Last updated at 12:36 AM on 28th August 2011 Secretive business: Peter Mandelson is remaining tight-lipped about his company Fresh questions have been raised over Lord Mandelson’s business dealings after it was disclosed that his latest commercial venture is a secretive international business consultancy with no website or even an advertised address. Nine months after he set up Global Counsel, the consultancy has no known clients and there have been no public announcements about it. Last week The Mail on Sunday revealed Lord Mandelson had offered £8million to buy a house in London, prompting questions about how the former Business Secretary has been able to raise such a large sum of money. Directors of the company, which is managed by Lord Mandelson’s former parliamentary aide, Ben Wegg-Prosser, refused to answer questions about the enterprise. The same questions were sent to Lord Mandelson’s office. The company’s whereabouts were a mystery until The Mail on Sunday traced them to the first floor of the advertising agency JWT (James Walter Thompson) at Knightsbridge Green in Central London.
Global Counsel is not mentioned on the building’s floor directory and a receptionist refused to answer questions. JWT is owned by Sir Martin Sorrell’s WPP Group which, according to company papers, has a minority stake in Global Counsel. Papers filed by Mandelson at Companies House give the registered address as Farm Street, Mayfair, Central London, the headquarters of WPP. Global Counsel is a limited liability partnership, which permits Lord Mandelson to publish limited information about it. A ban preventing him from lobbying Whitehall officials has forced the firm to look for work outside Britain. Global Counsel and WPP were unable to answer questions. By TIM LUCKHURST
As a connoisseur of socialist hypocrisy, I was not astonished that Jacqui Smith, our former Home Secretary, borrowed prisoners from Her Majesty’s Prison Hewell to prettify her house when they should have been working for the community. Hers was a tawdry raid on the public finances, a bit like her husband’s claim for pornography on her parliamentary expenses. But her elevated sense of entitlement illuminates a problem that is prevalent on the political Left. The delusion that the world owes one not just a living but a sumptuous one is intrinsic to champagne socialists of several varieties. Most prominent in recent years have been the New Labour luvvies. Bad judgement: Disgraced former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith found herself making headlines over taxpayer funds yet again this week Their attitude was defined by their most pampered princeling, Peter Mandelson, when he boasted about being ‘intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich’. The gilded yuppies around Tony Blair were never horny-handed sons of toil. Team Blair consisted largely of upper-middle-class intellectuals, several of them educated at top public schools. Raised with expensive tastes, they used public office to gratify them at public expense. Evicted from power and with their earning power enhanced by fame, they have not stopped. How much? Peter Mandelson's new £8million home in London Last week Peter Mandelson offered £8million for a townhouse in an exclusive corner of London, complete with landscaped garden and a wine cellar. His dear friends Tony and Cherie Blair acquired a seven-bedroom stately home once owned by John Gielgud. Their property portfolio also includes houses in London and flats in Bristol. Onerous is the burden of a socialist conscience but it never stopped New Labour’s finest thrusting their snouts into public troughs. Lord Irvine, Lord Chancellor in Mr Blair’s first administration, spent £59,000 of taxpayers’ cash on handmade wallpaper for his official residence. Challenged about the price, he exhibited stunning hauteur, declaring: ‘We are not talking about something down at the DIY store that might collapse after a year or so.’ Even Blairites who climbed the pole from humble origins seem infected. John Prescott is not called ‘Two Jags’ because he has a fondness for injections. But Mr Prescott’s tastes developed before he formed an alliance of convenience with Peter Mandelson and Derry Irvine. He trained in the trade union movement, where living high on the hog is an obnoxious tradition, just as it is among Labour councillors in fiefdoms such as Glasgow and South Wales. These comrades crave what the bosses have – power and money – and they do not hesitate to take it at their members’ expense. Among the most execrable examples is Bob Crow, hardline leader of the militant RMT union. Bob, the so-called worker’s friend, earns a pay package of £140,000 but lives in a council house poor families actually need. He took a 12 per cent pay rise while millions of workers were experiencing a wage freeze. For his birthday, he had a £650 lunch at Scott’s in Mayfair, an establishment that counts Prince William among its clientele.
Living high on the hog: Just like the pigs in George Orwell's Animal Farm, former NUM leader Arthur Scargill (left) and current RMT chief Bob Crow (right) enjoy expensive lifestyles while their members struggle to make ends meet.
Arthur Scargill, the NUM leader who sacrificed the coal industry on the anvil of his socialist conscience, is even worse. Having crippled a once mighty union, he has no qualms about squandering what little cash it has left. Scargill, who retired in 2002, lives in a £1.5 million flat in London’s Barbican that is fully funded by the NUM. The running costs amount to tens of thousands of pounds a year. He will stay until he dies. Scargill reminds me of the Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. This ‘Danube of Thought’ preached a doctrine of equality that forced his people into pre-modern squalor. He and his wife lived in palaces crafted from marble and gilded with gold. Fur coats, fine wines and limousines insulated them from the misery they inflicted. Completely out of touch: Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu lived in marble palaces while his people starved Tito, the Yugoslav hardman, exceeded even Mandelsonian excess. He kept a private island, Brijuni, on which he entertained glamorous friends including Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida. This fine socialist gentleman would collect them from the boat in his Cadillac, a gift from U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and drive them to luxury villas. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, there was no communist elite in Europe that did not reserve the best for itself. When their sclerotic economies failed to produce quality goods, the party bosses simply imported them from the capitalist West – for their use only, of course. The workers in whose name they claimed to rule never got near them. The British Labour Party once offered examples of real integrity. My favourite is Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour in Winston Churchill’s wartime coalition, and Foreign Secretary in the 1945 Labour Government. Bevin believed that nothing was too good for the workers. A poor, orphan child, he went on to occupy the highest offices in the land. But he did not lose touch. Once, travelling with Churchill and the South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts, he refused the services of a batman and insisted on dressing himself. When a servant offered to clean his shoes, Bevin declined. He was happy to apply the polish. He had done it all his life. It is said that Right-of-centre politicians tend to be embarrassed by sex and the Left by money. The Right has many atrocious flaws but the adage is broadly accurate.
The genuine article: Even when he was a government minister, Ernest Bevin insisted on polishing his own shoes So what is it about socialism that gives adherents from dictators to democrats such appetites for self-indulgence? How do they reconcile their consciences to watching their supporters struggle to afford life’s necessities while they chat about equality over champagne and canapés? George Orwell, an astute critic of Left-wing foibles, offered an explanation in Animal Farm, his satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution. His pigs, representing the leadership of the Communist Party, insist on keeping all the milk and apples. The other animals – the ordinary workers – think they should be shared as communist theory demands. The pigs’ excuse is sublime. ‘Comrades!’ they explain, ‘You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples.’
The animals’ revolution depends on their leadership, explain the pigs, so it is for the other animals that the pigs must eat the best food. This risible claim – we lavish excess upon ourselves to better serve the workers’ cause – has been heard from Glasgow City Chambers to Tito’s Belgrade. It is heard today in China. There are more honest excuses – they include jealousy, greed and massively inflated delusions of entitlement.
New Labour, new money: The Blairs seem obsessed with acquiring wealth Historically, of course, Conservative MPs would have made or inherited money before going into politics. It is easy for an entrepreneur or wealth-creator to measure his worth – it is reflected in the balance sheet of his company or in the value of his stock portfolio. No such measure was available to the politicians of the Left, for whom private wealth was, according to ideological first principles, ‘ill-gotten’ and tainted with the blood, sweat and tears of the honest workers exploited to attain it. However, there was no taint attached to money accumulated through high taxes or generous public-sector salaries. From there it is but a small step to personal avarice. The Blairites were the worst of all. Determined, in public at least, to expel the last vestiges of traditional socialism, they were simply in awe of money and imagined anyone rich was good. There is no worthwhile difference between knaves and fools.
Fresh questions over Mandelson's business dealings after secretive new venture is revealed
Why ARE Left-wingers so hideously greedy?
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Sunday, 28 August 2011
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Britannia Radio