Bifurcation _ the supposition that there are only two mutually exclusive outcomes, when there may, in fact, be several. Also known as the “black and white” fallacy, the false dilemma fallacy and “either-or” fallacy. Example: “You either have faith, or you have reason. Which is it?” There are many more outcomes; you could have faith and reason, no faith and no reason or variations of these. They place faith and reason at two opposite ends and suppose them to be mutually exclusive. The person committing this fallacy assigns their definition to the words faith and reason. They assume that the argument is limited to these two false absolutes. Bifurcation – “The stoplight is either red or green, it can’t be both!” No in fact, it may be yellow. Join us at Steeling the Mind of America this Saturday in Denver, Colorado at the Denver Mariott South 11:00am – 2:00pm. For pricing and discount info see the brochure. Contact Compass for registration and seating info: 1-800-877-2177 or email staff@compass.orgFallacy of the week – Bifurcation
Steeling the Mind of America Conference – Sept. 17th.
Conference Location and Accommodations:
Denver Marriott South • 800-686-2767
10345 Park Meadows Drive
Littleton, CO 80124
Download the brochure here
Can’t make it? There’s a simulcast of the conference available for $29!
Click here for more info!
Saturday, 17 September 2011
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Britannia Radio