Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005 -- formerly China Confidential -- for America and Israel and their friends abroadForeign Confidential ™
Friday, September 09, 2011
US Banks Overexposed to Europe
PA Leader: Obama Promised Us 'Palestine'
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Air Sinai Still Flying, Sort of
Is Ahmadinejad Turning Against Assad?
More About Anniversary Attack Threat
'Third Jihad' Film Available Online
9/11 Anniversary Threat is Real, Credible
Cruel Irony 3 Days From 9/11 Anniversary
Friday, 9 September 2011
A dire warning--here--that U.S. banks are dangerously overexposed to French and German banks.
"When we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that can lead to a new member of the United Nations, an independent, sovereign state of Palestine living in peace with Israel." -Barack Obama
Unmarked jets ... unlisted phone number .... no website ... tickets for cash.
Egypt's semisecret, so-called paper airline exposed--over here.
An apparent shift by Iran. Click on the above headline for the story.
Foreign Confidential™ Mideast sources say Syria seems to be heading for a forced crackup--i.e. dismemberment by foreign powers, including Islamist rivals Turkey and Iran. The former country is believed to be warming to the idea of creating a Kurdish puppet state in northern Syria; the latter, an Alawite satellite in Syria's central western section.
Although most Syrians are Sunni Muslims, the country is ruled by an Alawite dictatorship--members of a Shiite offshoot that represents about 12% of the population.
As reported here, officials say the threat is real, credible, specific--and may be broader than truck and car bombs.
Analysts speculate the threat could include coordinated gun-and-bomb attacks.
A critically acclaimed documentary, The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America, will be available for free online viewing the week of September 11, 2011 to mark 10 years since the horrific 9/11 attacks. The film highlights the ongoing debate on the dangers posed to America by Radical Islam.
"While Americans have expressed a genuine willingness to embrace members of all faiths to practice religion freely without discrimination, there are radicals that are taking advantage of American sensitivities," said Raphael Shore, executive producer of The Third Jihad.
"Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, radical groups have launched a persistent campaign to exploit American freedoms and our democratic system. This campaign takes place daily in our courtrooms, our press, our banks, our prisons and even in our schools. Plus, there have been over thirty foiled terror plots and successful attacks on our homeland in the past 10 years, including the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood," Shore added.
The documentary explores the growth of radical Islam in America and the risk it poses to national security and the American way of life. The film centers on the FBI discovery of a Grand Jihad Manifesto calling for a "cultural jihad" to undermine the United States from within.
The film features 19 interviews with leading experts, including: former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani; U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman; former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge; former Director of Central Intelligence Jim Woolsey; and former CIA Officer Clare Lopez.
The Third Jihad follows American Muslim physician and activist M. Zuhdi Jasser on his campaign to fight militant political Islam in America.
Dr. Jasser is the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and is a nationally recognized expert on political Islam and American Islamist organizations. He has testified before Congress on radicalization in the American Muslim community and has been featured prominently on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, BBC, Fox News, and the Wall Street Journal.
The Third Jihad was produced by the Clarion Fund, makers of the award-winning documentaries Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West (2006) and Iranium (2011).
Suppressed 9/11 terrorist ties to Sarasota Saudis. Click here for the sickening story.
A cruel irony.
Just three days from the 10th anniversary of the radical Muslim attacks on America, the country's first Muslim-born-and-reared President delivered what was arguably his best, most brilliant and compelling speech. It was all about America's ailing economy.
At the same time, a credible new terror threat was made known. Muslim terrorists reportedly entered the United States several days ago with the intention of slaughtering American civilians on or around the anniversary. There is reason to believe the Muslim terrorists plan to use vehicular bombs to kill and maim innocent people in Islam's name. But coordinated, Mumbai-style, swarming assaults are also possible.
Erdogan's heated rhetoric indicates Israel could be heading for an armed confrontation with a full NATO member, that rapidly Islamizing Turkey is actually itching to fight the Jewish Sate, contrary to conventional opinion in Jerusalem and Washington.
Foreign Confidential™ sources say Turkey secretly plans to invade neighboring northern Syria in order to solve Turkey's "Kurdish problem" by creating an easy-to-control, contained Kurdish state at Syria's expense. A clash with Israel could strengthen non-Arab Turkey's Islamist/Arab street cred and provide useful political cover for Ankara's planned aggression against Syria, which is allied with Iran. Although Turkey, in line with its Islamist shift, has tilted towards Iran, it is increasingly viewed by Ankara as an imperial rival. Turkey's Islamist regime is bent on building a revamped Ottoman Empire--with U.S. and European backing.
POSTSCRIPT: Next month will mark the 94th anniversary of the death of Sarah Aaronsohn, heroine of the NILI spies, following her arrest and torture by the Ottoman Turks. Aaronsohn and her comrades correctly understood--and courageously responded to--the Turkish threat during the First World War, in sharp contrast with the leadership of the Yishuv (Palestine's pre-Israel independence Jewish community), which betrayed her, believing that nothing should be done to antagonize the genocidal Turks.
This October will also mark the 38th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, which Israel's political and military establishment never saw coming until they almost lost the country to the invading Syrian and Egyptian armies. The complacency of Israel's current defense minister, Ehud Barak, who says that Israel's enemies would not dare to attack the Jewish State with weapons of mass destruction, recalls the catastrophic complacency of the late Israeli general and defense chief, Moshe Dayan, who, just a few months before the October 1973 sneak attack, assured reporters with great confidence that it would be at least five years before the Arab countries would dare to start another war with Israel.
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Britannia Radio