Friday, 16 September 2011

The following is research published today from MEMRI’s Special Dispatch Series and research from the MEMRI TV Project, under the Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial. To view the Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial page, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4136—Yemen/Conspiracy Theories/The Protocols of the Elders of Zion/Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

Yemeni Columnist: The Uprisings in Arab World – A Jewish Conspiracy Documented in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

In an article in the October 14 daily, Yemeni columnist 'Ali 'Abdallah Taher accused the Jews of instigating the uprisings in the Arab world, based on instructions written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The following are excerpts from the article:

"In the period between 1897 and 1951, the Jewish leaders held 23 congresses. The last of them, held August 14, 1951, dealt with the plan for Jewish immigration to Palestine and with the boundaries of the new state that had been established in [this] occupied Arab land. At this congress, studies were presented and debates were held in order to approve a frightening secret plan for enslaving the world and subjugating it to Jewish control. They set out their decisions, plans and recommendations, as well as the protocols of their meetings, in a [document] titled "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and erected barriers of secrecy around [these protocols], so that nobody would read them or disseminate them except for the elders of Zion."

To read in full, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4137—Egypt/Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

Vice Chairman of Egypt's Al-Wafd Party Denies Holocaust

In an August 31, 2011 article in Al-Wafd, the daily of the Egyptian Al-Wafd party, the party's vice chairman, Ahmad 'Ezz Al-'Arab, presented translated excerpts from an article by Holocaust denier Jim Kirwan, and advised the readers to read Kirwan's other writings on the latter's website.

This is not the first time 'Ezz Al-'Arab has showcased Kirwan's writings. In an Al-Wafd article titled "The Jewish Holocaust – Between Fact and Fantasy," published August 14, 2009 and reprinted on November 6 of the same year, he presented another article by Kirwan denying the Holocaust.

Following are excerpts of both of 'Ezz Al-'Arab's articles citing Kirwan:

In his August 31 article, titled "The Ramshackle American Democracy," 'Ezz Al-'Arab wrote: "The well-known American writer Jim Kirwan has an extensive website with hundreds or perhaps thousands of articles. Many of them are devoted to the issue of defending freedom in his country, America. [Kirwan] exposes the fabrications which the spurious [U.S.] media uses to distract the American people, as well as the lies circulated by the political pressure gangs, chiefly the Jewish organizations, the most prominent of which is the famous AIPAC...

"Kirwan has rare courage, considering that he lives in New York, the stronghold of international Zionism. Despite this, he does not hesitate to expose Zionist lies, chiefly the fable of the Jewish Holocaust, [namely] the Zionist claim that Hitler exterminated six million Jews. Zionism, which has repeated this lie time and again, managed to turn it into an unquestionable truth in the Western countries. [The Jewish Holocaust has become] a sacred cow to which sacrifices are offered, to the point where several Western countries have amended their penal code such that attempting to deny the Holocaust or even the number 6 million... is a crime punishable by law.

"On November 6, 2009, I published in Al-Wafd conclusive evidence refuting [the veracity of] the Holocaust, citing Jim Kirwan. Anyone interested should refer to the aforementioned article."

To read in full, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4138—Egypt/Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial/Koran and Hadith-Based Antisemitic Myths

Egyptian Author and Journalist Muhammad Abbas: 'If You Tell Me that 10 Million Egyptians Will Be Martyred in Return for the Destruction of Israel – I'm All For It;' 'Anyone Who Immigrated To Israel Without the Legal Authorization of the Muslims Must Return To His Country – Or Be Annihilated'; 'And the Stone Shall Say: There Is A Jew Behind Me...'

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian author and journalist Muhammad Abbas, which aired on Al-Hekma TV on September 4, 2011:

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit


Muhammad Abbas: "If the Egyptian army were capable of wiping Israel out, I wish it would. I demand that the army do the most that it can, but these are not the appropriate circumstances. We do not yet have the necessary array of systems, politicians, and intellectuals, who represent the nation and fear for it.

"Today, everybody is trying to get the army into trouble. I am afraid that the army will get into trouble. Oh army, do what you can. If you are capable of killing 70 of them in retaliation for each of our martyrs – do so. I demand that the army do its best, but it should not go too far, so that they do not destroy us. Remember the defeat of 1967.

"I wish we had the ability to take revenge. If we do, we should destroy them completely, and not leave a single one of them alive. Anyone who immigrated to Israel without the legal authorization of the Muslims must return to his country or be annihilated. 'And the stone shall say: There is a Jew behind me'…"

To read in full, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4139—Egypt/Indoctrination of Children/Koran and Hadith-Based Antisemitic Myths/Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

Egyptian Child Poet Muhammad Gamal Recites His Poem: Oh Jerusalem, We Will Take You from the Accursed Jews, Who Killed the Prophets and Messengers

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian child poet Muhammad Gamal, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on August 27, 2011:

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

To view the MEMRI page on Indoctrination of Children, visit


Interviewer: "Muhammad Gamal is a young boy who has not yet turned twelve. Muhammad is a poet, who writes poetry, not only recites it. Muhammad, how are you?"

Muhammad Gamal: "Fine, Allah be praised."

Interviewer: "Muhammad, when did you start to write poetry?"

Muhammad Gamal: In third grade."

Interviewer: How did this happen? Would you read poetry, did your father teach you, or what?"

Muhammad Gamal: "I don't know where I got it from. I wrote a poem called 'A Call to Jerusalem.' I wrote it in third grade, when the Jews were thinking of destroying Jerusalem, in order to build the temple..."

Interviewer: "The Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Muhammad Gamal: "Yes, they wanted to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to build the temple. So I wrote this poem, I don't know how it came to me."

To read in full, visit

MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3108 - Former Lebanese Defense Minister Mohsen Dalloul: George Washington Said the Jews Were "Blood-Suckers", Benjamin Franklin Called to Prevent Their Entry into the U.S.

Following are excerpts from an interview with former Lebanese defense minister Mohsen Dalloul, which aired on ANB TV on September 4, 2011:


Mohsen Dalloul: "If you examine the [Americans'] foundational texts, you will see that many of their forefathers were critical of American policy. Even presidents, like Jimmy Carter… If you want, you can even go further back, to the speeches of George Washington…

"In a very important speech, George Washington called not to trust the Jews, saying that the Jews are blood-suckers."

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3095 - Recently Resigned Egyptian Deputy PM Yahya Al-Gamal Insinuates that Judaism Is Not a Religion of Tolerance

Following are excerpts from an interview with recently resigned Egyptian deputy PM Dr. Yahya Al-Gamal, which aired on ON TV on August 21, 2011:


Yahya Al-Gamal: "The issue of Mubarak's trial is undoubtedly a very important one. Some people call it "the trial of the century," which is true. Mubarak was a tyrant, who humiliated the people, and our Lord wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"I am one of the people who felt no sympathy toward him when he was placed on trial. None whatsoever. When I saw him lying in the bed, I realized that this was a charade, and that he was trying to arouse sympathy. But he achieved the opposite – people realized that it was a stupid charade.

"In Islam, there is a lot of tolerance, and Christianity is all tolerance. Of course, I said Islam and Christianity, and I stopped there... And I mean what I say."

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit