Tolerance and Diversity: America's Achilles Heel
Every major terrorist attack on the Western world from slaughtering Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics to 9/11 served humanity with a warning. Islam, whether peaceful and prolific birthrates or treacherous terrorism, marches forward with one prime directive: dominate all cultures and countries. It’s been a slow boil since 9/11 when Muslim terrorists drove airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York City. Out of the ashes, Islam expects to build a massive mosque honoring its religion within a block of the......
by Frosty Wooldridge
The Illogical Janet Napolitano
Janet Napolitano was asked – when the vast majority of terrorist acts have been carried out by Muslim men, under the age of 35 – why we do not pay special attention to them. Her response has been rather shocking, if you use common sense, and revealing when you apply her answer to what her TSA department is doing under her direction. Her response was:.......
by Michael LeMieux
Will Deporting Millions of Muslims be Necessary for Europe to Survive?
With a Muslim Commander in Chief, all branches of our military, legislature, and local governments beginning to be co-opted by supporters of Muslim Brotherhood, Cair, ISNA and other pro Muslim groups, to a more or lesser degree, the average American is completely dormant about the transformation of his country. Nowhere is there the leadership to deal with this issue! Whenever it is addressed, the race card is carefully played out, neutralizing opposition groups......
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren