Friday, 26 August 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Section Page | News | Photos
To the shores of Tripoli
(WORLD Magazine)
Accession to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea Is Unnecessary to Secure U.S. Navigational Rights and Freedoms
(Heritage Foundation)
Rollback #2: Rep. Paul Gosar amendment prohibits military funds/assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood
(Center for Security Policy)
One muted cheer for Libya
(WORLD Magazine)
Qadaffi's End? And What Will Replace Him?
(Center for Security Policy)
The United States Should Be Concerned with France’s Banking Crisis
(Heritage Foundation)
European court allows ADF to intervene in multiple UK religious discrimination cases
(Alliance Defense Fund)
Obama Killed Osama, And Then Ignored His Own Advice
(Center for Security Policy)
Foreign Investment in the US Adds Jobs to Every State
(Heritage Foundation)
What Indian Economic Reform Could Mean for India and the U.S.
(Heritage Foundation)
CAIR In Retreat; Turns To Iranian State Media As Last Resort
(Center for Security Policy)
Understanding the Sacrifices of Our Men and Women in Uniform and the Importance of Protecting Their Rights at Home
(Heritage Foundation)
Explanations and excuses for English riots
(WORLD Magazine)
The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option
(Center for Security Policy)
Europe's Debt Crisis Signals Collapse of Social Welfare State
(Heritage Foundation)
Norway's Jewish Problem
(Center for Security Policy)
Jerusalem Countdown
(WORLD Magazine)
Mark Steyn on "After America," London Riots and Keynesian Culture: Scribecast, the Podcast of the Center for Media and Public Policy
(Heritage Foundation)
Breivik and Totalitarian Democrats
(Center for Security Policy)