Friday, 12 August 2011 10:14 Please come and join in a peaceful, static gathering in support of your objection to Norman Scarth, aged 85, being imprisoned for 6 months.
video update recorded 11.08.11 Norman Scarth is an 86-year-old decorated war veteran who has recently been arrested and put in jail for 6 months for filming a court trial in Bradford. Norman severed onboard the HMS Matchless destroyer during the WW2 and most notably fought against the German Battleship Sharnhorst at the battle of the North Cape. Many people are worried for the health of this local elderly war veteran, who has not been allowed legal representation, visitors or access to his medication. The case is particularly concerning, because Norman committed the apparent offence, was detained, had a hearing, was sentenced and imprisoned all in the same day. This is highly irregular practice and did not allow for Norman to be lawfully sentenced. There was no lawful due process. There is also outrage that he is being held in Armley prison, a category B institution that generally holds prisoners for much more serious offence. Supporters are massively concerned about the health and safety of an 86-year-old man in this kind of environment. Norman decided to record a trial with a video camera and the judge observed this and requested that he did not. Norman declined and an argument ensued, resulting in Norman’s detainment. What’s ironic is that Norman has been a campaigner against injustice for many years. In 1998 Norman was single handedly responsible for an important human rights case (Scarth v UK) for the British judicial system. This case involved hearing cases in private might violate a person’s right to a public trial. Due to this, Normans plight is attracting international interest, with Russia today covering a story on the injustice of the case. Chris Jarvis, who is a close friend of Norman, has said: ‘We’re all very shaken about the case and concerned about Normans safety and well being. We are especially appealed at the speed of the imprisonment, which did not allow for any form of defence to be built up for Norman. Also, he is currently being refused legal representation, visitor rights, and we are worried that he is not getting his medication. We’re also worried about his housing situation- if he survives his prison sentence for the full 6 months, he may not have a home to return to. For all this to happen to an 86 year old man, who has given so much to this country, both in the military and in his human rights campaigns, just for using a camera in court seems massively unjust. This is a man who is entitled to the everyday rights that we the public take for granted, and in particular this man is being effective tortured contrary to Article 3 of the human rights act that prohibits torture as written in UK Legislation’. There will be a show of support for Normans plight on the 13th of August outside Armley prison with mainstream media coverage. 13th August 2011 at Armley Prison Leeds
Call for Peaceful Rally In Support of Norman Scarth
Call for Peaceful Rally In Support of Norman Scarth 10/08/11
For Further Information please contact: Tony Murray or Chris Jarvis at
Saturday, 13 August 2011
AUGUST 10, 2011
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Britannia Radio