding that such a move could rally all the Palestinians around a common cause. To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch No. 4049—Syria Following are excerpts from a statement by Abd Al-Basset Sarot, goalkeeper of the Syrian national youth soccer team, which was posted on YouTube on July 10, 2011. To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit Cameraman: "The city of Homs, July 20, 2011." Abd Al-Basset Sarot: "In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. I, Abd Al-Basset Sarot, am a Syrian citizen, and the goalkeeper of the Syrian national youth soccer team and of the Karama club." To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch No. 4048—Saudi Arabia/Syria/Inter-Arab Relations In an editorial in the Saudi English-languages daily Arab News titled "Living in Denial," Bashar Assad and the Syrian government are urged to heed the calls of the protestors and engage in a genuine effort for reform and change. To read the full report, visit Special Dispatch No. 4047—Syria Since the outbreak of protests in Syria, the Arab press has featured numerous cartoons reflecting the brutality of President Bashar Assad's regime. Many cartoons portrayed the bloodshed and massacre of Syrian civilians, while others depicted the weakening stance of the regime in the face of the protestors' demands for reform. Other cartoons reflected the regime's evasion of a diplomatic solution to the crisis, while yet others reflected the general stalemate that currently prevails in Syria. To read the full report, visit MEMRITV Clip No. 3061 - Syrian Civil Rights Activist Ammar Qurabi: The Syrian Regime Is a Gang that Kills Children in Cold Blood Following are excerpts from an interview with Ammar Qurabi, a civil rights activist of the Syrian opposition, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on July 31, 2011. Ammar Qurabi: "At a time when the U.S. is saying this is a war of the regime against the people, we have learned that in Syria there is no regime whatsoever. This is a gang, a clique, not a regime. It cannot be called a regime when it perpetrates crimes against its own citizens, killing children with knives, in cold blood. This is killing for the sake of killing. Killing and torture. It cannot be called a regime when it embarks on a war against six cities, claiming that armed gangs are swarming all over Syria." To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit MEMRITV Clip No. 3055 - Association of Syrian Scholars President Muhammad Ali Al-Sabouni Calls to Disband the Syrian Ba'th Party and Sentence Future Members to Death Following are excerpts from a public address delivered by Muhammad Ali Al-Sabouni, president of the Association of Syrian Scholars, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on July 12, 2011: Muhammad Ali Al-Sabouni: "Gentlemen, we are ready for dialogue [with the regime], with one precondition: that the president issue a decree disbanding the Socialist Ba'th Party, which brought misery and tragedy upon him and his group. He should state in the decree that anyone who is a member of the Socialist Ba'th Party from this day on is sentenced to death. That way, justice will prevail among the people." To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit Dispatch No. 4051—Egypt/Inter-Arab Relations
Reactions to Mubarak Trial in Egypt and the Arab World
Syrian Blogger Milad 'Umran: 'We Have Seen the True Face of the Regime' and It Can No Longer Hide the Truth
Abd Al-Basset Sarot, Syrian National Youth Soccer Team Goalkeeper, Calls to Topple the Regime
Editorial in Saudi Daily: 'What Syria Needs is Real and Meaningful Change; Instead of Blaming Israel, America, the Muslim Brotherhood … Assad Should Address His People's Genuine Craving for Freedom'
Syrian Uprising and President Assad Depicted in Cartoons
Friday, 5 August 2011
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Britannia Radio