Thursday, August 18, 2011
Obama Explicitly Calls for Assad to Resign
Egypt-Linked Islamists Strike Southern Israel
Scandal: Iraq Supports Syria
Iran Wants a War With America -- in Korea
US Justice Department Investigating S&P
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
N. Korea Vows to Build More Nukes
Thursday, 18 August 2011
The U.S. President's first explicit call for Assad's resignation--read the news here--is likely to be met by increased Iranian support for the Syrian dictator and more Iranian-backed terrorism and aggression around the world, from Iraq and Afghanistan to the Sinai and Korean peninsulas.
Nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran--which Barack Obama disastrously appeased and attempted to align with in a Grand Bargain to pacify the Middle East and advance U.S. interests in Central Asia, will make every effort possible to distract, drain, and demoralize "the Great Satan" as the turbaned tyranny plots and plans the destruction of "the Little Satan"--Israel--and "a world without America and Zionism."
Having failed to win over non-Arab Iran's Shiite mullahs, Obama is now trying to team with non-Arab Turkey's Sunni Islamist rulers. Hence, Turkey's
Obama of the Muslim World (unlike Lawrence of Arabia) sees a revived Ottoman Empire, a supposedly "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood-dominated Egypt, and creation of a "contiguous Palestinian state" following forced withdrawal of Israel to indefensible borders as the three pillars of his great obsession, which is the construction of a New Middle East that will be "on the right side of history," according to Obama and his henchpersons and advisors (e.g. Brzezinski and Power)--meaning, in sync with the sword of political and overlapping organized and state Islam.
Iraq's so-called soft line on Syria is a snub to the Obama administration and a sign of growing Iranian influence in Iraq, as reported here.
Also Related: Trillions of Dollars to Create an Iranian Satellite
Foreign Confidential™ analysts believe Iran is secretly subsidizing Pyongyang to raise tensions on the Korean Peninsula in order to distract the United States and divert attention from Tehran's nuclear weapons program and alliance with Syria.
More specifically, analysts assert Iran is paying North Korea to conduct a third nuclear bomb test that, like previous North Korean nuclear tests, will be observed by an Iranian delegation that will include nuclear scientists and intelligence officers, to test-fire missiles aimed at unnerving South Korea, the U.S., and Japan, and to challenge the South militarily with artillery, armed clashes, and other provocations.
Iran would actually like to see the North go to war with the South, believing that Iran's Stalinist/Kimist partner in nuclear and missile crimes could survive such a conflict and that it would further drain the U.S. and reveal it as being incapable of protecting an ally from devastation--with clear and menacing implications for Israeli security.
Foreign Confidential™ called for an international investigation of S&P--and the United States is leading the way. Click here for the news.
The Stalinist/Kimist/criminal regime--Iran's partner in proliferation--promises to strengthen North Korea's nuclear deterrent. Read the news here.
Foreign Confidential™ analysts say the regime will never scrap nuclear weapons. More likely than abandoning its atomic arsenal, the North will attack the South. Another Korean war is not at all unlikely; on the contrary, Pyongyang regards all-out war, including use of nuclear weapons, as a viable option.
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Britannia Radio