You wait for ages for a good letter in the FT and suddenly two come along at once. It’s not just the eminent economists telling it like it is about the 50p tax rate this morning, but also another healthy dose of reality from the CEO of brokers Tullett Prebon, Terry Smith: “To the ordinary person in the street, the idea that we can rescue ourselves from a crisis caused by excessive borrowing by borrowing even more must seem mad. In this respect they are possessed of far more common sense than those who are currently advocating just such a course of action and purport to be our leaders… The first step in rectifying this situation should be to make a clear and unambiguous statement about the actual debt the UK is carrying.” Once messy public sector pensions, PFI and banking guarantees are taken into account, Smith believes out debt to be £3,589,000,000,000. MPs are reporting that their very own can arrived in the post this morning from Smith. To keep on kicking: Guido is amused… Dave in the Gutter – Harry Cole+ + + Guardian Journalist Questioned Under Caution + + +
MPs Take the Can Back
Guardian Journalist Questioned – Telegraph
Profile Me Please – Raheem Kassam
Six Oxfam Staff Found Guilty of Bullying in Haiti - Third Sector
I Back Murdo – Norman Tebbit
Hong Kong Says Come Home to HSBC – CityAM
Why Should an Unelected Loser Dictate Policy? – ConHome
Who Is Nick Clegg Talking To? – Liberal Vision
If We Had Spent Less, the Cuts Would Be Less - LabourList
The Indy Will Not Survive a Hari Whitewash – Milo Y
Can We Build a Statue of Hain? – Dan Hodges
It’s Not Just Thatcher – IPPR
The MI6 Rebel Should Say Thank You – Con Coughlin
Fraser Plan Will Not Aid SNP – Speccie
Most NOTW Staffers Leaving NI – Standard
The Revolution – The West London Free School
Thursday, 8 September 2011
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Britannia Radio