Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Foreign Confidential ™

Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005 -- formerly China Confidential -- for America and Israel and their friends abroad

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thinking the Unthinkable

Is this How Iran and North Korea
Plan to Destroy the United States?

EMP: the Attack that Could End the US

Containerized Missile System: from Russia with Hate

Concealed Ship-Based Ballistic Missile Firing
System for Surface, Underwater, Land Targets

Islamists in Charge of NATO's New Libya

"Suave rebel leaders in smart suits" work the media while Islamists man the checkpoints, control the arms, call in their chips. Click here for the story.

Iran Threatens to Send Warships Close to US


Weakness invites aggression.

The nuclear-arming, Nazi-like regime that U.S. President Barack Obama tried to engage (appease and align with) is threatening the United States in an unprecedented way. Click on the above headline.

Iran's threat to to send warships into the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico echoes Turkey's threat to send its warships into the Eastern Mediterranean to challenge Israel.

The U.S. is certainly capable of defending itself against Iran's Navy. But there is no known defense against a cargo ship-or-barge-based ballistic missile attack on U.S. coastal cities or an EMP attack from such a seemingly civilian vessel.

Iran and nuclear-armed North Korea are believed to have collaborated in developing and test-firing missiles from containerized launchers concealed aboard cargo ships, thousand of which, flying flags of convenience, approach U.S. waters every day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Radical Islam in Action: Immigrant Muslim Poet Who Expressed Love for the Jewish People Viciously Attacked on US City Street