Blogger Dumb Jon, commenting below on David Starkey :
Quote Of The Day
>> SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2011
I could almost put up with the whole BBC collapsing with a fit of the vapours over Starkey's comments, except that in almost any other context these guys are desperate to tell us how 'edgy' they are and how much they like pushing boundaries. Hell, if Starkey had just dropped his trousers and called for the age of consent to be abolished, they'd probably have signed him up for his own show right then and there.
Relevant to Starkeygate - this Guardian piece from 2006. I always enjoyed him on the Moral Maze, even when I disagreed, which was often. He said what he thought. But that's the last thing that's wanted on the BBC. As that school sneak Owen Jones said in the Guardian : "I fear that some people will now say that David Starkey is right". Incidentally, don't think that suppressio veri about the riots is restricted to national BBC news. I was in Birmingham on Tuesday night, which was quiet as could be because of the anger and threatened backlash after the deaths of three Asian men. I don't know who was presenting the evening show on Radio WM which replaced the sports, but he kept talking about the tragedy of the men who died after "a collision" or "after a road traffic accident"! You'd think they'd hit a truck on the M42.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
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Britannia Radio