Marc Morano
Climate Depot
Sunday, September 18, 2011
[Update - Sept. 18, 2011: Yet Another Key Claim of Gore Bites the Dust! NOAA lead author of U.S. Climate Science Assessment Report on Texas drought: 'This is not a climate change drought' -- For constant updates on Gore see here.]

Former Vice President Al Gore 24 hourclimate “reality” show is surprisingly facing strongly negative reviews from Gore’s fellow global warming activists and environmental allies. In addition, two German scientists ridiculed Gore for his “apocalyptic” tone and his “promise of salvation.”
Climate activist Bob Ward was tepid about Gore’s show. “One could complain that some of the presentations overstated the certainty and wrongly implied that individual weather events could be attributed to climate change,” lamented Ward. Ward is the Policy Director, for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
“This Is The Greatest Financial Crime In The History Of The World And No One Senior, At Any Of The Major Places That Drove The Crisis, Has Gone To Jail”
Washington’s Blog
Sept 17, 2011
Largest Financial Crime In History
William K. Black – professor of law and economics, and the senior S&L prosecutor – saidyesterday:
This is the greatest financial crime in the history of the world and no one senior, at any of the major places that drove the crisis, has gone to jail?
Unless something dramatic or radical changes, this is going to be the greatest case of elite fraud with impunity in the history of the world. And it is only going to change if we express our outrage as the people and demand that it is changed.
Obama Takes Class Warfare To The Next Level
….With The “Buffet Rule” And A New “Millionaire Tax”: Is A Market Selloff Imminent?
In his increasingly desperate attempts to pander to a population that has by now entirely given up on the hope, and barely has any change left, Obama is going for broke (or technically the reverse) by setting the class warfare bar just that little bit higher.