Sunday, 25 September 2011

Future Palestinian State: Ally or Enemy?

9/21/2011 11:02:00 PM

A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah

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Already they are burning the American flag, yes, we said American flag, at the pro-PLO state demonstrations.

Why do the Arabs hate America? Why do so many nations of the world support the creation of a 'Terrorstinian State'? An entity that disregards human rights. An entity that is known to be corrupt. Tamar Yonah offers this special radio broadcast to take your calls and get things off your chest. She also speaks with Journalist and Historian, David Price, author of The Declaration of a SECOND Palestine is a Declaration of War! about the United Nations and the possibility of recognizing a Palestinian State.
Also, what is wrong with Israel's 'hasbara' (explaining it's side of the story) to the world? Michael Lawrence from Israel tells us that the world doesn't necessarily want to see the creation of a Palestinian State. But can Israel come to an agreement with the Arabs, and if so, can they be trusted? Find out on this controversial show with an irate caller who just had to give his 2 cents!