Are Christians Idiots?
Islamo-phobic? Think Again, Part 2
When a man loves a woman, part 2
Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Part 17
You cannot be a follower of Christ and seek to force your neighbor to contribute to your welfare at the point of a sword or gun. You cannot be a modern socialist and a Christian. Those who think they can may be idiots. They are certainly non-participators in the Gospel of the Kingdom preached by Christ......
by Brother Gregory Williams
Not long ago, I read a fascinating book unlike any other. Translated into English from Arabic, the Girls of Riyadh compiles a series of emails written by a young Saudi Arabian woman who, at the time of the book’s release, was pursuing an endodontic degree in the States. Probably more entertaining than anthropomorphically relevant, our girls of Riyadh have much to teach us about Islamic culture and faith........
by Debra Rae
At this point, it would be both prudent and truthful for me to state that not only do I love my wife, but I favor all men loving their wives. However, that sentiment must not be the basis for the relationship. Marriages must be rationally approached and then based on commitment. The Biblical examples I cited warn that when a man allows his behavior with women to be dictated by his emotions, his judgment is often compromised......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
I have not handpicked only the verses that deal with their religious beliefs. Most of their writing contains references to their faith. They appear all through their writings. Even when they would write about another patriot talking between one another, they would talk about the strong faith of a third party. Their Christian faith was the most important thing to them. They were men of honor and integrity and their characters were above reproach..
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 4 September 2011
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Britannia Radio