Terrific interview with Jamie Glazov over at Front Page Magazine:
Stop the Islamization of America Jamie GlazovFrontpage Interview’s guest today is Pamela Geller, the founder, editor, and publisher of She is the executivedirector of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), as well as the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), and is a regular columnist forthe American Thinker, Human Events, and other publications. She is the author of the new book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She will be speaking at the Wednesday Morning Club, at the Beverly Hills Hotel on 9641 Sunset Blvd, on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. To make reservations, click here.
FP: Pamela Geller, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Congratulations on your new book.
The title is quite provocative. How come?
Geller: Well, Jamie, the very name evokes a visceral reaction in people — particularly in those hard-wired for delusion. But that is exactly what is happening. My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative and its Stop Islamization of America program is a human rights entity dedicated to the freedom of speech, which is under attack, as well as to the freedom of religion and to individual rights. These are basic, fundamental principles of the American republic, and they are in danger of being stripped away and seized from us. This book is dedicated to keeping that from happening.
FP: Enlighten us on how an attack on freedom of speech and individual rights is connected to terrorism and Islamization.
Geller: The violent jihad is the most obvious manifestation of jihad. Remember the Fort Hood jihadist, the Times Square car bomber, the Christmas day underwear bomber, the Christmas Tree Lighting bomber in Portland, the Fort Dix Six, and so many others? But the real war on America is also being waged in the universities, the public schools, the courtrooms, the Internet, the workplace, the grocery store, the neighborhoods, and on the airwaves. That is the stealth jihad, the hidden war. And it is to teaching you how to fight that war—where and how and on what grounds—that this book is dedicated.
Islamic supremacists are more assertive in the United States than they ever have been before. They’re building large mega-mosques in communities where the local Muslims can neither fill nor afford them. They’re demanding—and receiving—special privileges for Muslims in workplaces, and special installations for Islamic prayers in public universities, as well as in airports and other public facilities. Islamic law places Muslims in a special class, giving them rights that non-Muslims do not have.
They’re bringing back prayer in public schools—but only for Muslims, while insisting that Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists can assert no such Constitutional privilege under our law: they are seeking special legal status for Islam. They’re shutting down the national debate that we urgently need to have about Islam and Islamization. They are They’re shutting down the national debate that we urgently need to have about Islam and Islamization. They are demonizing as “bigots,” “racists,” and “Islamophobes” anyone who suggests any anti-terror measure, or who asks the Muslim community in the U.S. to do something effective about the jihadists and Islamic supremacists in their midst. demonizing anyone who suggests any anti-terror measure, or who asks the Muslim community in the U.S. to do something effective about the jihadists and Islamic supremacists in their midst, as “bigots,” “racists,” and “Islamophobes.” (Islamic law considers any critical examination of Islam to be blasphemous and subject to the death penalty.) They’re persecuting anti-jihad activists in the courtroom and private citizens who dare to report suspicious behavior by Muslims.
FP: I think it would be fair to say that most Americans don’t know that any of this is happening. Correct?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 12:00 PM in SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Holland becomes the third European country to ban the burka. In other words, Islamic supremacism is not welcome there. Man your battle stations.
Dutch government drafts burqa ban legislation (Hat tip Tom B)THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The Dutch prime minister says the government has drawn up legislation to ban face-covering veils such as the burqa worn by some Muslim women.
Mark Rutte says the proposed ban will be sent to the government's legal advisory body, the Council of State, before lawmakers vote on it, a process likely to take months.
The government said in a statement Friday that the ban aims at "protecting the character and customs of public life in the Netherlands."
If, as expected, parliament approves the ban, the Netherlands will follow in the footsteps of European neighbors France and Belgium in outlawing face-covering veils.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM in COUNTER JIHAD FRONT, Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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How many number 2's are there, anyway? Or are we now working number 3? Sheesh. I think CAIR execs qualify for a number two or three position.
CIA strike nets another al-Qaeda boss in Pakistan Jihadwatch
No word on whether he qualifies as the umpteenth "No. 3" of al-Qaeda to be neutralized, or if that unlucky number has just been retired.
The standard expressions of indignation from Pakistan are almost certainly forthcoming. "US officials: Al-Qaida ops chief killed by CIA," by Kimberly Dozier for the Associated Press, September 15:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top al-Qaida operative was killed earlier this week in Pakistan's tribal areas, U.S. and Pakistani officials said Thursday. The death landed another blow against the besieged terrorist network.The man killed was Abu Hafs al-Shahri, whom two U.S. officials describe as al-Qaida's chief of operations in Pakistan.Though his name is little known beyond intelligence circles, Al-Shahri is described as dangerous by both the Pakistani and U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe classified counterterrorist operations.He was apparently killed by a CIA drone strike in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas, though officials would not describe the method since the program is classified. A drone strike was reported by locals on Sunday night.The officials say al-Shahri worked closely with the Pakistani Taliban to carry out attacks inside Pakistan, and was also a contender to assume some duties of al-Qaida's second in command, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman. Al-Rahman was killed by a CIA drone strike in late August.U.S. officials believe they can cripple the core al-Qaida organization if they take out the top four or five figures, following the killing in May of al-Qaida chief Osama by Laden by Navy SEALs. Eight of the network's top 20 leaders were killed this year alone, according to the Pentagon's undersecretary for defense intelligence, Michael Vickers, in remarks this week. Vickers predicted that with sustained counterterrorist operations, "within 18-24 months, core al-Qaida's cohesion and operational capabilities could be degraded to the point that the group could fragment and exist mostly as a propaganda arm."But Vickers and CIA director David Petraeus said al-Qaida's offshoots will remain a serious threat to the U.S.A Pakistani intelligence official says Pakistani operations chief al-Shahri was a Saudi national, who had lived in the tribal regions of Pakistan, bordering eastern Afghanistan, since 2002.One of the U.S. officials said the same individual is No. 11 on Saudi Arabia's top-85 most wanted terror suspects, where his full name is listed as Osama Hamoud Gharman Al-Shihri. The official said the same person is No. 68 on Interpol's most wanted list, where his name was spelled "Al-Shehri" and his birthdate was listed as Sept. 17, 1981.Al-Shahri engaged in liaison mainly with Pakistan's Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan to conduct coordinated attacks against targets inside Pakistan, one of the U.S. officials said. But al-Qaida also inspired the Pakistani Taliban to undertake its first known overseas attack, when a U.S. based operative tried and failed to detonate a car bomb in Times Square last year.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 11:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Last year I created a taxi top ad campaign for the victims of honor killings. More on the SIOA Honor Killings Taxi Campaign, scroll here. Muslim cab drivers protested (in obvious support of the sharia) and were taking the signs down. Yellow Cab CEO Michael Levine said at the time, "when Yellow Cab became aware of the ads three weeks ago, we immediately called the advertising company and asked to have the ads removed."
The taxi jihad continues. Today the NY Post is reporting that the TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission) has submitted to Islamic law.Devout Muslim taxi drivers are now allowed to impose the sharia yet again on taxi tops and can veto strip-club roof ads.
The great religious war, waged on top of yellow cabs, has ended. Devout Muslim hacks -- who were crouched behind their steering wheels in shame while driving with ads for strip clubs atop their taxis -- won a major victory yesterday in their war on roof smut.
And NY Mag has this:
The Taxi & Limousine Commission has ruled that if a cabby owns his car, he's allowed to opt out of the ads that sit atop it, striking a blow against gentleman's clubs citywide. As the rules stood previously, the owner of the taxi medallion, not the car, had the final say bout the contents of its roof ad, much to the dismay of religious or conservative drivers. "We are Muslims, and we do not like the ads," said a man who was forced to ride around with a Flashdancers sign all day. One cabby said he had to walk to mosque rather than be seen with "disgusting things."
The media loves to use the word "conservative" when describing jihadists. The idea that advertising must conform to the sharia is part of theislamization of America (fight it. Get this book.).
This is hardly the first time that taxi drivers sought to impose Islam on the secular marketplace. Taxi drivers in one of the country's largest airports refused service to passengers carrying alcohol or those who had guide dogs.
When I ran my honor killing campaign, the Huffington POS reported that the taxi ads that I created to help girls whose lives were in danger were pulled off taxi cabs in Chicago, despite the fact that the entire ad campaign had already run in full.
Our campaign was directed at women trying to escape fundamentalist households who have no resources, no network or safe place (like Rifqa Bary). No ads were pulled except those taken down by Muslim cab drivers who .... support death to apostates. The ads were designed to stop the spike in honor killings in the West, i.e. Aqsa Parvez, Amina and Sarah Said, Noor Almaleki, Aasiya Hasan, Fatima Abdullah, and the near death beating of Harry Potter movie star Afshan Azad. (Azad's parents were born and raised in London. She was dating a non-Muslim boy. So much for the cultural differences meme.)
The Huffington Post wrote, "Pamela Geller, who has been dubbed the 'Queen of Muslim Bashers'" -- uh, dubbed by whom? Yes, you guessed it, The Huffington Post.
91 percent of honor killings worldwide are done by Muslims. 84 percent of honor killings in US done by Muslims. And according to one expert, honor killings are on the rise. And while we see them in rare instances in other cultures, it is clear that the Islamic legal toleration for honor killings leads to an increased rate of such killings among them.
This is a growing problem that is being hidden and obfuscated by the big liberal press. The West is reluctant to speak of it, media whitewashes it. But that cannot stand.
Here was the derangement syndrome over at the Huffington Post (Puff Ho):
Yellow Cab Will Stop Running Anti-Islam Ads
Earlier this summer, the leader of the group "Stop the Islamization of America" took out ads on 25 Chicago taxi cabs--and as of Tuesday, all of them will be removed.
Pamela Geller, who has been dubbed the "Queen of Muslim Bashers" and leads the "Stop the Islamization of America" movement, claimed the ads were directed toward Muslim women wanting to leave Islam--but ended up offending both cab drivers and passengers.
Today, Yellow Cab CEO Michael Levine issued a statement announcing the removal of the ads:
"Recently, the head of the group 'Stop the Islamization of America' took out ads on Chicago-area taxis. The ads in question were carried by independent affiliates of Yellow Cab Affiliation. The fleet owner was contracted and paid by an independent advertising company specializing in taxi top advertising.""When Yellow Cab became aware of the ads three weeks ago, we immediately called the advertising company and asked to have the ads removed. We were told that they were taken down, but we found out today that three such ads were still running. They will be removed today. Yellow Cab does not regularly approve advertising content carried by our affiliates, but we do reserve the right to ask them to remove ads that offend either the drivers or the public."
And of course, the Ground Zero mega mosque developers appear to support the death fatwa on offspring as well:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 10:49 AM in Islamic law in America, SIOA: Honor Killings Taxi Campaign | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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"The caliphate is alive and growing within Europe. . . . It has advanced through the denial of dangers and the obfuscating of history. It has moved forward on gilded carpets in the corridors of dialogue, the network of the Alliances and partnerships, in the corruption of its leaders, intellectuals and NGOs, particularly at the United Nations.” Bat Ye'or
I have been recommending Bat Ye'or's new book for weeks now. It is, without question, essential reading. I hope to pen a review as well. I am glad that Cliff May has reviewed her book, because the elite right stays away from the issue. Yes, they dip their toe in the water every so often, but they are entirely uncomfortable with Islam in the West.
Bat Ye'or is the world's leading historian and scholar on Islam in the West. She is singular, brilliant and brave. Her new book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, explains how the Palestinianization of Europe was no acccident, but a very deliberate strategic plan to align with the Muslim world in order to create a superpower to rival and eclipse the United States of America.
The European Caliphate Clifford May
A refugee from the Muslim world sees it taking shape.For more than 30 years, Bat Ye’or, a refugee from Egypt, has been writing about dhimmis — Christians and Jews living under oppression in Muslim lands. Now, she has a new book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, that looks at Muslims living in lands that once were Christian but today call themselves multicultural. She predicts Europe will not remain multicultural for long. She is convinced that Europe, sooner rather than later, will be dominated by Islamic extremists and transformed into “Eurabia” — a term first used in the mid-1970s by a French publication pressing for common European-Arab policies.
Immigrants can enrich a nation. But there is a difference between immigrants and colonists. The former are eager to learn the ways of their adopted home, to integrate and perhaps assimilate — which does not require relinquishing their heritage or forgetting their roots. Colonists, by contrast, bring their culture with them and live under their own laws. Their loyalties lie elsewhere.
Ye’or contends that a concerted effort is being made not only to ensure that Muslim immigrants in Europe remain squarely in the second category, but also that they become the means to transform Europe politically, culturally, and religiously. Leading this effort is the Organization of the Islamic Conference, established in 1969, which, a few months ago, no doubt on the advice of a highly compensated public-relations professional, renamed itself the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
The OIC represents 56 countries plus the Palestinian Authority. It claims also to represent Muslim immigrants — the “Diaspora” — in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. It is pan-Islamic: It seeks to unify and lead the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims. In a manual first published in 2001, “Strategy of Islamic Cultural Action in the West,” the IOC asserts that “Muslim immigrant communities in Europe are part of the Islamic nation.” It goes on to recommend, Ye’or notes, “a series of steps to prevent the integration and assimilation of Muslims into European culture.”
The IOC, she argues, is nothing less than a “would-be, universal caliphate.” It might look different from the caliphates of the Ottomans, Fatimids, and Abbasids. It might resemble, instead, a thoroughly modern trans-national bureaucracy. But, already, the OIC exercises significant power through the United Nations, and through the European Union, which has been eager to accommodate the OIC while simultaneously endowing the U.N. with increasing authority for global governance. Among the other organizations that Ye’or says are doing the OIC’s bidding are the U.N. Alliance of Civilizations, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, and the European Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC).
In the eyes of OIC officials, no problem in the contemporary world is more urgent than “Islamophobia,” which it calls “a crime against humanity” that the U.N. and the EU must officially outlaw. Even discussing why so much terrorism is carried out in the name of Islam is to be forbidden. The OIC insists, too, that international bodies ban “defamation of religion,” by which it means criticism of anything Islamic. Defamation of Judaism, Christianity, Bahai, Hinduism, and even heterodox Muslim sects such as the Ahmadiyya is common within the borders of many OIC countries, a fact the OIC refuses to acknowledge.
Instead, the OIC has specifically “warned” the EU and the “international community” of the “dangers posed by the influence of Zionism, Neo-Conservatism, aggressive Christian evangelicalism, Jewish extremism, Hindu extremism and secular extremism in international affairs and the ‘War on Terrorism.’”
Though funding for terrorist groups flows generously from individuals in oil-rich OIC countries, the organization itself is not a supporter of terrorism. Neither, however, is it an opponent. Violence directed against those it views as enemies of Islam is defined as “resistance” — even when civilians, including women and children, are the intended victims.
While the OIC expresses concern for the rights of Muslim immigrants in the West, the egregious mistreatment of foreign workers in the Gulf countries (and other Muslim countries as well) is not something OIC officials deign to discuss. Nor has the OIC ever condemned the genocide of the black Muslims of Darfur or the genocidal intentions toward Israelis openly expressed by Hamas, Hezbollah, and the rulers of Iran.
European diplomats might at least insist that the OIC accept the principle of reciprocity. If there is to be a “dialogue of civilizations,” shouldn’t both sides get to air their grievances? Shouldn’t Europeans work to end the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities in OIC countries and to grant foreign workers in Muslim countries basic rights and a path to citizenship? If the Saudis want to fund and control tens of thousands of mosques around the world, is it too much to ask that they permit people of other faiths to at least worship on their soil? Evidently it is, and Ye’or offers this explanation: Committed to a multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious, and multilateral ideology that rejects patriotism and even national identity and cultural pride, afflicted by guilt over their imperial and colonial past — and ignorant about more than a thousand years of Islamic imperialism and colonialism — Europeans have become dhimmis in their own lands; inferiors who accept their status and submit. The OIC, by contrast, rejects multiculturalism, openly professing the superiority of the Islamic faith, civilization, and laws.
The caliphate,” Bat Ye’or concludes, is “alive and growing within Europe. . . . It has advanced through the denial of dangers and the obfuscating of history. It has moved forward on gilded carpets in the corridors of dialogue, the network of the Alliances and partnerships, in the corruption of its leaders, intellectuals and NGOs, particularly at the United Nations.”
If you think that’s alarmist, if you think the OIC sincerely seeks cooperation with the West or that Europeans know where lines must be drawn and have the courage to draw them, read her book. Or just wait a few years.
— Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a policy institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 09:59 AM in Eurabia 2010, Eurabia: Dhimmitude, Eurabian emigration, Euro-Med Partnership: The Suicide of Europe, OIC: Oppression and Submission | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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It is important to point out that historical monsters ran on "peace," "social justice," and "equality" in order to deceive the public and advance their unspeakably evil agendas. And useful idiots (like, in this case, Hindenburg) make it possible for evil to ascend. In any compromise between good and evil, evil profits. Just remember that.
Year: n. d. (1933)
Comments: THE MARSHAL AND THE CORPORAL / FIGHT WITH US FOR PEACE AND EQUALITY. The 85 year old Hindenburg, ill and becoming senile, was one year away from death when this poster appeared. Hitler had just been appointed Chancellor and was soon to declare himself Head of State and Head of Government with Hindenburg's death in August of 1934. The poster has been museum backed with acid free Mulberry paper.
Condition: A Paper backed
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 09:49 AM in Islamic/Leftist Alliance | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
Here come the Nazis. Hamas-tied CAIR is demanding that patriotic elected officials lie about 911 and the role Islamic jihad played in inspiring the Muslim terrorists. The Muslim Brotherhood-tied CAIR acts as though Islamic imperialists won on that day that will live in infamy. Theywant to go into our public schools and proselytize to our children, and now they are rewriting history.
911 was jihad, and any politician who refuses to stand up for this country and tell the truth should be booted out next November. Where is the Presidential candidate who will pursue the prosecutions of these un-indicted co-conspirator Muslim Brotherhood groups that are working towards this nation's destruction?
Hamas-tied CAIR is demanding that a California councilman apologize for speaking the truth about 911. Americans are demanding that CAIR and our Islamic supremacist groups apologize to America for the ideology that inspired the jihadi attacks of 911. Low lives.
It was 10 years ago today that most Americans learned first hand of the teachings of Islam and the Koran being filled with messages of they killed thousands of our fellow Americans! Today I remember those lost, left behind, and those across the world searching for these pure evil terrorists and dispatching them from this world! WE WILL NEVER FORGET, WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE!
SIOA member Hogrider writes me:
Today a courageous, patriotic Councilman from the City of Orange, Jon Dumitru, has come under attack from CAIR (The Council on Aggressive Islamic Retaliation) for speaking the truth. Councilman Dumitru issued a statement on his facebook page describing the cowardly attacks of 911 by the 19 Islamists in the name of Islam. If CAIR or other Muslim Brotherhood organizations, as we have seen in the past continue their attacks, we must rally behind the courageous Councilman. The City of Orange Council has their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.
Here is the link to his fact based, truth filled statement:
And here is the press release CAIR sent out today:
CAIR-LA: OC Councilman Asked to Apologize for Anti-Islam Facebook Comment
City of Orange Councilman blamed 'teachings of Islam and the Koran' for the 9/11 terror attacks
(ANAHEIM, CA, 9/15/11) -- The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) today called on the City of Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru to apologize for an anti-Islam Facebook posting in which he falsely linked the "teachings of Islam and the Koran" to the 9/11 terror attacks. On the anniversary of 9/11, the Councilman posted a picture of the burning Twin Towers on his official Facebook page, and wrote underneath: "It was 10 years ago today that most Americans learned first-hand of the teachings of Islam and the Koran being filled with messages of they killed thousands of our fellow Americans! Today I remember those lost, left behind, and those across the world searching for these pure evil terrorists and dispatching them from this world! WE WILL NEVER FORGET, WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE!"
SEE: Anti-Muslim Update Erased (OC Weekly)
CAIR-LA sent a letter to the Councilman today informing him of the offensive nature of his comment and called on him to apologize to American Muslims. The letter also asked the Councilman to meet with members of the American Muslim community to discuss the negative impact of his inflammatory remarks.
In the letter, CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush wrote:
"Your hateful statement in which you falsely insinuate that the teachings of Islam and the Quran would allow the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is deeply troubling to all Muslims, including many who live in your city. Muslims across the world, especially those here in the United States have unequivocally condemned the 9/11 attacks and all forms of terrorism. Using the tragedy of 9/11 as an opportunity to spread misinformed views about Islam and the Quran is a failure of leadership.
- END -
Please feel free to email the patriotic Councilman your words of support.
Our country needs more courageous elected officials such as Deborah Pauly and Councilman Jon Dumitru.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 11:49 PM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2010 | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
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George Demos is an advocate for St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which stood in the shadow of the World Trade Center Towers. It was destroyed on 9/11 and has been frustrated in its attempts to rebuild by city officials who have done all they could to facilitate the building of the Ground Zero Mosque.
George Demos is running for Congress -- help him.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 08:11 PM in 911 Freedom Rally: Tenth Anniversary | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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I told you back in January that the Egyptian revolution was the end of secular rule and a return to the Islamic stone age of the sharia and Islamic hatred and violence. This is Obama's legacy -- the rise of Islamic imperialism worldwide, and now a jihadi statelet bid in the Jewish homeland at the UN on September 20th.
"Sorry, we thought you were a Jew” Thanks to Legal Insurrection:Here’s your “Arab Spring” and “Arab Street” for you.
From a BBC correspondent:
While walking in the street someone pushed me from behind with such force that I nearly fell over.
Turning around, I found myself surrounded by five men, one of whom tried to punch me in the face. I stopped the attack by pointing out how shameful it was for a Muslim to assault a guest in his country, especially during Ramadan.
Relieved that a seemingly random assault was over, I was appalled by the apology offered by one of my assailants. “Sorry,” he said contritely, offering his hand, “we thought you were a Jew.”
Shaking his head in disbelief on hearing the news, an Egyptian friend sympathised: “That’s stupid, you are obviously not a Jew.”
The chilling implication I was left with was that, had I been Jewish, the assault would have apparently been justified.
Just like the attack on Lara Logan, in the new Egypt and elsewhere, looking Jewish is a dangerous thing.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 07:52 PM in Egypt, Islamic Jew hatred | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (0)
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