Saturday, 6 August 2011

U.S. Eats Up Most of Debt Limit in One Day

'The debt subject to the statutory limit shot way past the old cap of $14.294 trillion to hit $14.532 trillion on Tuesday, according to the latest the Treasury Department figures, which are released on the next business day.

That increase puts the government already remarkably close to the new debt limit of $14.694, which means one day’s new borrowing ate up 60 percent of the $400 billion in space Congress granted the president this week.'

Read more: U.S. Eats Up Most of Debt Limit in One Day

Nearly Three-Quarters Believe Global Warming Data Falsified

'I’ve been watching the number of people who believe in anthropogenic global warming (AGW) fall for several years now.

At first, many if not most people were willing to give scientists the benefit of the doubt. After all, scientists and other “professionals” have a reputation of being concerned with facts, not opinions and agendas. Right or wrong, the general public has a historical perception of scientists as being objective and above personal biases.

But as people began to learn more about this apocalyptic prediction, their confidence in the scientific community in general and this hypothesis in particular began to drop. People began to realize how little actual solid evidence there is for AGW, and how much of the hypothesis is based on computer models.'

Read more: Nearly Three-Quarters Believe Global Warming Data Falsified

Britain's Role in Srebrenica Genocide

'Robert Hunt, US ambassador to NATO from 1993 to 1998, has blamed Britain for the Srebrenica genocide which resulted in the killing of 8000 Bosnian Muslims.

In response to statements made by General Sir Michael Rose, Commander of the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia in 1994, Hunt published a letter in the Financial Times on July 27, 2011.

In the letter, Hunt said that the main reason why NATO failed to prevent the Serb slaughter in Bosnia was that Britain tried its best to ruin the Alliance's cooperative action. “The failure of NATO to reach agreement on serious military action can be attributed to the efforts of one allied nation: Great Britain,” wrote Hunt.'

Read more: Britain's Role in Srebrenica Genocide