Saturday, August 06, 2011
As Italy's Bond Market Goes, So Goes the World?
Killed US Forces in Afghanistan Were Special Ops on Mission to Rescue Other Elite Troops; Worst Incident in Decade-Long War
A terrible day in the Islamist hell called Afghanistan. Click here for the story.CHINA SLAMS US 'DEBT ADDICTION'
Friday, August 05, 2011
Medvedev to Assad: Prepare for 'Sad Fate'
Iran's Advance to Atomic Armageddon
Sunday, 7 August 2011
There should be no war in Afghanistan. The war that should have been formally declared on the country as a proper response to the Taliban-aided Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 should and could have been won in a matter of days--with the obliteration of Al Qaeda and the Taliban--using tactical nuclear weapons, napalm, whatever it would have taken to wipe the Islamist (clerical fascist) scum off the face of the earth.
But the dirt wasn't destroyed; it was dislodged. AQ leader Osama Bin Laden and Taliban head Mullah Omar and their most senior commanders escaped, or were allowed to escape, one could say, given the botched bottling-up operation at Tora Bora. The mass murdering monsters fled to neighboring, nuclear-armed Pakistan, an Islamic state that (a) created the Taliban, and (b) assisted and harbored Al Qaeda operatives, including Bin Laden, himself, right up until he was finally hunted down and killed by Navy SEALs--members of the same unit that lost so many men today--on the edge of Pakistan's equivalent of West Point.
Calling for New Global Currency, Red Regime Dictates
Terms to World's Sole Superpower that Would Reduce
US Power and Prestige and Pauperize US Workers
Who Lost America? Bi-Partisan Betrayal of America
in Name of Free Trade, Global Progress, Certain
to be Major Political Issue as Catastrophe Looms
One-World Economy, One-World Currency ...
One-World Central Bank, One-World Government ...
End of US Sovereignty as We Know it ... Our Future?
The Syrian regime's time is running out, according to Russia's president. Click here for the story.
UPDATE: Debkafile says Medvedev's real meaning is that the United States and its NATO allies are preparing to intervene militarily in Syria (and Yemen, too) in order to "tighten the noose" around Iran (and Hezbollah, too, presumably) ahead of an attack on Iran's suspect nuclear facilities. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio