Thursday, 11 August 2011

Question Time LiveBlog 11th August 2011: Crime Special!

>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2011

9pm POST BOUNCE David Cameron may have recalled Parliament today to discuss the looting and criminality, but we all know who really think they run the country. Yes, the BBC have recalled Question Time. As usual the media are exaggerating the disturbances. What the BBC called looting in Liverpool, we all knew as Wednesday but most importantly for Police Force Service quotas we have heard no reports of smoking ban violations or inner-city foxhunting. On the panel tonight we have an utterly unbelievable lineup of John "thug and adulterer" Prescott, LibDem Brian "my boyfriend didn't deal in pot" Paddick, an exotically be-hatted Iranian called Camila Batmanghelidjh, also exotically be-hatted but in a different way Rev John Sentamu and Fraser Nelson. UPDATE: and David Davis - Cameron's opponent for the leadership and a critic of his prisons policy. As a frequent critic of the government Fraser Nelson fits the BBC panelist profile of token rightist nutter so why isn't there a representative of the government? At all? Society has fallen apart after 13 years of socialist education and social policy but you'd at least expect BBC pet wet rag Ken Clarke on their speed dial to make a mess of the case for the defence. TheEye will be joined by the splendid David Mosque in moderating what promises to be a partisan carve-up unparalleled in the West since the Treaty of Versailles. TheEye intended to put together Shot Bingo for this event. "Deprived", "Cuts", "Fatcha" and so on. Maybe even doubles for Miners Strike. But the targets are too obvious and there's an 'elf'n'safety lawyer risk to how much liver damage would be caused. Tequila, my friends, is the way forward. But limit yourself to a bottle. TheEye, to keep a sense of refinement, may open some calvados. Join us at 10:30pm at your peril. UPDATE: The spat between the BBC and No10 about a Minister being on the panel


Wonder what you make of this? Cllr Brian Silvester, a Conserative councillor in Cheshire East, is calling on the BBC to hand over unbroadcast footage of the recent riots to the Police if it can be used to identify the culprits responsible for the looting and destruction and lead to their prosecution.

On the Media Show on Radio 4 the BBC's Head of News Gathering, Fran Unsworth (about 17.30 minutes in), that if the Police wanted the footage the Police would have to apply for a court order to get it. She said:
"No. We don't do that without a court order. It is a matter of principle for us." She added that she didn't want to "compromise our standards". She said if the police "come up with a court order we will probably hand them over."


A Biased BBC reader draws this to our attention;

"I've noticed something for a long-time that is clear evidence of bias - and that really gets on my nerves, but easily slips one's mind because it's so incomparably insignificant compared to TV News output or Question Time (which I'm really quite looking forward to!)...
Whenever one links a BBC Story (and this most often occurs on Facebook), then the head-line changes from what's actually on the news-page you're linking to, to a more conspicuously supported position of the BBC. For example, I'm working at X and predicted that European Share Markets would collapse and the ECB would run-out of money. My predictions were largely correct. Thus I wished to post the BBC link to the fact that Shares had plummeted as I predicted. The original headline was "European Share Markets reverse Earlier Gains", which is still inaccurate but to be honest, the best we can expect from the Beeb. However, when I posted the link on Facebook, it transformed to a different headline altogether, "European Share Markets open higher"... Now these headlines give two completely different impressions. The first headline implies that European Markets are declining. The other, making no mention of this, implies everything is fine with the ECB/European Bond-Markets and that, at a quick-glance, nothing is worth worrying about.
I've found that it does this whenever I post an article from the BBC regarding the Middle-East Conflicts, the European Crisis, Terrorism and quite a few other topics. I also wish to draw your attention to perpetual re-writing within the BBC. The problem is that the BBC will say something - and when it turns-out not to be true - they merely delete it or alter the sentence so that when you look back upon it, you think you've been mistaken. I know of numerous examples where this happened (such as the Breivik story, amongst others)... Surely, the BBC shouldn't put-out material that it wont stand-by in perpetuity. Surely, they must fact-check before putting out news-content?
These insidious, internet-based tactics - sometimes to hide biases that have turned out not to stand-up to facts - and sometimes, to promote their view of a story to people glancing at a headline... are yet more evidence of the BBC not behaving by those rigorous journalistic standards that it uniquely will hold against NewsCorp, but not the Trinity and Mirror Group or, evidently, itself."


A B-BBC reader writes;

"Simon Kelner, editor in chief of the Independent, is not in the BBC but is of the BBC, someone with a mindest firmly in line with the BBC....and it seems quite happy to defend the BBC against accusations that it might be abit on the Liberal side.....(and the BBC were still calling the rioters and looters 'protesters' on Wednesday' he should note)....
Letter from Simon Kelner Thursday, 11 August 2011 'So now we know it's serious. Not only has Parliament been recalled from its summer recess, but BBC1 will tonight broadcast a special edition of Question Time on the riots, the first time the programme has had its own holiday break interrupted. What a relief! Just when you were worried that an insufficient number of people had offered an opinion on the disturbances, along come David Dimbleby and co to tell us what they think. ......And add to that the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph castigating the BBC (didn't you just know it would be its fault!) for their general liberalism and, in particular - on the first night of disorder - referring to rioters as protesters. Each to their view and we can but wonder at how opinion splits on party lines! I will offer only this thought on an aspect that seems to have been forgotten, amid the rush to judgement. If the police hadn't gunned down someone who, it is now believed, did not shoot at them, none of this would have happened and we could have gone on in blissful ignorance of the social and economic divisions that blight Britain.'


It must be the unique way they are funded....

Chief operating officer Caroline Thomson, one of the corporation's biggest cab users, claimed £2,814 on cars in a three-month period - £100 up on the previous quarter. The claims, for quarter four of the past financial year, were disclosed as the BBC said expenses claims were down overall on the previous year. It also pointed out the number of senior managers and the amount they are paid has been reduced. Ms Thomson - who receives a salary of £307,000 - had claimed £2,715.59 for the previous quarter. For the full financial year she ran up a total taxi bill of £10,381, the newly-disclosed expense claims show.
Because she is worth it?


(A guest contribution by Graeme Thompson, who posts as ‘hippiepooter’)

"Firstly, I’d like to say, that from what I have seen of BBC coverage of the riots (mainly BBC News24 and R5L) I would say that on the whole, it has been good. Especially ‘way to go’ to Sophie Raworth for describing thisfootage as “the police up the ante”.
That said, when we go into prime time BBC Television News, BBC News for mass public consumption, we see ‘BBC Bent’ - BBC News editorialising and ‘on message’ for the Labour Party.
I’m talking Allan Little and Nick Robinson here. Robinson practising the black arts of media bias with more subtlety, Little, a bare faced liar.
In Allan Little’s report for the main news 9.8.11 he claimed that Mayor Johnson went walkabout and he was only met with angry residents. Bare faced lie. I was watching BBC24 rolling coverage earlier in the day. Firstly, Mayor Johnson had addressed a group of residents, a number of whom did subject him to hostile questioning, however, half an hour or so afterwards, the BBC cut to him approaching a large ‘broom squad’ while brandishing a broom himself. He was greeted by them as a hero and cheered to the rafters when making a speech.
Little’s voiceover of Johnson only being met by angry residents featured the footage of Boris Johnson approaching the cheering, broom wielding residents (who were out of view) but then cut to the footage of him facing the hostile questions that had happened earlier. BBC Bent.
Robinson was more insiduous. Watch his report yesterday from 06:45mins (I don’t think it will be available on iplayer tomorrow). In my view he adopted a sarcastic tone to the Prime Minister’s statements and contrasted how the Prime Minister did not take to the streets of Birmingham (didn’t he?) but Ed Miliband did to the streets of Manchester. He featured a staged piece to BBC camera from the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition with a purple overalled ‘broom squad’ behind him (genuine citizen inspired ‘sweep up’ initiatives did’nt see people issued with overalls). Should the BBC be collaborating with the Labour Party Leader to deliver stage managed pieces to the British public as ‘News’ preceded by implicit sneering at his opponent? Robinson is a party hack for Labour.
On Newsnight 09.08.11 (about 15mins in or so) the appallingly sneering and, well, ‘completely up himself’ David Grossman was in top BBC biased form, with a suitable intro from the equally appalling Gavin Esler. Amongst various Gramscian delights, Grossman managed to refer sneeringly to Mayor Johnson being ‘the last to hit the tarmac’, and featured clips of him and the Deputy Prime Minister getting a hard time from members of the public. Somehow, the footage of Labour Leader Ed Miliband getting a hard time from members of the public in Peckham that featured earlier on the BBC managed to elude him.
The response of the Metropolitan Police to the riots and to a lesser extent other, ahem,‘Services’, has been so weak because they have been emasculated by 30 years of Political Correctness. The Gramscian BBC has played a pivotal role in this emasculation. We don’t need another inquiry into the Police, what we need is an Inquiry into Inquiries: The Scarman Inquiry and most especially the MacPherson Inquiry that came to the genuinely insane and Communist conclusions that have led directly to the mayhem we have seen just now. A key part of any such inquiry would be to examine the subversive propaganda war that led to the insanity of the MacPherson Report and the key role that the BBC played in that propaganda war.


I listened in to the Today programme today and, as usual, it lived down to expectations. We had the uberliberal Church of England prelate Richard Chartres on to tell us about the "minority without hope". Presumably their lack of access to Iphones and Plasma TV forces their hand into looting. Then we had Mark Easton philosophising here, note the references to "cuts". Next up; Nick Clegg. Again the line that BBC pursues is the awful "Cuts" and a reference or two to Thatcher. In the BBC lexicon, Thatcher stands for greed. By contrast, Labour stands for "social inclusivity." Naughtie was daring Clegg to agree with Cameron that there is a sickness in our society knowing the Clegg's liberalism prevents him from doing so. Hugh Orde's comments were then wheeled out to imply that it is impossible to implement any cuts in the bloated ranks of UK Policing. (Axing all public funds to ACPO would be a good start to save money) It is perfectly obvious that the BBC has reverted to type, accepts the "lack of yoof club provision" analysis of the likes of Chartres, and is now doing what it does best - undermining the Government.