From the desk of Michael Presley on Fri, 2011-08-19 21:32 A Review of Edwin Dyga's “Eastern Promise—Why the West Needs Mitteleuropa”. Edwin Dyga's, “Eastern Promise—Why the West Needs Mitteleuropa,” upcoming in Quarterly Review, 5:2, Summer 2011, confronts a subject many today are unhappy over, that is, the future possibilities of Central European countries vis-a-vis post Soviet Russian intentions. After the fall of both the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc Communism, all hoped that this past could be, if not completely forgotten, at least remembered without the specter of new Russian imperialism. Mr. Dyga argues that such hope is naïve, and that the West, taken in its larger Atlanticist meaning, must be prepared for the possibility of Russian geopolitical hegemony within the lately freed Eastern bloc countries and environs. The chief European country in mind is Poland, however others making up the greater Central Europe are not excluded. His essay is directly addressed to American “conservatives,” both neo and paleo, as he believes American conservatives should be natural allies. Occidental Tradition Or The Oriental Spirit?
Saturday, 20 August 2011
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Britannia Radio