Here's one for you:
Oh no, I turn my back and what happens? "Israel pounds Gaza after attacks". Those pesky Jews once again up to their old tricks. Happily the BBC is there to record that....
Today is "A" level results day and the BBC was able to provide their usual unique coverage of this annual It's interesting to compare how the BBC and Sky cover the same story. Take the visit by Prince Harry to Salford today, for example. As I was driving home from work this evening, I had the great misfortune to hear how BBC Radio 4's PM programme covered it. The angle chosen was whether local people were happy to see him there- or not. Two people interviewed, one for the visit, one against it. So, the impression given was that a substantial number of people from Salford resented the presence of Prince Harry. I then happened to catch Sky News covering the same subject only they chose to stick to the facts of the visit without the need to Royal bash. It was a radical difference in approach. The BBC College of Journalism - the fulcrum of BBC indoctrination of its reporters - has recently undergone a re-vamp of its website. At the heart of this vastly expensive concatination is a section which instructs staff how to report science. Here - this defies belief - it becomes clear that the corporation has now fully sub-contracted its responsibilities to the Science Media Centre, an organisation, which as I have pointed out before, is run by Fiona Fox, a man-made climate change fanatic with no real journalistic experience. At the heart of the instructions of how to report science is a major homily on how those who "deny" climate change should not be granted airtime (about seven minutes into the video). And meanwhile, the so-called "Science" Media Centre continues its own multi-pronged rubbishing of the hated deniers, featuring prominently this disgraceful ad hominem attack on Peter Sissons. one of the corporation's most distinguished journalists:
A B-BBC reader notes...
This, of course, was inevitable. The BBC were never be happy about thugs being actually sentenced for their crimes looting and rampaging through our streets, but they are so subtle and so the new agenda item is "proportionately". Enter Lord McDonald. Interviewed by Today presenter Sarah Montague, he warned there was a risk of a "collective loss of proportion" and said it was important that courts maintain their objectivity and do not get swept up in any moral panic that might be elsewhere in society.
Your License Fee Hard At Work: BBC Arabic and Persian Edition
>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2011
Proud to be American
With a sister who wears the hijab and a cowboymad Muslim father who dresses like John Wayne, Seema Jilani enjoys a diverse family life. The Texas-based paediatrician, who has worked in Afghanistan and Pakistan and written extensively on health and social issues, is an engaging contributor to a new BBC documentary, American Muslim: Freedom, Faith and Fear.
Sure, why not? The whole family is Muslim, but their clothing is diverse, so that counts as "a diverse family life" when seen through the agenda-tinted glasses.
Other participants include a fashion designer, an imam, a comedian, a Marine, a Republican congressman and a forthright newspaper columnist - all with something to say about Muslims who live in the Land of the Free. The illuminating 60 minute tv programme, to be accompanied by a World Service radio documentary, emerged from a competition that invited proposals for a collaborative project between BBC Arabic and BBC Persian.
Which means it's meant to be targeted at Mohammedans in those regions, and not for your consumption. It's nice, though, that the BBC is actually presenting these people with a positive image of the US, for a change.
'The original idea was to concentrate on the Bible Belt where there are fascinating similarities between devout Christians and devout Muslims,' explains BBC Persian reporter Karen Zarindast.
You mean like how they think of women as childbearers first and foremost, subject to the absolute rule of the husband, and their feelings about homosexuality, for example? I won't hold my breath.
The Israeli military has carried out air strikes over the Gaza Strip, targeting those it blamed for a series of deadly attacks in southern Israel. At least six people, including a senior militant, were killed in the air strikes, Palestinian sources said. earlier, Israeli officials promised a strong response after attacks on vehicles near Eilat left seven dead. Israeli officials said Gazan militants were responsible, although Gaza's Hamas government denied involvement.
debasement of standards,tribute to the excellent unionised teaching profession. So many happy kids, of course,here is the BBC shot chosen to illustrate the scene at a typical English school.
The former newsreader, Peter Sissons, claims in his autobiography that the BBC Trust report was commissioned in January 2010 as a response to blog campaigns by self-proclaimed 'sceptics' against the Corporation’s coverage of climate change. But one major response to this important report should be for the BBC to make stronger efforts to uphold the public interest by challenging the inaccurate and misleading claims of bloggers, campaigners and politicians who reject and deny the findings of mainstream science for ideological reasons. The BBC is required by law not to sacrifice accuracy for impartiality in the coverage of controversial scientific issues such as climate change. Yet, it is well known that there are particular BBC presenters and editors who allow self-proclaimed climate change 'sceptics' to mislead the public with unsubstantiated and inaccurate statements. For instance, the BBC TV programme 'The Daily Politics' recently allowed one 'sceptic' to assert, unchallenged, that "pensioners will literally die" as result of the UK’s climate change policies...
I have news for the BBC. Severe hardship is being caused because of green policies. The corporation's nakedly political activism on this subject is beyond contempt - and an insult to genuine science and scientists.
"Can't give you the precise date I am afraid, but listening to Radio 3 (a saving grace generally of the BBC) one morning shortly after the rioting, a new bulletin at 8.00am or 8.30am (but not repeated) said that a report calculated that average student debt would be £59,000 (note the specious accuracy). Quite how one gets from £8,000 a year to that figure rather baffled me. The implications were clear - the nasty rich Tories had snatched away the chance of higher education from the poor blacks of Hackney etc. by imposing crippling debts. No wonder they rioted."
Yes, it's vital we ensure that "morality" is kept out of the Courts. The BBC sympathised with the scum who were protesting, sorry rioting, (Or "crying out for help" as the BBC's new hero Prince Charles put it yesterday) and now, when at least some are brought to justice, the new meme is all about how unfair and disproportionate it all is. The BBC is the best friend of the feral underclass who demonstrate physically what the BBC intellectualise.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Ah, those Gazan "militants".Further down the article the BBC reports that"attacks" has "left seven Israelis dead and that a number of gunmen were killed in an ensuing firefight" Seems that wasn't enough for those aggressive Israelis, right? Good old BBC - reliably anti-Israel to the rancid core.
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