Obsessional Antisemitism.
By Jonathan Rosenblum, JWR
If recognition of a problem is half its cure, rectifying the remaining starts with serious analysis of the situation
All forms of anti-Semitism are not the same. Robert Wistrich, the greatest living scholar of anti-Semitism, deals with different types of anti-Semitism in his recent 1,000-page-plus The Lethal Obsession, which frighteningly is focused almost entirely on the last 20 years. Most dangerous of all is the type of anti-Semitism exemplified by Hitler, ym”sh. Hitler was obsessed with Jews: he invested them with demonic qualities, saw Jews as the moving force behind every historical trend of which he disapproved, and viewed history as moving towards an apocalyptic struggle between Jews and Aryans, in which only one could survive.
What Wistrich terms “exterminationist” anti-Semitism is heard today from Iran — indeed it is widespread throughout the Muslim world. But apart from the context of...
Israel Plans to Raise the Famed Altalena
Ship Symbolized Battle Among Zionist Groups

By Nathan Jeffay, THE FORWARD
Tel Aviv — One of the bitterest confrontations on record pitting Jew against Jew is soon to be dredged up — quite literally.
The Israeli government has given instructions for the raising of the Altalena, a Jewish ship on which the country’s prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, ordered his army to fire shortly after he declared independence, in 1948.
The Irgun, a right-wing Zionist faction led by Menachem Begin, who years later became prime minister, controlled the ship. The Altalena was bringing weapons from Europe to rearm the militia. When Ben-Gurion, then head of the provisional government, demanded that Begin and the Irgun hand over these arms, insisting there...
Musloids Beat Three Infidels to Death in Indonesia
Yells of “Allah akbar!” figure prominently in act of mindless violence
posted by Bill Levinson
We have previously advocated use of the kind of propaganda pictures that were used during World War II to whip up hatred of Germans and Japanese (and they presumably made similar pictures of Allied soldiers). In this case, the Musloids (Muslim in appearance but inferior, just as a humanoid resembles a human but is less than human) provide even better propaganda through pictures and videos of them just being themselves!
Arabs will be Arabs
The Arab Spring, Stripped of its Promise
A CNN interactive map divides the breadth of upheaval in the Arab Middle East, the Persian Gulf and North Africa into categories.
Post-Revolutionary: Tunisia and Egypt. However, The New York Times reports, “Tens of thousands of Egyptian Islamists poured into Tahrir Square on Friday calling for a state bound by strict religious law and delivering a persuasive show of force. The demonstration had been billed as a show of national unity, but adherents to a spectrum of religious movements vastly outnumbered other voices.” The article reported a further split in Egypt between those who still support the ruling military council – primarily Islamist parties – and those who don’t – primarily the young, secular protesters of last February. In a new poll, 47% of Egyptians said they would vote for the Muslim Brotherhood and an additional 27% would vote for the Salafists. Egypt may not be as “post”...
Palin gives us a taste of the campaign to come
Not as bad as it sounds
PM would accept pre-’67 lines as baseline for talks
This headline is misleading. So are many of the comments in the article. This is the paragraph that matters,
“Jerusalem, while not endorsing the 1967 lines, would agree to language that would say that Israel recognizes that this is the position of the international community. The willingness to show this degree of flexibility, the official said, would be contingent on the Palestinians demonstrating flexibility of their own and endorsing language nodding at recognition of Israel as a Jewish state”.
Thus Israel is only willing to acknowledge that that is what the Quartet wants. The PA is sure to turn it down. Israel must insist on Res 242 which does not require all lands to be given up.
While this is making the news other things are going on/
EU trying to get PA to soften UN resolution
According to the officials, the EU is interested in...
Militant Muslims Stone Woman and Man to Death
Militant Islam, the religion of sadistic violence, at its finest
by Bill Levinson
Due credit to Ann Barnhardt (of the bacon-bookmarked Koran burning) for finding this gem. Don’t click on it if graphic violence bothers you. Note how the grinning savage holds up a pair of rocks (that’s high tech in his society) with sadistic anticipation at about 0:10. Bearded imams in the white turbans preside over the Islamic religious festivities.
More from the Religion of Peace: non-Muslims are “guilty” of not believing in God and can therefore be killed.
This is Islamifaction. Any Questions?
by Bill Levinson
This was originally an Australian poster for World War I (therefore in the public domain due to age). We believe in recycling; any good item can be put back into service for a good cause! The word balloon covers the helmet spike, thus allowing us to turn the bestial monster into pretty much whomever we want. It also illustrates the kind of propaganda a country (or a civilization) must use when it is at war, and militant “Islam” has in fact declared war on Civilization.
Where Peace Begins–and Ends
by Bill Levinson
A Lebanese dancer performs with an Israeli singer, with the Lebanese and Israeli flags side by side.
The world saw something very similar almost 100 years ago, and missed an opportunity to stop what was perhaps the most senseless waste of life in human history:
This is in fact a true story, and there are photographs of German and British soldiers meeting in No Man’s Land (aka “fraternizing with the enemy”) to exchange Christmas greetings. If the leaders of Europe, and especially England and Germany, had had brains, common decency, and/or humanity, they would have acted on this by figuring out how to shut down a war that should not have started in the first place. They instead continued it to destroy millions of lives along with four nations, and set the stage for the rise of both Communism and Nazism.
“Lebanese outcry after belly dancer performs with Israelis” reports that, just like and perhaps even worse than the short-sighted...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel