includes many comments including this one:London Calling
September 20th, 2011 8:22pm Report this comment
David Parker
September 20th, 2011 5:24pm
It would appear that there is much confusion regarding the EU’s formation, its purpose and a way forward for Britain to leave, an example of this below. I have since learnt from my earlier post that a Bill to repeal the European Communities Act 1972 is already in process in the House of Commons, be it a lengthy one. Also an e-petition has been put forward for the repeal also, as well as many other variations for a referendum on the EU. This has added to the confusion as to where we are and the need to gather as much information into one place and one format to make a stronger case to present so that the public and those like myself who do not understand law can do so without reading ‘Understanding the EU for dummies’…:)…although it wouldn’t be a bad idea in layman terms…:)
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill 2010-11
Latest news on the Bill
1st reading: House of Commons 5 July, 2010
This Bill is expected to have its second reading debate on 20 January 2012.
House of Commons (the process)
First reading
Second reading * - 20th January 2012
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading
House of Lords
First reading
Second reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading
Consideration of Amendments
Roayal Assent
Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972
Responsible department: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The government should repeal the European Communities Act 1972 to enable the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Thus saving approximately £7billion pa in direct transfers from the UK tax payer to the EU. Other benefits would be ower food prices, rebuilding fish stocks and enable the rebirth of fishing communities,effectively policing our own borders and lessening illegal migration, reducing the attendant social costs, abolishing 'climate change' obligations we would save industry uneccessary costs and lower fuel prices, restoring judicial sovereignty, this country would no longer be guided by the decisions of judges of foreign powers. Most of this country's trade is once again with countries outside the EU. The countries of the EU will want to continue trading with us due to our deficits with them, they will not wish to incur sanctions from the WTO by imposing illegal tariffs. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Number of signatures:
Created by:
Ian Clay
Friday, 23 September 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio