Now isn't it time for us the consumers to rise up and start sueing for every single bite of food we have to put in our mouth that is full of crap? Full of chemicals? full of the DNA from gnats and rats? Every trip to the grocery store is a dangerous thing for the average consumer as they really don't know what the hell they are eating or feeding their families. The raids on Raw foods and Organic farmers should end ... It should have never been allowed to start. We as human beings have a right to know what we are eating and have the choice of which items we will ingest. Who in the hell gave the Government the right to tell me what I can and cannot EAT? Who gave them the right to make sure I was safe from myself and my own choices? BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Could this be seriously accepted by the people of this country where the old saying " I'd Rather be Dead than Red" was a saying for years? Are we now becoming so liberal we will accept this openly? Remember when movie stars had their careers destroyed by just a hint of being a member of the communist party? I do... Granted that was a little too much but it happened and this country was so paranoid about communism we saw Reds everywhere.... now they are accepted and openly campaign for our Highest Official? Come on folks.. lets get this horse back on the track.... The stock market is falling, prices of gold and silver are dropping and our chances of getting out of this mess the government has gotten us in is dropping quickly .. With all of the things that are going on in this world at such a fast rate I feel we are in real danger as in " DANGER DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON" get ready for the big shake up. There will be more and more excessive prosecution and persecution for non crimes such as the Green Police will enforce... such as drinking raw milk, eating non gmo foods, hoarding your food supply, watch out folks its is coming. You will be expected to share your hard earned goods with the grasshoppers of the world.. Obama is a Grasshopper and doesn't have a clue at to how to save or earn a dollar.. where did he get his riches from? Did he earn them? Who gave them to him? I really thought I would probably be dead and gone before anything major happened in this country, the government is so adept at covering their asses and with the media's help hiding the real life figures.. What you don't know won't hurt you is their theory.WELL THAT SUCKS... Now I fear we will see the bottom of the barell before my time is up and my sentence here on earth is finished. I feel like my life has been a sentence for punishment here on earth for the past few years and frankly I am tired of the lies, phony politicians, actors running our lives, globalists making wars that are for profit and on an on and on...I think all of us old fogeys need to make a pact.. When we know it is time for us to check out to take some of the assholes with us.. as many as we can and make room for some new clean blood to lead the country. I dream of a Fake Terror threat to the government officials.. when they receive it they run for their safe and secure underground bunkers with all the food, water, etc they will need to be comfortable for years.. Once they are all inside and secure... a huge welder is seen pulling up to the gates... weld that sucker shut.. keep them all in there forever.. let them rule themselves not us. No communication, no nothing for them just themselves to deal with forever.,...Can you imagine the corruption inside that facility? Can you imagine the fear of those big blow hard bullies? We would need hidden cameras so we can enjoy their futile attempts to escape, their arguments over who is boss etc... It would be a reality show I would stay glued to for sure. Can you imagine Hillary and Michelle in a battle for "head bitch"? oh yeah that would make a good episode....Oh and Donald Rumsfield ordering everyone to line up for their daily Vaccine... Oh yes they have to have all of those protective shots after all we want them to live a happy and long life don't we??? Won't those shots be the answer to good health? Then there is good old Kissenger, George ( Soros) and Dave ( David Rockerfeller) Lets strip them absolutely naked,( the king has a new suit) and have them do the run to freedom like the Indians used to do... Line up everyone with a switch not a big one but a little one that won't do too much damage and have those old degenerates have to run the length with everyone giving them a lick with a stick... that should prove a short event as they are all near dead now and just living to see how many of us they can destroy on their way out. Recently I had a short discussion with a very very smart and dedicated man who I respect so very much. Such common sense as well as intelligent: Below is a exerpt from that message: I was so impressed and marveled at his way of saying what I think but just don't have the sense or talent to put it in words. The debate over freedom or tyranny isn't anything new. Plato, Aristotle and Socrates kicked those issues around thousands of years ago. The debate has always hinged, though, not on whether freedom is good or tyranny bad, but whether one is possible or the other necessary. Franklin said only an educated and moral society can be free, and he was right. A an educated and moral society not only knows and treasures it's rights, it also knows and honors its obligations. People who understand their rights and the rights of others and whose conduct is guided by morality need no governing. Freedom works. I worry, though, that by invading our schools and sabotaging our children's education and by banishing and marginalizing God, treating Him as though He were Ron Paul, we are no longer an educated and moral society. When men do not govern themselves, then someone else has to. Hence, the debate over freedom vs. tyranny has always been whether Man is, essentially, good or evil. If Man is good then tyranny is merely suppressive of human ingenuity and the benefits of freedom are destroyed. If Man is evil, then tyranny is a human necessity and the benefits of freedom were only a myth, never within reach to begin with. I believe Man is, essentially, good, and if left to his own devises will do the right thing. But once he is told and accepts as fact that he is no longer responsible, that what he does is not his fault, that he is "free" of being accountable for his brother, his neighbor or even himself, he becomes both ignorant and amoral, unworthy of living in freedom. I am afraid that is our current situation, and that is why Truth Attack's third tentacle is to abolish the Department of Education. It is not enough to get government to accept and respect our freedom, we have to prepare the people to accept the responsibility for governing themselves again. We have a lot of work to do before we are anywhere near restoring the Great Experiment. Once we do we'll again be the beacon on the hill we were intended to be, to serve as the standard for Mankind's next step toward the kind of world He intended for us to share. Think back to those sweaty days when we were still relatively free. How many people were indifferent toward each other? Any? How many people would take things that did not belong to them, even if the government did their stealing for them? What was a family like then? How did families react to a threat to one of its members? How many times did you hear anyone complain about caring for a child or an aging parent or relative? How many did you see who thought those were someone else's responsibility? That cancer of irresponsibility, indifference and selfishness, all promoted by government as being "freedom", has infected virtually everyone under 40 and, via so-called "Social Security", twisted those of our generation into dependent whiners, not only willing to allow others to bear the burden of our needs, but demanding it because they are under the illusion that they "paid for it". (There has never been a Social Security Investment Fund. There has never been an investment. Social Security Tax is a tax, just like the sales tax or the property tax, but even those of our generation have allowed ourselves to be scammed into thinking we were "paying for" our Financial Security. Barney Madoff was a rank amateur.) We have a lot of curing to do before this sick puppy is saved from becoming Amerika. The hypnotic spell is strong and self-reinforcing, making too many of us willing to sell our freedom for those crumbs that fall from the government's table. Sorry to vent, but you lanced it, so you have to deal with the nasty discharge. Tom To share in Tom's views and programs to help stem the hemorage of our Country's demise please go to: Sign up and join in the only sensible cure for the problems we are facing...and be ready to face the truth.It's about time Pilgrim... Are we actually making some headway now? Looks like the Organic Farmers have had a reversal in court... They were awarded a win against Chemical companies and farmers that are contaminating their fields with chemicals. HOOOO RAYYYYYY for them.... Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides ‘trespass’ and contaminate their fields
Communist Party USA Officially Endorses Barack Obama
Friday, 5 August 2011
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Britannia Radio