Thursday, 22 September 2011

“Boys of the Taliban” (Taliban = NAMBLA)

Boys of the Taliban by Jamie Glazov
Posted by Bill Levinson

    Walid Shoebat, for instance, a former Palestinian terrorist, has openly related the abuse of young boys in Palestinian Muslim society. He himself witnessed a line of shepherd boys waiting for their turn to sodomize a five-year-old boy.

Q: How do they separate the men from the boys in militant Islamic societies?
A: With crowbars.

10 Reasons to Abolish the UN

By Bill Narvey

10 Reasons to Abolish the UN is an important work explained in meticulous detail.

It is a timely work as we have begun to bear witness to the ingathering of nations to the UN for its latest session where a great many tyrannical UN members get set to warmly welcome Ahmadinejad to the podium, where the Palestinians, will present letters to the UNGA and UNSC seeking a UN resolution to declare Palestine a state, which resolution is expected to pass given the majority of non-democratic UN members, sympathetic to Palestinians and antipathetic to Israel and the U.S, the leader of the democratic free world is flailing about trying to prevent such resolution from passing and reduced to practically begging Abbas to at least somehow soften the wording of his request for a resolution declaring Palestine a state.

Nature however, abhors a vacuum and so too does international realpolitik. The report thus concludes that the UN must be abolished and a new alliance created...

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Only 18% of Americans think Israel is the most trusted ally

Israel Hayom reported on a poll of American citizens which showed showed

    Asked which country was the greatest threat to the U.S., 34.8 percent said Iran, followed by China with 33.7% and North Korea with 17.6%. Asked which country was the second biggest threat to the U.S., 29.1% said North Korea, 28% said Iran and 16.2% said China.

    As if they believed Iran would use nuclear weapons against Israel, 75.7% of respondents said yes, while 12.8% said no. Asked if they believed Iran would use nuclear weapons to attack U.S. military bases and ships in the Persian Gulf and Middle East, 69.8% of respondents said yes while 20.6% said no.

So far so good. But the next thing was shocking.

    Asked which country was the most trusted and dependable ally of the U.S., 65% said England, followed by 18.2% who said Israel.

I am totally surprised that only 18% said Israel was the most trusted. No doubt the high regard for Britain as an ally is due to the fact that Britain was a partner with...

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What Comes After ‘Europe’?

The riots of Athens will become those of Milan, Madrid and Marseilles. Border checkpoints will return. Currencies will be resurrected, then devalued.


When the history of the rise and fall of postwar Western Europe is someday written, it will come in three volumes. Title them “Hard Facts,” “Convenient Fictions” and—the volume still being written—”Fraud.”

The hardest fact on which postwar Europe was founded was military necessity, crisply summed up by Lord Ismay’s famous line that NATO’s mission was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” The next hard fact was hard money, the gift of Ludwig Erhard, author of the economic reforms that created the Deutsche mark, abolished price controls, and put inflation in check for generations. The third hard fact was the creation of Jean Monnet’s common market that gave Europe a shared economic—not political—identity.

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70% of Israelis do not accept Obama’s proposal

Don’t be mislead by this poll. While 70% of Israelis would accept a Palestinian state, if approved by the UN, they would not accept 67 lines or East Jerusalem as its capital.

This poll, the title and the article are all leftist propaganda masquerading as impartial.

70% of Israelis say Israel should accept UN decision


Israel should accept the decision if the UN recognizes a Palestinian state, about 70 percent of Israelis answered in a recent Hebrew University poll.

The poll, which was conducted jointly by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah, also found that over 80% of the Palestinians support turning to the UN to obtain recognition of a Palestinian state. The survey was supported by the Ford Foundation Cairo office and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Ramallah and Jerusalem.

As well as exploring Israeli and...

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Will The U.S. Save Israel or Will Israel Save The U.S.?

by Herbert I. London, Hudson New York
September 21, 2011

With a vote at the UN this week on Palestinian statehood it is appropriate to ask if the United States will save Israel or will Israel save the United States.

After ten days visiting defense installations in Israel and talking to members of the general staff, my confidence about Israel’s ability to defend itself has soared. This tiny nation of seven million is a miracle of technical marvels and remarkable spirit. Every weapon system this nation buys is Israelized. The Israeli drone is a composite of parts from several nations and Israeli avionics. The F-15 is an American plane adapted for the conditions in the Middle East neighborhood.

While some native Israelis lament the decrease in national spirit, the IDF education program instills in every draftee a sense of national history and purpose. It is inspiring to meet teenagers of eighteen and nineteen who are prepared to make battlefield decisions. One...

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Bibi hangs tough on borders, I think.

Apparently Abbas has agreed to delay SC vote for a year in exchange for continuation of financial support. There is no indication in the article that Bibi has caved on borders.

LA timers reports at 8:30 PM PST

Under the plan, the council decision on the application for recognition, which Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas plans to make Friday, would be put off indefinitely. That would buy time for the U.S. to try to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, and would keep $600 million a year in American aid and other international assistance flowing to the Palestinians. Congress had threatened to cut the U.S. aid.

Diplomats said Abbas, who is scheduled to meet Wednesday with President Obama, had signed off on the plan.

The scenario, which Western officials have been trying to engineer behind the scenes for weeks, “is now likely,” a senior European diplomat said.

Bibi must say “no”. No sweetner justifies accepting ’67 lines

US presents plan for PA to defer UN bid for one year


The US and its allies changed tactics on how to avert a crisis over a Palestinian statehood bid, as the White House announced Tuesday that President Barack Obama would meet Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. At the same time, US officials conceded they could not stop Abbas from officially launching his case for the Security Council’s approval of the statehood effort.

But they hoped to contain the fallout by urging Abbas not to push for an actual vote in the Council, where the US has promised a veto, to give international peacemakers time to produce a statement that would be the basis for resumed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Obama is expected to make a pro forma request to Abbas when they meet Wednesday not to proceed with his initial plan, but also make the case for the Palestinian leader to essentially drop the move for statehood recognition after delivering his letter of intent to the UN, expected...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel