Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to all Atlas and Jihadwatch and SIOA members who wrote, blogged, emailed and railed against the proposed elimination of the Stop the Islamization of America Facebook group, which was first reported here on May 12th. Today, after the group was already archived and all 15,187 members had been "migrated" (FB euphemism for eliminated), Facebook relented and we received the upgrade option after all. Shocking, I know! Facebook gave in after I wrote several articles about this outrageous act of censorhip. World Net Daily ran this: There is a deeply disturbing development going on now at Facebook: Its management is dismantling groups, eliminating their memberships with an "upgrade" that is only available to some groups. And there is every indication Facebook is using political criteria to determine which groups get the upgrade and targeting conservative groups for elimination. In mid-May, my group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) had this warning plastered across the top of our Facebook group page, which we use to keep in touch with our members, notifying them of rallies, events, conference, and various other initiatives: I continued to rail against this ourtage here and here and here and here and here, prompting Neil Munro to run this in-depth piece at The Daily Caller. Our members "disappeared" on July 18th. Regular Atlas readers recall the story I broke a couple of months ago on Facebook fascism: Facebook's Fascism in Group Membership Elimination -- well, they did it. Despite several media outlets picking up my story, Facebook gave its users the big middle finger, but I believe we need a presence on Facebook -- so I ask you all to rejoin. A few months ago, I warned of this deeply disturbing development at Facebook here. Facebook management began dismantling groups, eliminating their memberships with an "upgrade" that was only available to some groups. SIOA was never offered the upgrade. And as promised, our membership disappeared. Despite this, my readers and I continued to write, email, and post to FB forums railing against this gross injustice. It worked. Today our members "reappeared" (beam me up, Scotty) and we were given the upgrade option. And so we are back, but we were never gone. Ain't no stopping us. Get the guide book now: Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 03:07 PM in FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) As if they needed Bin Laden as an excuse ......... U.K.: Muslim prison inmates believed to be planning "massive attack," staff nearly lost control after Friday prayers (hat tipMarisol) The excuse du jour for the threat of violence is a desire for revenge after bin Laden's death, though they weren't exactly a group of pacifists up to that point, either. "Muslim Boys gang are 'planning massive attack' at Belmarsh prison in revenge for Osama bin Laden killing," by Greig Box-Turnbull for The Mirror, August 2 (thanks to Weasel Zippers): Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 03:40 PM in Eurabia: Dhimmitude, Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Ah, Obama's childhood stomping grounds. He grew up in Indonesia; think it shaped his worldview? Respect it, dhimmi dogs! Will the Islamophobia never end? "Two Churches Torched in Indonesia," from the Jakarta Globe, August 3 (thanks to Twostellas): The incidents are the latest in a series of attacks on minority religious groups in Indonesia that have prompted international condemnation, including from the United States and European Union. The homes were being used as unlicensed houses of worship in Kuansing regency, VIVAnews reported. The first was in Pasarbaru in the district of Pangean and the second in the village of Logas in the district of the same name. A Kuansing Police representative attempted to downplay the incident, saying the homes were “only made of board” and not real churches.... Oh, why didn't you say so? Then it's okay! Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 02:01 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Atlas readers, you must have a look at this -- thanks to Snowcrash for alerting me to yet another attempt by My new book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, is the most important contribution I have made to this terrible fight we are in to save our civilization. Buy it, read it and pass it on. Every American needs to read it amd commit the strategy to memory. It's America's game plan tovictory. I expect vicious attacks on me and the book. Pure hell. I don't care, as long as people read it. Atlas readers, please, counter these quislings' smear campaign on the Amazon page. You think he's obsessed much? Please read the whole thing here -- Charles Johnson’s Lizards don’t like the First Amendment much, especially that pesky Freedom of The Press annoyance. I don’t think we’ve been down this path before. Oh wait, we have… I remember. But that was then, and this is, um, then as well. Charles Johnson won’t do it himself, so he’s got his loyal lizards dropping droppings, but not in the review section this time, because they can’t. They are doing it in the category section, before Pamela Geller’s book has even been released by Amazon. Here’s jaunte’s screenshot from Amazon: --- here, go there's much more. UPDATE: A Facebok comment: Regina wrote: "Can't wait for this book! Preordered. Actually would have prefered a signed copy, but that wasn't an option. I couldn't believe what some of "tags" the people who couldn't possibly have read the book put on the book." "Some of my friends tried to stop him by talking to him. Many people thought that it was a test ... comparing it to how it is to live in Gaza." Eyewitness statement the day of the shooting. (ABC News) The day of the Norway shooting, I was blindsided by one of the survivor's statements to the press immediately after the shooting (see above). It was so outside the box, I thought it was the kneejerk response of an anti-semite in shock. I didn't blog on it because I thought it anecdotal, badly anecdotal. But the more that is revealed about that youth indoctrination center, the more grotesque the whole story becomes. Of course, the genocidal leftists will twist what I write here; I am not condoning the slaughter in Norway or anywhere. I abhor violence (except in regard to self defense). But the jihad-loving media never told us what antisemitic war games they were playing on that island. Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda. Only the malevolent media could use the euphemism summer camp and get away with it. The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no justification for Breivik's actions whatsoever. There is also no justification for Norway's antisemitism and demonization of Israel. Herre is what the Anti-Mullah has on the conference: Continue reading "Summer Camp? Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center" »VICTORY! FACEBOOK CAVES, SIOA GROUP MEMBERS NOT ELIMINATED
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Governors at Britain’s top terror jail believe al-Qaeda extremists are planning a major attack as payback for Osama bin Laden’s death.
Security has been stepped up to “unprecedented” levels at Belmarsh prison after warnings that the Muslim Boys gang is plotting a revenge mission. A 15-strong riot squad in stab-proof vests has hidden around the jail’s chapel during Muslim prayers on Fridays in case of an attack.
Another team of officers has been on standby ready to assist.
Prisoners on House Block One, which includes 39 terror suspects, added to the tension by staging a mass show of defiance on Friday.
Inmates refused to return to their cells and a source says “staff very nearly lost control of the jail”.
The standoff was only ended when officers brandished batons and demanded a retreat as they marched towards the prisoners.
The source said: “It’s a powder keg waiting to go off.
“There are concerns it will take an officer’s death before the Muslim Boys are tackled seriously.
“The levels of security being employed are unprecedented.Management are worried the Muslim Boys are planning an incident in Bin Laden’s honour on a scale never seen before.
“Security around the past three Friday prayers has been massive.”
The prayers at the Category A prison in South-East London are attended by high profile terror figures including hook-handed preacher of hate Abu Hamza.
The Muslim Boys, a splinter group of al-Qaeda, are thought to have been plotting since Bin Laden was killed by US troops in May.
Two homes used as churches were burned to the ground in Riau on Tuesday night, a report said.
the well-paid operative plant chuckie cheezy to smear and defame my work. How this assclown can encourage people to write reviews when it's not even in stores boggles the rational mind. But he is not well; he is infected with the poison of evil.Charles Johnson’s Flying Monkeys Astroturf Amazon – AGAIN August 3, 2011 Briareus