Monday, 1 August 2011

A selection of recent media reports

) Twenty-five illegal immigrants have been found dead after being packed
The Mail On Sunday (01-Aug-2011)

By Alex Stevenson Britain should push to prevent an influx of immigrants after Turkey joins the EU, MPs have said. The Comm (01-Aug-2011)

Turkey must tighten up its border controls if it is to become a member of the European Union, MPS have warned, sa
Channel 4 News (01-Aug-2011)

) Illegal migrants will find it 'even easier' to enter the EU if Turkey is al
The Mail On Sunday (01-Aug-2011)

Home Office must assess impact of Turkish entry into EU to avoid repeat of 2004 influx of eastern E (01-Aug-2011)

) They are an elite cadre of EU immigration guards sent to police border
The Mail On Sunday (01-Aug-2011)

Steve Hilton and Maurice Glasman may get a lot wrong, but politics needs intellectual provocateurs l (31-Jul-2011)

) I have felt bone-chilling fear twice in my life. The first occasion was while fil
The Mail On Sunday (31-Jul-2011)

We like to think we are a reasonable country, yet we are home to all kinds of extremism (31-Jul-2011)

Vulnerable women will be particularly affected under new rules
The Independent (31-Jul-2011)