Friday, 9 September 2011

The following research is from the MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project. Please consider supporting this project by clicking here.

Special Dispatch No. 4123—9/11 Documentation Project/Conspiracy Theories/Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial/Saudi Arabia/Egypt/Palestinians

Ten Years after 9/11, Arab Press Continues to Disseminate Conspiracy Theories

On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, as in previous years, mainstream Arab media are circulating conspiracy theories regarding the terrorist attacks, while avoiding an in-depth discussion of the events and their perpetrators.

The following are some examples:

In an article in the Saudi daily Al-Riyadh, columnist Muhammad Al-Suyani wrote: "Twenty years ago, when I was in New York, I was amazed at its skyscrapers. [Our] guide took us to the Empire State Building, now the tallest skyscraper in New York... In 1945, a B-25 bomber crashed into the [building's] 79th floor, which turned into a ball of hellfire that reached the 72nd floor. The fire was several times more intense than the one that [raged] in the [World] Trade [Center] 1 on September 11!

"After that fire, which happened almost 60 years ago, the Empire State Building is still standing, while the strong towers of the [World] Trade [Center], which were equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, did not survive more than 60 minutes [of fire]! [The Empire State Building] stood firm because no one had planted explosives in its basement.

"Ten years of stupidity, and the world still believes that two planes tuned [the World Trade Center] to dust, and that Muslim youth are the ones who did it. Ten years, and we are stilling paying the cost of this lie!... Ask Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Al-Qaeda who blew up [World] Trade [Center] 7... on September 11. They don't know! Ask Bush and his vice-president, Cheney, and their secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, who called her friend Willie Rant [sic, apparently Willie Brown], mayor of San Francisco, to warn him not to get on a plane on that day..."

To read the full report, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4122—South Asia Studies Project/Pakistan/9/11 Documentation/Conspiracy Theories/Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

Pakistani Newspaper Examines 9/11-Related Conspiracy Theories Involving Jews and the U.S.


Recently, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a two-part article examining the 9/11-related conspiracy theories involving the Jews and the United States.

The article, titled "9/11 and Conspiracy Theories" and written by Nayyer Khan, was published in the Lahore-based liberal newspaper Daily Times.

Following are excerpts from the two-part article:

"Once again, analysts from Pakistan, especially those living in the West and taking full advantage of the civil facilities there, are in the forefront of pushing for conspiracy theories. They are extremely adamant that anyone but Islamic militants is responsible for the 9/11 attacks."

To read the full report, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4121—Iran/9-11 Documentation Project/Conspiracy Theories/Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

On Iran's Press TV, 'Veterans Today' Editor Gordon Duff: 9/11 is a Deception by U.S. and Israeli Intelligence Agencies; A.N.S.W.E.R Official: These Conspiracy Theories are Antisemitic and Ludicrous

On September 1, 2011, the Iranian English-language Press TV channel aired an episode of its "News Analysis" program, featuring a debate about 9/11. Guests on the program included Gordon Duff, senior editor of the Ohio-based Veterans Today, and Richard Becker of the A.N.S.W.E.R (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

The following are excerpts from the program.


Reza Hatami (Press TV Reporter): "The U.S. government claims Al-Qaeda hijackers crashed two passenger planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, followed by a strike on the Pentagon by an American Airlines Boeing 757. Newly-released video footage, however, challenges the official story, showing that the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile and not a passenger plane."

To read the full report, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4120—9/11 Documentation Project/Al-Qaeda/Jihad & Terrorism Threat Monitor

From the MEMRI TV Archives: 'The Manhattan Raid' Video

Just prior to the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, on September 10, 2006, a video was posted on the Internet, purportedly by Al-Qaeda, showing Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda commanders apparently planning the attack. The video bore the logo of the Al-Qaeda media company Al-Sahab and was subtitled in English.



To read the full report, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4119—9/11 Documentation Project/Cartoon Project

From the MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project: Cartoons On 9/11

The following are cartoons from Arab media on the 9/11 attacks, beginning from the days immediately after it.

The cartoons are part of the MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project; to visit the project website,click here.

Cartoon In Egyptian Paper: 9/11 An Inside Job
Al-Ahram, Egypt, September 20, 2001

To read the full report, visit