Militant Islamic Awareness Week continues Ann Barnhardt’s excellent contribution to awareness of Islam as practiced in the less advanced parts of the world, and in Sharia-compliant enclaves in Europe. Barnhardt adds that Hitler tried to morph Nazism into a religion as a substitute for religion, and throws in the torchlight rallies at Nuremberg: All that are missing are the torches and the swastikas. Barnhardt goes on to compare militant Muslims in the U.S. to the German-American Bund. Part 2 (We do not however agree with the exclusion of loyal Muslims from our Armed Forces.) The video defines militant Islamic sexuality as “pure... Beinisch Rules: If It’s Not State Land – Demolish It Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch rules: Anything not declared state land in Judea and Samaria is private land by default. By Elad Benari, INN Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch has ruled, not for the first time, that any area in Judea and Samaria that has not been declared state land is considered private Arab land by default and all buildings in such areas must be demolished. She could just as well have ruled that this land is not claimed and therefore could be settled by Jews according to the law that land that is worked on for ten years without prior proven ownership can become the property of those working it, or that unclaimed land can be given to Jews outright. Beinisch, however, made her guiding... Read the whole entry »o a friend • Some refer to him as “the Middle East’s new sultan in a neo-Ottoman empire” – yet the truth about Erdogan’s kingdom is utterly different. We are not facing an economic power, but rather, a state whose credit bubble will be exploding any moment now and bringing down its economy. The budget deficit of the collapsing Greece compared to its GDP stands at some 10%, and the world is alarmed. At the same time, Turkey’s deficit is at 9.5%, yet some members of the financial media describe the Turkish economy as a success story (for comparison’s sake, Israel’s deficit stands at some 3% and is expected to decline to 2% this year.) While Turkey’s economy grew by some 10% this year, this was merely the result of financial manipulation. So how does the system work? The banks in Erdogan’s Turkey handed out loans and mortgages to any seeker in recent years, offering very low interest rates; this was in fact a gift. As the interest rate was so low, Turkish... As the international noose grows ever tighter about Israel’s throat, the learned classes of Diaspora Jewry are not asking themselves the right questions. ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen. 4:9). “And Moses said unto the children of Gad and the children of Reuben: ‘Shall your brethren go to the war, and shall ye sit here?’” (Numbers 32:6). These should have been the besetting questions for American- Jewish intellectuals during Hitler’s twelve-year war against European Jewry; but generally they were not. They should be the pressing ones for the learned classes of Diaspora Jewry today, as the international noose grows ever tighter about Israel’s throat; but they are not. By Ted Belman The next session of the United Nations opens in a week. Everyone is scurrying around trying to negotiate a deal that avoids the recognition of a Palestinian state. In the meantime Abbas is threatening to go to the Security Council hoping to put pressure on the US who doesn’t want to have to veto the resolution. Netanyahu has offered to accept a GA resolution that offers the PA an upgrade but short of state recognition. His main concern is if the PA is recognized as a state, it will have the right to charge Israel with war crimes in the ICC. Evidently they will claim that the building of settlements are a war crime. The Greek Prime Minister added to the information recorded so far on Turkish fleet movements in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. He was particularly concerned by the observation flights suddenly increased in the past 48 hours over the Greek island of Kastelorizo in the southeast Mediterranean just two kilometers from the Turkish coast. Those flights are escorted by Turkish combat jets. Another Question comes to mind. Palestine could decide to bring all these refugees to Palestine in order to create bigger problems for Israel. Palestine would be harder to contain and the idea of annexation will be not an option. The pressure on Israel would mount. Imagine if all these refugees attempted to cross the fence along its entire length. So why is the PA so against this? You decide. Ted Belman The very first thing Israel did as a state was to do its absolute best to bring Jewish refugees everywhere home. European refugees from the Holocaust, Jews expelled from Arab countries with little more than the clothes on their backs, Jews in danger in Ethiopia — every Jew who needed a home was given one, despite the enormous cost, the lack of food and housing, and the precarious existence of the Jewish state. Now that the Palestinian Arabs are, or think they are, on the verge of statehood, what do they plan to do for the 4.5 million or so people who claim Palestinian... Militant Islamic Awareness Week Continues with the Center for American Progress The Center for American Progress, a tentacle of international financier and convicted inside trader George Soros, posted “Fear, Inc. The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America.” We sent the Center for American Progress an E-mail in which we objected to being left off the group’s list of Islamophobia misinformation experts. Let’s take a look at what the DHIMMIs (Dupes, Helpful Idiots, and Misguided Morons for Islamofascism) Center for American Progress call “Islamophobia.” Mapping the anti-Sharia bill says, “Twenty-three states have some kind of legislation or law that would ban the nonexistent threat of Sharia law being used in their courtrooms.” Is this what the Center for American Progress DHIMMIs call “nonexistent?” “Defendant forced plaintiff to have sex with him... Laura: Added to the list of those attending the UN’s Durban III freak show will be qaddafi associates. That any western nation would even consider attending this gathering of depraved Jew-haters, haters of freedom and practitioners of oppression and genocide, shows that much of the free world lacks a moral compass. U.N. Allows Qaddafi Associates to Attend Durban III This article by Anne Bayefsky appears on The Weekly Standard The U.N. has quietly released the list of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that will be allowed to attend its “anti-racism” conference on September 22, 2011 in New York. All NGOs that requested credentials to attend the so-called “Durban III” conference were granted permission, except for four groups. Excluded are organizations from Denmark and Nepal that represent the Dalits (sometimes referred to as “outcasts” or “untouchables”), one little-known group dealing with human rights in Iraq, and the Swiss-based U.N. Watch, despite its... On October 30, 2008 . . . prior to the Presidential election, I wrote the following: “PRESIDENT Barack Obama will be the worst thing for the USA and the entire world. And he will be poison for Israel”. I wrote a great deal more about my fears for an Obama victory prior to and just after the November 2008 election, which you can find in my Archives, but this one statement is enough to establish how far back I REALLY worried for Israel’s safety under this Narcissistic Demagogue, whose most important past associations screamed Israel-Hater. And I wasn’t the only one who rang warning bells before and after the vote. Conservative Talk Show Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and a great many others also did everything they could to warn the people. What bothered me even MORE than Obama’s victory . . . was whom it was who not only voted for him, but were amongst his NUMBER ONE SUPPORTERS. OBAMA SET THE STAGE: ...Ann Barnhardt: “Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil”
posted by Bill Levinson
“Islam is Not a Religion. Islam is a Political System.”
“Mohammad created Islam to enrich Mohammad, raise an army, and facilitate and legalize Mohammad’s sexual perversions” (note the part about consummation of a marriage to a 9 year old girl)
“Sharia law is sedition”Israel Supreme Court v The Gov’t of Israel
It is a ruling that therefore borders on political bias, saying in effect that Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria is not part of returning to Jewish land although Jordan has no better claim to it. Turkey’s economic lie
New York Jewish intellectuals: Another moral debacle?
Long after World War II had ended, William Phillips, co-founder of Partisan Review, recalled that Irving Howe, the most astute political mind among the Jewish intellectuals, “was haunted by the question of why our intellectual community … had paid so...High States Poker
Apparently Abbas doesn’t actually want to go through with it because he fears that US and EU funds will be withheld thereby putting the PA into bankruptcy. He desperately wants a lifeline so he can abandon ship. Some face saving concession. If he were to simply drop it, the sharks that surround him in Fatah would devour him.Israeli-Greek defense pact invoked versus Turkish naval and air movements
Israel and Greece have invoked the mutual defense pact they signed secretly only 12 days ago in the light of heavy Turkish sea and air movements in the eastern Mediterranean. debkafile’s sources report that this was decided in a long nocturnal phone conversation Wednesday night Sept. 14 between the Israeli and Greek prime ministers, Binyamin Netanyahu and George Papandreou, and at Israel’s expanded cabinet of eight, which was called into session over the Turkish threat to its off-shore oil and gas rigs.
Athens fears a Turkish attack on...Palestine no refuge for Palestinians
Militant Islamic Awareness for the Center for American Progress
by Bill LevinsonThe Durban III Abomination
Courtesy Of Obama – The Drums Of War Are Beating
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 17 September 2011
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Britannia Radio