Weakness invites aggression.
The nuclear-arming, Nazi-like regime that U.S. President Barack Obama tried to engage (appease and align with) is threatening the United States in an unprecedented way. Click on the above headline.
Iran's threat to to send warships into the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico echoes Turkey's threat to send its warships into the Eastern Mediterranean to challenge Israel.
The U.S. is certainly capable of defending itself against Iran's Navy. But there is no known defense against a cargo ship-or-barge-based ballistic missile attack on U.S. coastal cities or an EMP attack from such a seemingly civilian vessel.
Iran and nuclear-armed North Korea are believed to have collaborated in developing and test-firing missiles from containerized launchers concealed aboard cargo ships, thousand of which, flying flags of convenience, approach U.S. waters every day.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 12:27 AM

Sharia Vigilantes in St. Louis, Missouri ...
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 11:23 PM

Foreign Confidential™ sources say former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is likely to launch a new national political organization instead of seeking the Republican nomination for President in 2012.
Palin is thought to be fascinated by the prospect of leading an Internet-savvy mass movement that will combine conservative and populist principles, and stress job-creation through domestic energy development and re-industrialization--i.e. bringing manufacturing back to the United States--and national security and defense issues, including Islamist terrorism and aggression and the Iranian nuclear threat to the U.S. and Israel, which Palin regards as "America's Number One Ally."
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:14 PM

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, the Obama administration has condemned the Jewish State for building apartments in its own capital, Jerusalem. Click
here for the story.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:00 PM

Anti-Labor Rant During a Recession ...# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 9:22 PM

Click here for the sickening story. # posted by Confidential Reporter @ 8:19 PM

NEO-OTTOMAN SULTAN LAUNCHES WARSHIPWhat Condoleezza Rice (Bush was clueless) and Barack Obama wrought: imperialist, Islamist Turkey, a full NATO member poised to roam the Mediterranean like some sort of sea monster as it plots and plans Israel's destruction. Rice persuaded Bush to back Turkey's "moderate Islamist regime" against the country's traditional guardian of its secular system--the military--which was ready, willing and able to crush the clerical fascist scum when that kind of action was still a realistic option. Obama escalated the pro-Islamist policy to outright backing for a neo-Ottoman empire as a counter to nuclear-arming Iran, having failed miserably in his perfidious pursuit of a Grand Bargain with the turbaned tyranny. # posted by Confidential Reporter @ 6:25 PM

Immigrants Target Swiss Flag for 'Change'
This American Jewish Reporter Says: Keep the Cross!
Heaven Help Humanity if it's Replaced by a Crescent!
Foreign Confidential™ analysts assert U.S. President Barack Obama, should a mainstream media reporter dare to press him for a reaction to the insane Swiss flag issue, would signal a newsworthy measure of sympathy for the multicultural (code for Islamist/Muslim fundamentalist) activists. His outrageous intervention in France's burqa ban controversy--on the side of organizations insisting on a "right" to wear Islamic veils and headscarves--set a precedent with regard to Presidential pro-Muslim meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries. AP
reported on June 22, 2009:
In a visit to Normandy earlier this month, President Barack Obama addressed France's headscarf ban, saying countries handle such issues with their national sensitivities and histories in mind, before adding: "I will tell you that in the United States our basic attitude is, is that we're not going to tell people what to wear."
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:49 PM

Nightmare in NATO's new Libya--what Barack Obama, Samantha Power, and Hillary Clinton have wrought in the name of protecting civilians and promoting democracy. Click
here to read all about the missing missiles that are almost certain to end up in the hands of Islamist monsters bent on downing U.S. military and civilian aircraft.
How can any American who cares about national security even think of voting for Obama?
How can any American Jew who cares about national security, Israel's survival and the survival of the Jewish people even think about voting for Obama?
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:37 PM

ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER RESPONDS# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:08 PM