Friday, 26 August 2011

Foreign Confidential ™

Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005 -- Formerly China Confidential -- For America and Israel and Their Friends Abroad

Friday, August 26, 2011


Egyptians Plan Million Man March Against Israel

The nightmare ... for Israel ... for Christian and truly moderate Muslim Egyptians ... and for U.S. national security that is Obama's New Egypt. Click here to read about a monster protest that is planned for outside the Israeli Embassy to pressure the Egyptian regime to expel Israel's ambassador and break the peace treaty--a pact that was preserved for more than three decades by Egypt's pro-American President Hosni Mubarak until his sudden overthrow by Obama administration-aided mobs.

Gulf Funds Funneled to Al Qaeda Via Iran

Atiyah and the ayatollahs.

Click here to read about Al Qaeda's Libyan-born, Iran-based operations chief, Atiyah Abd-al Rahman, Osama Bin Laden's determination to attack the United States on or around the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and money funneled from the Gulf States to Al Qaeda--through Iran.

Iran Stages Anti-Israel Rallies

More calls for Israel's eradication from the monstrous--nuclear arming--mullahocracy. Clickhere for the story.