Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is International Business Editor of The Daily Telegraph. He has covered world politics and economics for 30 years, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels.

Click here to find out more!


China 'faces subprime credit bubble crisis'

Monetary tightening in China threatens to pop the £1.07 trillion credit bubble in local government finance and expose the country's simmering "subprime" crisis, according to the Communist Party's economic guru.

17 Sep 2011

Brown fears crisis worse than Lehman

Gordon Brown has warned that Europe's fast-escalating crisis is now more dangerous than the Lehman Brothers disaster three years ago, threatening to tip the West into a 1930s-style slump.

16 Sep 2011

China risks hard landing as global woes spread

China will not be able to buttress the global economy a second time.

15 Sep 2011

IMF: Europe must take 'decisive action' on banking crisis

The International Monetary Fund has issued its starkest warning to date that Europe's banking debacle is turning into a systemic threat to global finance and can no longer be allowed to fester.

14 Sep 2011

China wants to break the ultimate taboo

China has punctured the last delusion. There will be no rescue of Italy until Europe agrees to major strategic concessions, and only after EMU's fiscal sinners clean house.

14 Sep 2011

China states price for Italian rescue

China has called for major strategic concessions from Europe before agreeing to rescue the eurozone, chilling hopes for immediate purchases of Italian bonds.

14 Sep 2011

Germany and Greece flirt with mutual assured destruction

Bild Zeitung populism has prevailed. Germany is pushing Greece towards a hard default, risking the uncontrollable chain reaction so long feared by markets.

11 Sep 2011