There are a few ways you can find out more about the book. Updates on relevant breaking news, coverage of the book and responses to environmentalist attacks are all available at
- Green taxes were excessive by £500 a family in 2010. Motorists in particular are being singled out for disproportionate taxation. This got very prominent coverage in major national newspapers.
TaxPayers' Alliance Bulletin - 18th August
Special Bulletin - Let Them Eat Carbon
Climate change policies are driving up energy bills dramatically; making everything from driving to work to flying on holiday more expensive; and putting manufacturing workers out of a job. Much of the money goes straight into the pockets of a bewildering range of special interests. TPA Director Matthew Sinclair’s new book Let them eat carbon - released today - reveals not just how much it is all costing and who is making a fortune, but who is promoting this failing agenda and how we can stop the rip-off.
It is released today, you can order it on Amazon and it will be arriving in bookstores soon around the country.
Find out more about the book
- The major climate regulations the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the Renewables Obligation are costing a fortune, hurting manufacturing industry and adding to family electricity bills. The EU ETS cost £1.9 billion in 2010 and the Renewables Obligation £1.1 billion in 2009-10. Many special interests make a fortune, like ArcelorMittal who have enjoyed more than €1 billion worth of surplus emissions allowances over the last two years.Do something about it
If you want to help stop excessive green taxes then sign this petitionfrom Robert Halfon MP which calls for no Fuel Duty rises for the rest of this Parliament. With inflation and after the recent cut that would make a big reduction in the tax and save a lot of money for motorists currently getting hit hard by excessive taxes. It is currently running second on the Government’s new e-petition website with around 50,000 signatures and if it reaches 100,000 it is almost certain to be debated in Parliament.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
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Britannia Radio