Thursday, 18 August 2011

Ken Livingstone tells Total Politics of the Ken v Boris choice…

“I don’t think it’s been so clear since the great struggle between Churchill and Hitler

Sometimes Guido almost feels sorry for Ed. Almost. Despite all his hard work pretending not to be a pinko, when Ken Livingstone says that for “the first time since John Smith died… there’s a Labour leader who actually likes me”, you’re in trouble. In a what looks set to be a fairly rambling interview with Amber Elliott from Total Politics, Red Ken does his leader no favours in trying to compare Boris to Hitler. We all know how well his last Nazi analogy went…

One thing that did make Guido laugh though was the reference that the perpetual former Mayor made about Gordon being mental:

“Brown was manoeuvred into a position where we were seen together, and he looked reasonably comfortable with that. I think they had him on something for those occasions.”

In jest perhaps, but too near to the truth to be that funny…