Jerry Hayes: David Starkey Was Right – IainDale.com
Underwater Stock Options Trigger HuffPo Exodus - Business Insider
Drop the Brooms, You Capitalist Scum – Telegraph
First Rioters Evicted – Wandsworth Council
Short Sighted – Andrew Lilico
Cognitive Dissonance – Robin Shepherd
Here’s What Happens When You Ban Shorting – ZeroHedge
Blackberries Are Good For Freedom – Robert Halfon MP
Dave Takes a Lesson from Egypt – Nick Pickles
The Political Looters – Peter Oborne
Peter Oborne muses:
“A great deal has been made over the past few days of the greed of the rioters for consumer goods, not least by Rotherham MP Denis MacShane who accurately remarked, “What the looters wanted was for a few minutes to enter the world of Sloane Street consumption.” This from a man who notoriously claimed £5,900 for eight laptops. Of course, as an MP he obtained these laptops legally through his expenses.”
Gang of 650 loot John Lewis: No punishment.
1000′s loot shopping centre; Calls for flogging and birching.
No, I wouldn’t say we were f**ked.
- 22
John Lewis certainly would not have seen it as looting by the MPs. They would have seen them as very good customers. You have some cognitive difficulty if you think that PAYING for goods is looting them.
If you had claimed that they looted the country, then you would have a point.
Saturday Seven Up
This week 108,389 visitors made 342,447 visits to view 524,368 pages – so much for the silly season traffic drop-off. It has been a week full of news flow, this blog scooped Big Media with the news that parliament was going to be recalled – the BBC issued a “breaking news” alert almost an hour after we broke the news. If you want to find out how we got the story, subscribe to Guido’s weekly email round-up of the week’s news from behind the blog. Subscribe (for free) to the Guidogram email here.
The top stories in order of popularity were:
Gang of 650 loot John Lewis: No punishment.
1000′s loot shopping centre; Calls for flogging and birching.
No, I wouldn’t say we were fucked.