Thursday, 18 August 2011 09:58 Fresh on the heels of his well-received second placing in the Ames straw poll on Saturday, Ron Paul has trounced so-called “frontrunner” Rick Perry in a presidential survey of voters in both candidate’s home state of Texas. “Answering the question, “If the Texas Republican primary were held today, which presidential candidate would you be most likely to vote for?” 22 percent of those polled selected Mr. Paul. Just 17 percent of respondents voted in favor of Mr. Perry,” reports the State Column. The survey was conducted by Azimuth Research Group.' Read more: Ron Paul Trounces Rick Perry In Presidential Poll Thursday, 18 August 2011 09:48 'New powers allowing police to clear the streets and create "no-go" areas for the public are being considered, the home secretary, Theresa May, has said. May said it was time to consider whether the police needed a power "to impose a general curfew in a particular area" in the aftermath of last week's riots. The home secretary said the government was also contemplating tougher powers to impose curfews on individual teenagers under the age of 16.' Read more: UK Riots: Police Could Get New Curfew Powers, Says Theresa May
Thursday, 18 August 2011
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Britannia Radio