Friday, 26 August 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

On the Islamizing of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Not enough attention has been paid to the Islamizing of the Arab-Israeli conflict in ways that cut across theological divides, ethnic differences, and national boundaries.

Converting the long and complex conflict over a portion of the ancient Land of Israel that has historically been called Palestine into a religious war between Muslims and Jews (and their Christian allies and supporters) is one of the most dangerous developments in recent decades, one that threatens the United States as well as the miraculously reborn State of Israel and the Jewish people.

Consider that non-Arab Iran was an important friend of Israel until the Carter administration-assisted Islamist overthrow of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

Consider, too, that non-Arab Turkey was an important friend of Israel until the administrations of both Barack Obama and George W. Bush decided to support Turkey's crypto-Islamist rulers over the country's traditional guardians of its secular system--the Turkish military--in the name of defending democracy. The Bush administration warned the military not to attempt a coup; the Obama administration is actively encouraging the emergence of an Islamist neo-Ottoman Empire (while also engaging the Muslim Brotherhood).

Finally, consider that the Arab population of Palestine is 99% Sunni, that the Sunni Islamist Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip--thanks, in part, to the Bush administration's idiotic democracy promotion project--is backed by Shiite Iran and its Shitte Islamist Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, that Iran and Hezbollah have ties to anti-Israel Sunni Egyptian Islamists and are allied with Syria's embattled Syrian regime, and that Iraq, an Arab country that is predominantly Shiite, is fast becoming a satellite of its former enemy, Iran. Iraq has not threatened Israel since the Bush administration's ouster of the psychotic (but secular) Sunni dictator, Saddam Hussein, and his mainly Sunni Baathist regime. But that could change in the coming years with the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Nuclear-arming Iran would like to establish terrorist bases--and rocket launchers--in Iraq ahead of an all-out war with Israel, the purpose of which will be to make good on Iran's repeated vows to "eradicate" the Jewish State.

Clinton Urges Rebels to Reject Extremism

One of the architects of the unnecessary U.S. intervention in Libya's civil war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is now urging the Al Qaeda-connected rebels to reject "violent extremism," as this article reports.

Egyptians Plan Million Man March Against Israel

The nightmare ... for Israel ... for Christian and truly moderate Muslim Egyptians ... and for U.S. national security that is Obama's New Egypt. Click here to read about a monster protest that is planned for outside the Israeli Embassy to pressure the Egyptian regime to expel Israel's ambassador and break the peace treaty--a pact that was preserved for more than three decades by Egypt's pro-American President Hosni Mubarak until his sudden overthrow by Obama administration-aided mobs.