Friday, 12 August 2011

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement and the FDA’s Role
The goal of eugenics is to utilize science to improve the genetic composition of a population. The elite eugenics ruling class is terrified of rapid population growth in “undesirable genetic stock.” Their efforts are focused on controlling rapid population growth in developing countries, such as African nations, and in minority groups in the United States and other developed countries. The “scientific” theory of eugenics.....
by Byron J. Richards, CCN

President Downgrade
The U.S. is the nation that defeated Nazism, stood down communism, and helped spread democracy and freedom wherever these ethereal blessings could take root. It is the land that has provided 300 million people of all races, creeds and colors unprecedented wealth and human rights. For these reasons and others, American presidents generally exhibited a healthy patriotism........
by Selwyn Duke

An Economic Observation
Since the very beginning of our nation we have been fighting over how to fund the operations of the central government. Various schemes were tried and upon the adoption of the Articles of Confederation we had decided that the federal government would be funded by the states thereby affording a great deal of control over the central government. This was found untenable as some states would not pay or did not pay full amounts and there was no recourse for the central government to force payment......
by Michael LeMieux

Don’t play into Obama’s hands
It is not surprising that Axelrod, Senator Kerry, Howard Dean along with other Obama worshippers blame the Tea Party for the historical downgrade in credit and the related stock market crash the last several days. That not only does not pass the laugh test but is like saying that the Firefighters are to blame for requiring that folks leave the burning building so they can save lives! I pray that America has finally awakened to the.....
by Laurie Roth