Friday, 9 September 2011

Daphne Leef’s speech to protestors on Sept 3/11

Daphne Leef is the person who first pitched her tent to protest high rent and then caused her protest to be supported by ever increasing numbers until it became the largest Israeli protest ever and was supported by over 95% of Israelis. So who is she?

In September 2002 Leef signed a public letter along with dozens of other pre-army-aged youths which declared their refusal to serve in the “army of occupation”. She never did serve in the IDF. When she started this protest she was living in a pricy neighborhood of Tel Aviv. She also worked for the NIF.

She is not the first middle class Israel who supported left wing causes. That doesn’t diminish the fact that a very high percentage of Israel agree that something must be done.

This is a rush translation of the speech Daphne Leef gave at Kikar HaMedina – The State Square – at the 300,000-strong (so they say) demonstration on Saturday night.

I for one do not attack her or the movement because it is left wing,...

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EDL carries an anti-Sharia banner in a Muslim area of Britain – not a good idea

EYE WITNESS STATEMENT: Tower Hamlets 03/09/11
By Nottingham_Patriot

Fist off I’d like to make clear this is the events that took place on 03/09/11 and 04/09/11 are reported as viewed through my eyes, the coach had 45 people on it and some events may be viewed differently and/or some events were not witnessed by myself – i must also point out ‘all’ of the persons on the coach excluding Jo and the driver have been arrested and bailed so certain points i will not go into detail as this could harm investigations that are currently ongoing.

Ill start from the point of pick up on Tooley Street as our driver did not go to the designated parking that i told him to this lead to us traveling back as a lone coach instead of with other coaches heading north/M1, i don’t know London so i took my seat at the back of the coach and left the driver to take us home.

We must have been 20/30mins...

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The good and the bad in the protestor’s demands

By Ted Belman

So what do the protest leaders want?

Haaretz summarizes their latest demands in an editorial on the subject. It considers their demands as “increasingly moderate”. What surprised me most was that they didn’t put forward a plan to increase the supply of housing.

    Aside from restating their previous demand that Manuel Trachtenberg resign as head of a panel designed to deal with Israel’s social issues, the protest leaders will attempt to “eliminate economic centralization”, propose a discussion to end monopolies, dismantle economic pyramids, increase competition, tax reform that would cancel the lowering of corporate taxes while raising taxes on high-income individuals, lowering indirect taxes, and monitoring of the capital market.

I can’t understand why they want Trachtenberg to resign but I totally agree with the balance of this paragraph. The one caveat I have is that raising taxes should not be so aggressive as to result in...

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Top 10 Non-Jews Positively Influencing Jewish Future

By Dovid Efune, Dir. Algemeiner Journal

I aim to provide a glimpse at their often courageous, sometimes unacknowledged activities on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.

10. Julie Burchill
Columnist and novelist
Currently a columnist for The Independent, she has written for newspapers such as The Sunday Times and The Guardian. The Jewish Chronicle described her in 2008 as “Israel’s staunchest supporter in the UK media.”

9. Jon Voight
Supporter of Jewish causes, most notably Chabad, Voight is also a prolific spokesman for Israel. A rarity in Hollywood circles, he has advocated for Jewish values, consistently reaching an often indifferent audience.

8. Patrick Debois
Founder, Yahad-In Unum
A Roman Catholic priest, Debois is head of the Commission for Relations with Judaism of the French Bishops’ Conference and Consultant to the Vatican. He is the co-founder and president of Yahad-In Unum, an organization whose mission is to...

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Will liberal NY Jews support Israel and reject Obama?

09/07/2011 00:07

New York Ninth Congressional District race attracting great attention because it’s serving as a referendum on Obama’s policies toward Israel.

US election season is clearly upon us as US President Barack Obama has moved into full campaign mode. Part and parcel of that mode is a new bid to woo Jewish voters and donors upset by Obama’s hostility to Israel back in the Democratic Party’s fold.

To undertake this task, the White House turned to its reliable defender, columnist Jeffrey Goldberg. Since 2008, when then-candidate Obama was first challenged on his anti-Israel friends, pastors and positions, Goldberg has willingly used his pen to defend Obama to the American Jewish community.

Trying to portray Obama as pro-Israel is not a simple task. From the outset of his tenure in office, Obama has distinguished himself as the most anti-Israel president ever.

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Harper says ‘Islamicism’ biggest threat to Canada

CBC News

In an exclusive interview with CBC News, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the biggest security threat to Canada a decade after 9/11 is Islamic terrorism.

In a wide-ranging interview with CBC chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge that will air in its entirety on The National Thursday night, Harper says Canada is safer than it was on Sept. 11, 2001, when al-Qaeda attacked the U.S., but that “the major threat is still Islamicism.”

“There are other threats out there, but that is the one that I can tell you occupies the security apparatus most regularly in terms of actual terrorist threats,” Harper said.

Harper cautioned that terrorist threats can “come out of the blue” from a different source, such as the recent Norway attacks, where a lone gunman who hated Muslims killed 77 people.

But Harper said terrorism by Islamic radicals is still the top threat,...

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Israel will soon be surrounded by Islamists bent on her destruction

[See also; Turkey set to sign military pact with Egypt]

DEBKA comments on the warnings from the home front and the denials by the Defense Ministry.

debkafile’s military analysts point out that while Gen. Eisenberg’s outlook is substantially credible for the long term, the events rushing forward in Libya, Syria and Egypt and the uncertainty in Jordan are rapidly shrinking the foreseeable time scale to weeks and making his words a wake-up call, whereas Gilead’s words aim at obfuscating six pertinent facts:

1. The “stable regimes” he referred to are a myth: In Egypt the military rulers are not in control. The latest US intelligence assessments, as the defense ministry’s adviser is no doubt aware, register dismay over the discovery that the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi extremist groups are assured of a two-thirds majority in elections for the presidency and parliament, for which the movement for toppling Hosni Mubarak fought so hard. The...

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Militant Islam’s Agenda in 105 Seconds

by Bill Levinson

Starts at 1:15 and ends at about 3:00. Everything we need to know about militant Islam in 105 seconds or less.

The movie (stars Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren) is worth ordering and watching, although its availability in DVD is surprisingly scarce. It ends with the militant “Muslims” running away from a dead guy.

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel