Justice was served today in a California courtroom. A six-man, six-woman jury found members of the Muslim Brotherhood group, the Muslim Student Union, guilty on all counts of misdemeanor disturbing a public meeting and conspiracy in connection with the Feb. 8, 2010.
They deliberately broke the law. They deliberately disrupted and shut down Ambassador to Israel Michael Oren's, speech, knowing full well that they risked arrest. The stealth jihadists use freedom of speech to shut down freedom of speech. There is no freedom of speech under the sharia. Today American law triumphed over the sharia.
Atlas readers and others are to be applauded for urging the DA to prosecute the Muslim Brotherhood supremacist group. The Irvine 11 are the MSU students at UC Irvine who are accused of disrupting Ambassador Oren's speech. This was an orchestrated attack on free speech. Please take a minute to email Tony Rackauckas, the Orange County DA, letting him know you support his decision to prosecute these MSU students. Muslim Brotherhood-tied CAIR pushed for an aggressive plan to stop this prosecution. Both groups were named as Brotherhood proxies and unindicted co-conspirators in the largest Hamas funding trial in American history.
No modern phenomenon has impacted college campuses today more than the Muslim Student Association/Union. Founded in 1963 by the Muslim Brotherhood — the same radical Sunni organization that spawned the terror group Hamas — the MSU has since made headlines around the country due to its militant and controversial rhetoric. The MSU, especially that of University of California at Irvine, is infamous for attracting charges of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism, as well as for sparking the 2007 investigation of UCI for anti-Semitism. The MSU is no stranger to the First Amendment. Come May every year, the organizations hides behind it so its members can spout anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic remarks on college campuses. And just last February, MSU members at UCI attempted to use their right to free speech in order to deny Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren his own free speech. (more here.)
The Brotherhood thugs:
Atlas Shrugs, Feb 2010: Oren was interrupted 10 times while trying to give his speech before 500 people at the UCI Student Center, where there was heavy security. Oren took a 20 minute break after the fourth protest, asked for hospitality and resumed his speech, only to be interrupted again by young men yelling at him every few minutes. Many members of the audience also applauded Oren.
After the 10th interruption, several dozens students who opposed Oren’s talk got up and walked out and staged a protest outside. It is not clear whether they were members of the UCI Muslim Student Union, which issued an email earlier in the day condemning Oren’s appearance on campus.
They invoke freedom of speech to to kill freedom of speech. There is no free speech under the sharia. Today American law triumphed over the sharia.
UC Muslim students guilty of disturbing speech (hat tip Laurie R)
SANTA ANA – A jury Thursday found 10 Muslim university students guilty of disrupting a speech by an Israeli diplomat at UC Irvine last year, in a case that focused on free speech.
The six-man, six-woman jury found the students guilty on all counts of misdemeanor disturbing a public meeting and conspiracy in connection with the Feb. 8, 2010, talk by Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to the United States.
We're delighted the jury saw this the same way we saw it," said Assistant District Attorney Dan Wagner.The prosecution said the defendants used a "heckler's veto" to thwart the free speech rights of the speaker and others in the audience, while the defense countered what the protesters did was a lawful expression of their free speech.
Defense attorney Dan Stormer said he was honored to represent the students, but disappointed in the verdict.
The jurors left the courtroom without comment immediately after the verdict was announced.
Court will reconvene at 1:30 this afternoon for a possible sentencing.
After months of pretrial motion, the trial lasted eight days, including about two days spent on closing arguments by one prosecutor and six defense attorneys earlier this week.
Wagner told jurors the protesters actions amounted to censorship when they planned to disrupt Oren and tried to cover it up.
The right to free speech is not absolute, he said, and it does not include canceling out the speech of others.
"If heckler's veto was allowed, then no one would have the right to free speech," he said. "Freedom does not mean that no one can tell me what I can do. That's not freedom; that's anarchy."
The prosecutor urged jurors not to buy into the "alternate reality" created by the defense, saying the defendants "convicted themselves."
Defense attorneys for the students – seven from UC Irvine and three from UC Riverside – said their clients intentionally disrupted the speech, but they believed they were conducting a peaceful protest that did not break any laws.
University officials' zero tolerance for protest kept students from exercising their rights to free speech, defense attorneys argued.
And, it they told jurors in Superior Court Judge Peter Wilson's court officials were prohibiting the content of the protesters' statements at a controversial political speech and not simply their conduct.
One of the elements the prosecution needed to prove for the jury to find the students guilty was the students' conduct and not the content of their message disrupted the speaker.
"It was the message that was being targeted by administrators," defense attorney Lisa Holder said, "The university was prohibiting (the students') unpopular pro-Palestinian message."
[...]The "intent of the conspiracy was to rob the speaker of his free speech rights," Wagner told jurors, adding that a planned Q&A would have given students ample opportunity to have their say, not yelling out "something non-responsive that violates the rules we all live with."
When in an emailed "game plan" before the event students expressed willingness to disrupt regardless of what the university officials and police would do, that Wagner said was proof of conspiracy and the unlawfulness of the plan.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 03:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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Friday, September 23, 2011
Maxine Lepante just sent me this shocking video with these remarks:
We have just released a new and very shocking video, made in Paris last Friday, September 16th, in the islamized district of Barbès (18th district of Paris).
Days before this Friday, the French Interior Minister (Claude Guéant) had said publicly, on TV, that all the public Muslim prayers are for now on forbidden in France.
So, we sent a special reporter in the streets where, each Friday, for 15 years, the Muslims had been praying illegally on the ground. Our reporter videotaped a salafist preacher calling for war against France, in front of the Polonceau mosque (in the 18th district of Paris), and calling for the death of the French police and the French people "pigs".
Then, he videotaped pro-Hamas extremists marching in the streets of Paris with a big Hamas flag, and screaming "Death to the Jews !" And, then, he videotaped the Muslims praying on the ground in front of a barracks that had been renovated by the French authorities for them. (of course, this renovation was illegal, since it is forbidden to give public funds to a religion)
This video is in French. If someone wants to translate it into English, please don't remove our logo at the end of the video, and give the link to our original video, to our YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/ciceropicas) and to our organization's website (http://ripostelaique.com/).
French Atlas readers, please translate and post in comments, or email me at PamelaGeller@gmail.com.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 03:43 PM in Fwance | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Netanyahu extends Israel's hand of peace to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, all fighting brutal repression, but most expressly he extends his hand in peace to the Palestinians, with whom he seeks a just and lasting peace.
"In Israel, our hope for peace never wanes."
The desire for the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland has been called here [in the UN] racism and denounced.
Israel is singled out for condemnation more times than all the other nations combined.
This is the unfortunate part of the UN ...."the theater of the absurd."
UPDATE: Netanyahu: Palestinians want state without peace YNET News
Responding to Abbas’ fiery anti-Israel speech, PM Netanyahu tells UN General Assembly Palestinians want state without peace; ‘Israel has extended its hand in peace from the moment it was established,’ he says. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the podium at the United Nations General Assembly Friday evening, offering Israel’s response to a fiery anti-Israel speech delivered by the Palestinian leader earlier.
“Israel has extended its hand in peace from the moment it was established,” the prime minister said following Mahmoud Abbas’ speech.
The truth is that Israel wants peace, the truth is that I want peace,” he said, adding that “we cannot achieve peace through U.N. resolutions.”
FOX here:
In addressing the U.N. General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to Palestine’s request for statehood. Netayahu said, “It’s here, year after year that Israel, is unjustly singled out for condemnation. It’s singled out for condemnation more often than all the nations of the world combined.”
Netanyahu said that he didn’t come to the United Nations for applause, but instead came to speak the truth. He continued, saying, “The truth is that Israel wants peace. The truth is that I want peace. The truth is that in the Middle East, at all times, but especially during these turbulent days, peace must be anchored in security.”
He argued that peace can’t be achieved through U.N. resolutions, but only through direct negotiations, which Palestine isn’t interested in.
Netanyahu went onto describe militant Islam as a “malignancy is growing between East and West,” that seeks to destroy.
Responding to Abbas’ fiery anti-Israel speech, PM Netanyahu tells UN General Assembly Palestinians want state without peace; ‘Israel has extended its hand in peace from the moment it was established,’ he says
The Palestinians should recognize Israel as the Jewish state and make peace with it, before seeking a state of their own, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly Friday.
“Israel has extended its hand in peace from the moment it was established,” offering Israel’s response to a fiery anti-Israel speech delivered by the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas earlier.
Netanyahu said that he extended his hand to the Arab nations of the Middle East “on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people,” and mostly to the Palestinian people, “with whom we seek a just and lasting peace.”
“I came here to speak the truth. The truth is that Israel wants peace. The truth is that I want peace. The truth is that Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but they want a state without peace, and the truth is you shouldn’t let that happen,” he said. “The Palestinian should first make peace with Israel and then get their state. After peace is signed, Israel won’t be the last country to accept a Palestinian state – we will be the first.”
'Recognize Jewish state'
Declaring that Israel is a Jewish state, Netanyahu said: “We don’t want the Palestinian to change the Jewish character of the state. We want them to give up the fantasy of flooding Israel with millions of Palestinians. “
The prime minister added that settlements were not the main obstacle to peace, saying: “The core of the conflict is not the settlement, the settlements is a result of the conflict. The core of the conflict is the refusal of the Palestinians to recognize a Jewish state in any border.”
“Recognize the Jewish state and make peace with us,” he said, referring to Palestinian President Abbas.
Referring to the terrorism threat faced by Israel, the PM said: “Thousand of missiles have already rained down on our cities. So you might understand why Israelis rightfully ask what’s preventing it from happening again.”
Palestinians want a state without peace," Netanyahu stated, telling the assembled diplomats, "You should not let that happen."
Netanyahu called on Abbas to renew peace talks immediately, "today at the United Nations."
"If we genuinely want peace, what is there to stop us," Netanyahu asked Abbas.
"With God's help lets find the common ground for peace. I can't make peace without you," Netanyahu said during his address.
Netanyahu criticized the hypocrisy of the United Nations, noting that the UN Security Council is now headed by Lebanon, who is controlled by Hezbollah - a group considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, and the European Union.
The UN, Netanyahu said, denounces Israel more than any other nation.
The prime minister called comments by PA officials that Jews would not be allowed in a future Palestinian state "ethnic cleansing."
He called laws in Ramallah making the selling of land to Jews punishable by death "racism."
The prime minister stated that Palestinians should "give up the fantasy of flooding Israel" with millions of refugees, saying that he did not want Palestinians to try and change the Jewish character of the state.
Netanyahu called for the release of kidnapped IDf soldier Gilad Schalit.
"Every nation represented here should request his release," Netanyahu declared to applause.
"If you want to pass a resolution about the Middle East today, that's the resolution you should pass," the prime minister said.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 01:30 PM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil, UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference | Permalink |Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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Abbas is addressing the General Assembly after having just submitted his application for terror statehood. Abbas received a standing ovation as he approached the podium at that collective negation of humanity.
Abbas is describing the establishment of the state of Israel as the Nakba, يوم النكبة Yawm an-Nakbah, the "catastrophe." Nothing changes, not for 64 years. Nothing -- the destruction of Israel is the end goal.
Eighteen years ago this week, on September 13, 1993, the PLO signed the Declaration of Principles with Israel on the White House lawn.
There, the terror group committed itself to a peace process in which all disputes between Israel and the PLO - including the issue of Palestinian statehood - would be settled in the framework of bilateral negotiations.The PA was established on the basis of this accord. The territory, money, arms and international legitimacy it has been given was due entirely to the PLO pledge to resolve the Palestinian conflict with Israel through bilateral negotiations.By abandoning negotiations with Israel two years ago, and opting instead to achieve its nationalist aims outside the framework of a peace treaty with Israel, the Palestinians are destroying the diplomatic edifice on which the entire concept of a peace process is based. They are announcing that they have no intention of living at peace with Israel. Rather they intend to move ahead at Israel's expense.In truth, there is little new in the Palestinians' behavior. They have been using the UN to weaken Israel diplomatically since the early 1970s. Moreover, even if their bid does provide them with upgraded diplomatic status, it won't change the reality on the ground, nor are the Palestinians particularly interested in changing the situation on the ground. (Caroline Glick here)
We give 600 million dollars a year to these genocidal terrorists. We should cut it off today. They broke their pledge.
Palestinians make formal statehood bid at U.N. (CBS/AP)
UNITED NATIONS - Defying U.S. and Israeli opposition, Palestinians asked the United Nations on Friday to accept them as a member state, sidestepping nearly two decades of troubled negotiations in the hope this dramatic move on the world stage would reenergize their quest for an independent homeland.
In the West Bank, the core of that hoped-for state, a Palestinian man was shot dead in a clash with Israeli soldiers and settlers as antagonisms flared over the statehood bid.
Earlier in the week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rebuffed an intense, U.S.-led effort to sway him from the statehood bid, saying he would submit the application to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon as planned.
We're going without any hesitation and continuing despite all the pressures," Abbas told members of the Palestinian diaspora at a hotel in New York on Thursday night. "We seek to achieve our right and we want our independent state." Shortly before noon on Friday, Ban's spokesman tweeted, "President Abbas just handed the Palestinian application to the Secretary-General UNSG."In his letter to Ban accompanying the application, Abbas asked the U.N. chief to immediately forward the request for full U.N. membership to the Security Council and the General Assembly, according to a top aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity before the documents were submitted. The General Assembly will likely be asked to approve a more modest status upgrade if the bid in the council founders as expected.
To be sure, Abbas' appeal to the U.N. to recognize Palestinian independence in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip would not deliver any immediate changes on the ground: Israel would remain an occupying force in those first two territories and continue to severely restrict access to Gaza, ruled by Palestinian Hamas militants.
Beyond that, Security Council action on the membership request could take weeks or months, effectively buying time for both sides to consider revamped proposals for peace talks, notes CBS News foreign affairs analyst Pam Falk.
Both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas are scheduled to speak to the UN General Assembly after the statehood bid has been submitted.
The logo of “the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations” – on their website and on top of their official statements at the U.N. – shows the Palestinian Authority’s claim to a Palestine that stretches throughout the entire historical entity of the former Palestine mandate.
In other words, all of Israel. More at the Weekly Standard:
Absent from the logo is any hint that Palestine consists of anything other than Arab territory. No nod is given even to the U.N.’s 1948 decision to divide the region into Jewish and Arab sectors. As for the shape of Israel by the time it was forced into waging the defensive Six Day war in 1967: irrelevant. The logo illustrates that the Palestinian bid before the U.N. for support of a unilateral declaration of statehood is disingenuous and dangerous.There is not too much left to the imagination here: Israel is “wiped off the map.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 12:24 PM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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More of the fetid fruit of Obama's failed foreign policy. Violent rioting continued today in Israel, and it is expected to get worse as the would-be jihad statelet agitates for the legitimacy of its Islamic terror and Jew-hatred.
This from the Crescent News Network, CNN, so you know it is framed as "an emotional day for Palestinians" -- yes, let's stone babiesbecause we are emo.
(CNN) -- Palestinian youths hurled rocks and bottles at Israeli security forces in the West Bank on Friday.
The incident occurred at a checkpoint leading from the West Bank to Jerusalem. There have been no injuries. Hundreds of Israeli security personnel are deployed but are showing restraint.
While such protests are common occurrences on Fridays, the day of Muslim prayers, this one comes on an emotional day for Palestinians. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is seeking U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.
Israel on high alert as Pali jihadists petition UN. Preparing for civil war and beyond by an invading and domestic enemy hellbent on their destruction. This from AFP:
JERUSALEM — Some 22,000 Israeli police and border police were on high alert across the country on Friday, poised to respond to any unrest resulting from a Palestinian bid to seek UN membership in New York.
"We have deployed 22,000 police and border police officers who will be on duty until at least Saturday night in order to maintain order across the country," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.
The forces were deployed along the Green Line between Israel and the West Bank, in annexed east Jerusalem, and around Arab Israeli towns, he said.
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas will present a formal request for UN membership for a Palestine state later on Friday in a move which has sparked anger in Israel and opposition from Washington which has vowed to block the move at the UN Security Council.
Israel's defence establishment has been preparing for months for the eventuality of rioting and mass unrest should the membership bid be scuttled, with the army, police and emergency services all on high alert on Friday.
In Jerusalem, police barred entry to the city's flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound to men under 50 and anyone not holding a blue east Jerusalem ID card.
The army also boosted numbers in the West Bank, deploying an extra 1,500 reservists across the territory, media reports said. A military spokesman on Thursday said troops would show "restraint" in dealing with any disturbances, "using riot dispersal means" in accordance with the level of unrest.
[...]Palestinian officials have repeatedly pledged that the marches and demonstrations will be peaceful and stay within Palestinian-controlled areas.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 10:21 AM | Permalink | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
Big Media Lauds Imaginary Opening of Ground Zero Mosque Pamela Geller, Big Government
One year ago, Ground Zero Mosque leader Daisy Khan, the wife of stealth Islamic supremacist Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, said that they would be breaking ground on September 11, 2011 for the 15-story monster mosque going up in a building that was destroyed in the Islamic attack on America on 9/11. It was redundant. They had broken ground on September 11, 2001.Well, nonetheless, the jihadist radical Rauf and his third wife (one more, papa, and you are maxed out) have been kicked off the Ground Zero mosque project and the developer grifter Sharif El-Gamal has lopped off ten stories from his triumphal mosque. In other words, we have successfully halted the project, for now.
But the media and Islamic supremacists create their own fantasy, and they started claiming Monday that the mosque had actually opened — because the grifter El-Gamal hung some photos of kids on the main floor of the building. Pathetic. In fact, the mosque in the former Burlington Coat Factory building has been open and they have been praying there for several years now. It took the leftwing media monster a year to fine-tune its manipulative rhetoric and rather disgusting propaganda campaign to advance the building of the Ground Zero mosque, despite the overwhelming grief and pain and it has caused the majority of Americans.
The incredibly corrupt and intellectually bankrupt New York Times, long bereft of any integrity or objective journalism, devoted an entire section to a Ground Zero Mosque photo exhibit to raise funds for the mosquestrosity. In a stupid and
A photography exhibit by a man who isn’t even a photographer, but who gets a full spread in the New York Times? Only because it advances this cultural obscenity. These people play so dirty. No morality at all. Still, the story went worldwide, with all the mainstream media lemmings jumping on. There’s a ton of media on this fictitious story. WNYC, the Boston Globe, even the New Zealand Herald. Why? How many people attended this charade outside of media and mosqueteers? How many more patriots attended our 9/11 Freedom Rally that got zero coverage? America, you are being so played.
London’s Daily Mail reported happily: “The first part of Park51, the controversial Lower Manhattan Islamic community centre, is opening on Wednesday with an art exhibition featuring photographs of children.” It quoted El-Gamal saying: “I met Danny Goldfield when Park51 was still a new idea. I said his photographs should be the first event at Park51. I am proud to say the idea has been realized. Opening this incarnation of the community centre is a fantastic accomplishment.”
CNN also jumped on the bandwagon, reporting this: “Islamic center near ground zero touts first big event as center’s grand opening.” The report gushed: “This week, another grand opening – this one steeped in controversy – is scheduled for just a few blocks away from the site where the Twin Towers once stood.”
“A few blocks.” CNN lies. That building is 600 feet from the tower site, and it is part of Ground Zero. The landing gear from one of the 9/11 planes crashed through its roof.
CNN quoted Katerina Lucas, Park51’s chief of staff, saying that the art exhibit was “a huge step forward. I hope it shows we are about inclusion, not exclusion.” No, it shows you play dirty. Very dirty. “The photography exhibit, Park51’s first big public event,” says CNN, “comprises portraits of children from 169 countries who now live in New York City.” I told CNN what this was really all about: “It is an obvious and cynical attempt to manipulate public opinion and divert attention away from the Islamic supremacist ties, shady financial dealings, and contradictory statements of the mosque organizers.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 07:35 PM in Atlas Articles, Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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The battle for free speech begins. The very idea that the MTA would censor free speech in defense of the blasphemy laws under the sharia speaks volumes as to the success of the stealth jihad in America. How many New Yorkers find the anti-semitic ads the MTA approved offensive, bigoted and incitement against the Jews? But they ran them anyway. Our ads are not nearly as controversial, but they are pro-Israel, pro-freedom. I hope the MTA is prepared to go to the Supreme Court, because we are.
As long as the PA continues its savage policy to foment violence and promote hatred and teach their children to hate, the number of young Muslims willing to blow themselves up or to slit Israeli throats will continue to increase. That is savage. The Palestinian Authority propaganda of "Holocaust denial, racial slurs, anti-Jewish epithets and glorification of terrorists" is savage. Tell me again why the word "savage" is inaccurate. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit is savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family is savage. Munich was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser is savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Pali and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.
Here is the latest from legal warrior David Yerushalmi to CBS/MTA:
From: David Yerushalmi
Subject: Ad submission by AFDI/Pam Geller to CBS/MTA
Dear Mr. Marcus:
My client forwarded to me your email (below) wherein you state the ad copy AFDI submitted violates Section 5.05( C )(2) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards. Presumably you are referring to the word “savage” in the copy. My client is not prepared to alter its ad copy, and specifically not this word. We hereby demand a formal and final determination by close of business on Friday, September 22, 2011. A non-response by that deadline, given the time MTA-CBS has already had to review this copy, will be understood as a formal and final rejection.
Let me be unambiguous. First, the word savage cannot violate the standard you cite because it is patently not demeaning an individual or group of individuals on account of “race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation.” It mentions neither individual nor group and it intends none. Specifically, it is a word in context describing behavior qua behavior. Certainly you recognize that the ad copy does not mention an individual or group of individuals falling within one of the Standard’s rubrics (i.e., “race, color, etc.”). Finally, as a word describing behavior, it quite obviously applies not to any one of Israel’s enemies in any one geographical location, but all her enemies who behave savagely. Precisely because it is a noun describing behavior (i.e., savage behavior), it cannot be demeaning because an individual or group who does not behave savagely is not captured by the word; an individual or group that does behave savagely, is similarly not demeaned because we presume men act in the way they intend and a savage intends to act savagely.
Finally, a word about the Standard itself and the way MTA/CBS is applying it. There can be no question that once the MTA opened up this forum for political advocacy, it cannot use the “demeaning” filter to decide which political speech it accepts and which it does not. The application in this context of the Standard, especially here where as noted above, there is absolutely no reference to one of the categories (i.e., race, religion) but rather to behavior (i.e., savage behavior), the MTA’s rejection of the word “savage” is most assuredly a viewpoint-based censorship, in violation of the First Amendment. If the MTA, as the organ of state authority, now understands itself in the business of toning down and even modifying the viewpoint of the speakers it has invited into this public forum, it has manifestly and egregiously crossed the line clearly drawn by the First Amendment and the jurisprudence promulgated thereunder.
David Yerushalmi
Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C.:
Washington, D.C., New York, California & Arizon
David Yerushalmi was responding to the official rejection of our pro-Israel ad:
Date: September 21, 2011 3:36:26 PM EDT
To: Pamela Geller
Subject: CBS Outdoor
Dear Pam,
Thank you for your ad submission; in its current version, we do not approve this ad for the reasons set forth below and the MTA’s Director of Real Estate has concurred pursuant to Section 5.05 ( C )(2) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards. (A copy of those Standards is attached.). Regarding issue-oriented advertisements we do not approve or disapprove such advertisements for display of the MTA’s transit system based upon the viewpoint expressed. As you may know, we have recently accepted for display paid advertisements submitted by organizations on the subject of U.S. military aid to Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s relationship with Israel that have expressed strongly competing views.
Your proposed ad, however, contains language that, in our view, does not conform with the MTA’s advertising standards regarding ads that demean an individual or group of individuals as set forth in Section 5.05(B)(11) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards.
We invite you – as provided in Section 5.05 ( C )(3) of the Advertising Standards – to discuss with us possible revisions to your ad; should you choose to submit a revised ad, we will review that submission promptly. Alternatively, if you do not want to consider any possible revisions, you may ask us to obtain from the MTA its formal and final determination of whether this ad conforms with its Advertising Standards.
Kenneth S. Pober
CBS Outdoor
Vice President
New York Market Manager
Previously at Atlas: It's Official: Pro-Jihad MTA Bans Pro-Israel Ads, Runs Anti-Israel Ads
VIDEO: Pamela Geller on WPIX News: MTA Bans Pro-Israel Subway Ads, Approves Anti-Semitic Ads
NY Post: "Blogger battling MTA over ads give agency ultimatum"
CBS Outdoor/NYC Transit to Run Antisemitic Ads
UPDATE: Listen to the Sheik.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 01:28 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
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Freedom - 1, sharia - 0.
AFDI/SIOA chief Pamela Geller Wins Free Speech Victory Over Lawyer Tied to Hamas-Linked CAIR ReutersNEW YORK, Sept. 21, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- AFDI/SIOA co-founder and Executive Director Pamela Geller has won an important victory for free speech. Omar Tarazi, a lawyer linked to the Hamas front group the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has dismissed his ten-million-dollar libel lawsuit against Geller with prejudice: it cannot be re-filed.
Geller explained: "This is a huge victory for the First Amendment, truth, and the anti-Sharia movement in this country, which is exposing an insidious cancer that brings progressives and Islamic supremacists together in common cause to attack anyone who criticizes Islamic supremacism with the threat of lawsuits, actual lawsuits, or even worse, violence."
"The message," she added, "is that we will not be silent. We will continue to fight the implementation of Sharia blasphemy laws restricting free speech under the guise of the fictional construct of a 'phobia.'"
Tarazi, an Ohio-based lawyer, represented the parents of Rifqa Bary, the teenage girl who fled from her home in fear for her life in 2009, after converting from Islam to Christianity. He sued Geller for $10,000,000 after she criticized him in a series of blog posts at her award-winning website, AtlasShrugs.com, pointing out his ties to Hamas-linked CAIR and his efforts to harass and demoralize Rifqa Bary by, among other initiatives, denying her the Christmas cards that Geller had encouraged her readers to send to the girl.
Geller pointed out the larger implications of Tarazi's lawsuit: "This lawsuit was filed as part of the Islamic supremacist lawfare campaign against critics of Sharia, jihad, Islam's death penalty for apostates, and honor killings, and I refused to capitulate. At the end of the day, Tarazi blinked and folded. The years-long battle is over, and Islamic supremacism has suffered a stunning and well-deserved defeat."
The voluntary dismissal with prejudice followed the filing of a court document by David Yerushalmi of the Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C., and Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center (who represented Geller pro bono because of the important free speech implications of this case), asking the court to rule in Geller's favor. It prevents Tarazi from refilling the lawsuit in the future. The settlement requires Geller to pay no money, and stipulates only that she remove five of the dozens of AtlasShrugs.com blog posts about Tarazi's role in the Rifqa Bary case.
Although Geller agreed to remove these posts criticizing Tarazi, dozens of other posts remain at AtlasShrugs.com detailing his conduct in the Bary affair, and the settlement places no restrictions on Geller writing about Tarazi's role in the Bary case in the future. Tarazi had complained that Geller had libeled him by linking him to CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas front group that U.S. Department of Justice has named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding case.
However, during discovery, Geller's lawyers established that Tarazi did in fact have personal and professional links to CAIR, and that Geller's statements could not be defamatory because they were true.
Geller also reported information from other sources critical of Tarazi's actions – including allegations that he had perjured himself in court filings in the Ohio juvenile proceedings on the Bary case. Here again, however, Geller's lawyers explained how Tarazi had indeed not been completely honest with the juvenile court, and that Geller's statements were true. Geller thus asked the court to dismiss Tarazi's lawsuit entirely.
The case began when Tarazi sued Geller for libel in September 2010, demanding damages of $10,000,000. He filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. Two months later, Yerushalmi and Muise filed a motion to dismiss Tarazi's suit on the grounds that Geller's remarks were protected speech under Ohio Free Speech law and under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The court never ruled on that motion.
In August 2011, Tarazi filed a motion for summary judgment, asserting that he had proven his case and asking the court to grant judgment on liability and to schedule a trial to determine the amount of damages. On September 19, 2011, Yerushalmi and Muise countered this, arguing that not only had Tarazi not proven his case, but that all of Geller's published statements were true and not defamatory.
On September 20, Tarazi gave up, asking Yerushalmi for a settlement. Geller refused Tarazi's request to keep the terms of the settlement confidential in light of the important implications of the case for the freedom of speech.
AFDI/SIOA is one of America's foremost organizations defending human rights, religious liberty, and the freedom of speech against Islamic supremacist intimidation and attempts to bring elements of Sharia to the United States.
Join the AFDI/SIOA Facebook page here.
SOURCE American Freedom Defense Initiative
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 01:05 PM in Atlas vs. Legal Jihad, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, Litigation Jihad | Permalink | Comments (8)| TrackBack (0)
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Hmmmmmmm, I'd like to know what the arabic writing says. Is it quran quotes? Or a warning that they can gain access, designed to cause fear?
Mind you, we are only hearing about this now. This has been going on since February, and has been escalating in recent weeks. Once again, media and law enforcement are covering up for jihadists and Islamic threats.
Both the Transportation Security Administration and Federal Bureau of Investigations is working with Southwest, but the airline denied this is a safety issue and would not provide any more details.
How the hell do they know it is not a safety issue?
KNX 1070 EXCLUSIVE: Feds Probe Possible Arabic-Type Markings On Southwest Jets (hat tip van)
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — Federal agencies were working with Southwest Airlines on Thursday to determine who has been vandalizing their aircraft with mysterious markings.
KNX 1070 investigative reporter Charles Feldman has learned that since February, several Southwest jets have been vandalized with mysterious writings that show up on the underbelly of their 737 passenger aircraft.
The writings — which some have interpreted as being either Arabic or Arabic-type symbols — appeared to have been done with a chemical process that reveals the text once an auxiliary power unit is turned on and heats up the outside skin of the aircraft, according to Feldman.
While it remains unclear how many aircraft are involved, the trend has reportedly increased in recent weeks.
Southwest Airlines has ordered its employees not to discuss the matter with the media, Feldman said.
Read the rest.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 12:29 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (18) | TrackBack (0)
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The people of Lampedusa, Italy are being attacked in their homes. The mayor of Lampedusa has armed himself with a bat in order to protect himself. Muslims have been rioting and attacking locals and police on the island of Lampedusa, Italy since arriving from Tunisia and Libya. More poisonous fruit from the "islamic spring."
The Muslim hordes attacked police Wednesday on the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, a day after setting their overcrowded holding centre on fire. (Vid hat tip David)
Some 26,000 Tunisians [Muslims] and 28,000 people of other nationalities from Libya have arrived in Lampedusa this year since the beginning of the Arab revolts. Italy has been sending the bulk of the Tunisians home if they don't qualify for political asylum, but residents on the island have complained they are being overwhelmed with migrants and are bearing the entire EU's immigration burden alone.
Clashes broke out Wednesday as some residents hurled stones at migrants who were threatening to blow up some gas canisters, news reports said. Angry residents also assaulted TV crews and other journalists covering the rioting, telling them to leave the island alone.
The clashes left several people injured, the reports said.
Lampedusa mayor Bernardino De Rubeis denounced the government for abandoning the island to cope with the chaos alone, calling the migrants "delinquents" and insisting the island wouldn't accept one more. (more here)
Italy vows to transfer all migrants off Lampedusa after riots Telegraph
Italy has announced they will transfer and repatriate all migrants off the tiny island of Lampedusa within 48 hours, following clashes with police and residents.
He said he kept a baseball bat in his office for protection.
"I must defend myself," he was quoted as saying by ANSA. "We're at war, people have decided to take justice into their own hands."
He demanded Italian President Giorgio Napolitano come to Lampedusa "to show some solidarity with people who have been violated repeatedly" by the arrival of so many desperate migrants.
A Mediterranean island closer to Africa than the Italian mainland, Lampedusa has been overwhelmed this past spring by thousands of Tunisians fleeing unrest during the social upheaval at home. Tensions flared occasionally, particularly when the holding centre became overcrowded. The centre is designed to hold about 850 people but it now holds up to 1,300.
The Interior Ministry condemned the rioting and vowed to stay the course.
"These episodes of unacceptable violence don't change our repatriation plan, which continues and will not slow down," it said in a statement.
The UN refugee agency warned last week that the situation at the centre was getting tense, with prolonged detentions of both Tunisians and people fleeing Libya without any moves to determine whether they might qualify for asylum.
It said migrants were harming themselves, staging protests and that several large groups had left on their own.
The UN agency urged the government to take measures to transfer the migrants from Lampedusa to more permanent centres.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 12:20 PM in Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (18) | TrackBack (0)
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The pro-jihad MTA is refusing my ad for the word "savage." Just so you know, I will be suing, with the aid of my inestimable legal team, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center. We are what? 4-0, now? Tarazi lawsuit roundly defeated, check. Detroit/SMART Transit on "Leaving Islam" bus ad lawsuit, check. MTA on the Ground Zero Bus ads lawsuit, check. Miami Transit for "Leaving Islam" bus ads lawsuit, check.
I will say this until someone in those clueless ivory towers of the sharia-compliant MTA understands this. "Savage" is accurate. The pro-jihad MTA cannot ban the the truth, particularly in the political arena:
1. fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed2. uncivilized; barbarous
Palestinians throwing rocks at a 20-month-old baby is savage. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit is savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family is savage. Munich was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser is savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Pali and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.
Here is the latest from the quislings:
Dear Pam,
Thank you for your ad submission; in its current version, we do not approve this ad for the reasons set forth below and the MTA’s Director of Real Estate has concurred pursuant to Section 5.05 ( C )(2) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards. (A copy of those Standards is attached.). Regarding issue-oriented advertisements we do not approve or disapprove such advertisements for display of the MTA’s transit system based upon the viewpoint expressed. As you may know, we have recently accepted for display paid advertisements submitted by organizations on the subject of U.S. military aid to Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s relationship with Israel that have expressed strongly competing views.
Your proposed ad, however, contains language that, in our view, does not conform with the MTA’s advertising standards regarding ads that demean an individual or group of individuals as set forth in Section 5.05(B)(11) of the MTA’s Advertising Standards.
We invite you – as provided in Section 5.05 ( C )(3) of the Advertising Standards – to discuss with us possible revisions to your ad; should you choose to submit a revised ad, we will review that submission promptly. Alternatively, if you do not want to consider any possible revisions, you may ask us to obtain from the MTA its formal and final determination of whether this ad conforms with its Advertising Standards.
Kenneth S. Pober
CBS Outdoor
Vice President
New York Market Manager
Download Advertising Standards
Previously at Atlas: VIDEO: Pamela Geller on WPIX News: MTA Bans Pro-Israel Subway Ads, Approves Anti-Semitic Ads
NY Post: "Blogger battling MTA over ads give agency ultimatum"
CBS Outdoor/NYC Transit Delays Approval of AFDI Pro-Israel Campaign Despite Approving Anti-Israel Subway Ads
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD |Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Third man guilty in terror plot.
Is it any wonder that the Muslim Brotherhood groups in America like CAIR are trying to stop law enforcement from infiltrating these jihadist terror cells in America?
FBI informant says Triangle terrorist cell leader intent on jihad WRAL.com
New Bern, N.C. — An FBI informant testified Wednesday that the man accused of heading up a terrorist cell in the Triangle routinely spoke about waging a holy war.The informant, a Muslim of Moroccan descent who goes by the code name "Jawbreaker," told a federal jury in New Bern that he got so close to Daniel Patrick Boyd that he was with him at the time of his arrest in July 2009.
Boyd pleaded guilty in February to charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and conspiracy to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons in a foreign country. He is expected to be a key witness in the trial of three other men charged in the case.
Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan, Ziyad Yaghi and Hysen Sherifi face multiple felony charges related to allegations they conspired to attack targets overseas. Sherifi also is accused of plotting an attack on the Marine base in Quantico, Va.
A federal indictment unsealed in 2009 alleges that eight Triangle men raised money to buy assault weapons and conduct training exercises and that they arranged overseas travel and contacts to help others carry out violent acts on behalf of a radical jihadist political agenda.
Prosecutors told jurors Tuesday during the opening day of the trial that it would take time to lay out the complex case, and they began Wednesday by trying to link each defendant to Boyd and showing how intent the group was on engaging in terrorism.
In audio recordings of conversations between Boyd and Jawbreaker that were played in court, Boyd talked about his intentions to attack Quantico. He spoke of how easy it would be to get on the base because it's also a city.
"I did some preliminary reconnaissance, and what I saw was amazing. I saw the residences of all their commanding officers," Boyd said in one recording, adding that Sherifi was in on the plan.
Jawbreaker said Boyd was intensely loyal to Afghanistan, where he traveled in 1989 to join the fight against Soviet occupation. Boyd always wanted to fight non-Muslims, the informant said.
"Every single day, it was about jihad and fighting," Jawbreaker testified.
An FBI search of Boyd's Willow Spring home in 2009 turned up about two dozen guns and more than 27,000 rounds of ammunition.
Defense attorneys noted that the FBI has paid Jawbreaker $110,000 since 2005. He also has obtained his residency card after earlier overstaying a visa and remaining in the U.S. illegally, they said.
Robert McAfee, Sherifi's attorney, also blamed Jawbreaker for thrusting his client and Boyd together. The informant used FBI money to pay for Sherifi to return to the U.S. from Kosovo, where he was living with his wife and child, McAfee said.
FBI agent Paul Minella took the stand earlier Wednesday to show how the three defendants were connected to Boyd.
[...]Boyd's sons, Dylan and Zakariya Boyd, have also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and could testify in the case.
A seventh defendant, Anes Subasic, is representing himself and will be tried after the case against Hassan, Yaghi and Sherifi is finished. Their trial is expected to last five weeks.
Authorities believe another man charged in the case, Jude Kenan Mohammad, 22, is in Pakistan. A ninth member of the group, Bajram Asllani, 30, was arrested in Kosovo last year, but the U.S. doesn't have an extradition treaty with that country.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 10:36 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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The MTA has a problem with the word savage? I have a problem with the MTA and their moral relativism while advancing Jew-hatred.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 07:53 PM in "Palestinian" aka Fakestinian: Islamic Jihad, Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (29)| TrackBack (0)
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I went from controversial to radical in under 24 hours. Who is spiking NY Post's reporter Jennifer Ferminoa's kool-aid? Lay off the Muslim Broterhood sources, Jen.
Now I am a "radical" blogger. Truth is radical. Morality is radical. But a genocidal ideology is not radical or savage. The media is utterly corrupt:
Blogger battling MTA over ads give agency ultimatum NY Post
A radical blogger who claims the MTA is refusing to run her subway ads likening the enemies of the Jewish state to "savages" has given the transit agency an ultimatum.
Pamela Geller's lawyer sent a letter to the MTA today demanding approval of her controversial ad by Friday.
If the MTA doesn't respond by then, Geller said she will take them to court for violating her First Amendment Rights.
"This is fair warning," Geller writes in the letter.
She applied to place her ads in the subway last week, but still hasn't heard from the MTA.
Her strongly-worded ad reads, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”
Geller -- co-founder of the American Freedom Defense Initiative -- wants to run her ads to run as a rebuttal to billboards from an anti-Israel group.
Those ads features pictures of smiling children with the message, “We are on the side of peace and justice. End US military aid to Israel.”
Read the rest.
Tell me again why the word "savage" is inaccurate. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit is savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family is savage. Munich was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser is savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Pali and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 07:20 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack (0)
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Oh yes, let's reward threats of Islamic violence by giving in to their every violent and genocidal demand.
Burka ban boy is warning us. What nerve.
Sarkozy warns that US veto on Palestinian state will spark violence Jihadwatch
Yes, and what are the implications of that? We should do what is right, come what may. Sarkozy is suggesting that we should give in to violent intimidation, and that terrorism and Islamic supremacist thuggery should be rewarded.
"Sarkozy Says USA Veto On Palestine Will Spark Violence," from AGI, September 21 (thanks to C. Cantoni):
(AGI) New York - Speaking at the U.N. General Assembly in New York, French President Nicolas Sarkozy rejected Barack Obama's position stating that a USA veto to the Palestinian PNA's request for U.N. nationhood will spark "a new wave of violence in the Middle East."
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 07:02 PM in Fwance, Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (26) | TrackBack (0)
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In a carefully orchestrated strategic war campaign, the Muslim street in Israel is beginning to escalate in violent rioting. The UN bid for Pali statehood is nothing short of a "diplomatic aggression," and putting pressure on the Jewish state with violent demonstrations is necessary theater for a subdued and supplicant media in the event that one of these stone throwers gets hurt trying to stone Jews. I am sure that the hope is to ignite the Muslim street in London, Paris, Malmo, Copenhagen, New York, Florida, etc.
Tell me again why the word "savage" is inaccurate.
As Caroline Glick points out here:
Eighteen years ago this week, on September 13, 1993, the PLO signed the Declaration of Principles with Israel on the White House lawn.There, the terror group committed itself to a peace process in which all disputes between Israel and the PLO - including the issue of Palestinian statehood - would be settled in the framework of bilateral negotiations.The PA was established on the basis of this accord. The territory, money, arms and international legitimacy it has been given was due entirely to the PLO pledge to resolve the Palestinian conflict with Israel through bilateral negotiations.By abandoning negotiations with Israel two years ago, and opting instead to achieve its nationalist aims outside the framework of a peace treaty with Israel, the Palestinians are destroying the diplomatic edifice on which the entire concept of a peace process is based. They are announcing that they have no intention of living at peace with Israel. Rather they intend to move ahead at Israel's expense.In truth, there is little new in the Palestinians' behavior.
PA Arab Riots Begin to Escalate in Judea, Samaria Arutz Sheva
Palestinian Authority Arabs rioted and hurled rocks at IDF soldiers stationed in an area south of Hevron.Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs held a violent demonstration Wednesday afternoon near the Zif Junction in Judea, south of Hevron.
The protesters hurled sharp-edged rocks at IDF soldiers, who responded with crowd-control measures to disperse the demonstration. No one was injured and no damage was reported in the incident.
Dozens of PA Arabs also clashed with IDF forces near the Qalandiya checkpoint north of Jerusalem. The rioters ignited tires ablaze, and hurled rocks at the security forces, who used crowd control measures to disperse the mob.
In addition, PA Arabs flung a concrete block at a passing Israeli-licensed vehicle near the Huwarra checkpoint outside the Samaria city of Shechem. The vehicle was damaged in the attack, but the passengers were not injured.
Although the PA security forces have also been issued equipment for crowd control, they have done little to contain the re-emerging Arab violence. The sole demonstration of PA security containment came within Ramallah earlier Wednesday, when masked men burned an American flag.
The incident occurred during a speech by PA Secretary-General Tayeb Abdelrahim marking ceremonies held to celebrate recognition by the United Nations of the PA as a new, independent country. Such a celebration is actually premature, as no vote on the matter has yet been taken – and in fact, the resolution has not yet been proposed – which could lead to further inflamed passions if the promised reason for the celebration does not, in fact, come to pass.
The riots appear to be gaining pace and may be part of the previously announced PA government's strategy of “increased demonstrations” leading up to Friday.
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled on that day to demand in his speech to the United Nations Security Council that the international body recognize the PA as an independent, sovereign nation, and grant it “full membership” in its ranks.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 11:44 AM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)
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The years-long battle is over, and Islamic supremacism has suffered a stunning and well-deserved defeat, and a good, stiff kick in the ass.
First, allow me to give a huge thank you to my lawyers, Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center and David Yerushalmi, for their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to free speech in their defense of this egregious and harassing lawsuit against me. Despite the six-figure legal costs (which they absorbed and represented me pro bono), they were steadfast when I held firm that no settlement would be reached in this attempt to enforce the blasphemy laws under the sharia and restrict free speech and truth.
From the Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C. Win Important Victory for the First Amendment & Conservative BloggerCAIR-linked lawyer dismisses $10 million defamation suit against AtlasShrugs.com blogger Pamela Geller
September 21, 2011 – New York, New York: Omar Tarazi, the Ohio lawyer who represented the parents of Rifqa Bary and who had filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit against AtlasShrugs.com blogger Pamela Geller, has dismissed his lawsuit with prejudice. The dismissal came on the heels of a court document filed by David Yerushalmi of the Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C., and Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center, asking the court to enter a judgment in favor of Pamela Geller. The voluntary dismissal with prejudice prevents Tarazi from refilling the law suit at some later date and was part of a settlement in which Ms. Geller paid no money and only agreed to remove five specific blog entries out of dozens criticizing Tarazi’s involvement and handling of the Rifqa Bary juvenile proceedings.
Ms. Geller also refused to agree to keep the terms of the settlement confidential. As she put it, “This law suit was filed as part of the Islamist lawfare against critics of sharia, jihad, and honor killings and I refused to capitulate. At the end of the day, Tarazi blinked and folded.”
Ms. Geller was unflinching in her assessment of the outcome of this suit: “This is a huge victory for the First Amendment, truth, and the anti-sharia movement in this country exposing an insidious cancer that brings progressives and Islamists together in common cause to attack anyone who criticizes Islamists with the threat of law suits, actual lawsuits, or worse, violence.”
Mr. Tarazi came under intense criticism by Ms. Geller during the Rifqa Bary litigation, which arose after the 17-year old Rifqa converted from Islam to Christianity and ran away from her Ohio home in the summer of 2009 to take refuge with Christian friends in Florida, alleging that her father threatened to murder her in an honor killing. The case garnered enormous media coverage both nationally and internationally and involved vituperative juvenile proceedings in both Florida and Ohio.
Ms. Geller blogged about the case extensively given her work at the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an organization Ms. Geller founded and directs, the mission of which in part is to protect young Muslim women from the violence of honor killings.
In the course of her blogging about the case, which also included a rally she organized in Ohio to advocate for Rifqa’s right not to return to her parent’s home, Ms. Geller reported on various stories published at My Pet Jawa and televised on Fox News critical of Mr. Tarazi’s legal representations in court. The central allegation against Tarazi was that he had perjured himself in court filings in the Ohio juvenile proceedings.
Mr. Tarazi filed his lawsuit in September 2010 against Ms. Geller and Rifqa’s Florida lawyer, John Stemberger, seeking $10 million in damages. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio based upon diversity of citizenship. Ultimately, Mr. Tarazi and Mr. Stemberger entered into a confidential settlement and Mr. Tarazi dismissed his complaint against Mr. Stemberger.
Soon after the lawsuit was filed, Ms. Geller’s lawyers filed a motion to dismiss in November 2010, asserting that Ms. Geller’s comments were protected speech under Ohio Free Speech law and under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The court never got around to ruling on that motion.
In the meantime, the parties conducted discovery and in August 2011, Mr. Tarazi filed a motion for summary judgment arguing that he believed he had made out his case for liability and asked the court to grant judgment on liability and to set a trial just on the amount of damages.
On September 19, 2011, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise filed an opposition to Tarazi’s motion and argued that not only had Tarazi failed to make out a case of defamation, but also that all of Ms. Geller’s published statements were true and not defamatory. The 400+ page opposition detailed to the court just how Tarazi had been less than candid with the juvenile court, resulting in “truth” as a defense. In the opposition papers, Ms. Geller also raised Free Speech defenses and asked the court to award her judgment and to dismiss the lawsuit against her in its entirety.
The very next day, Tarazi called Mr. Yerushalmi and asked to settle. Although Tarazi sought to keep the terms of the settlement confidential, Ms. Geller refused.
Mr. Yerushalmi explained the calculus during the settlement negotiations which culminated in a voluntary dismissal the very same day: “I explained to Mr. Tarazi: you can walk away now with no money and no secrecy agreement, or you can wait until the court dismisses your suit and renders a formal judgment that you were not truthful to the Franklin County Juvenile Court. Take your pick.” The settlement agreement and voluntary dismissal with prejudice were negotiated, drafted, and filed with the court before the close of business.
Although Ms. Geller agreed to take down five specific blog entries that directly mentioned and criticized Tarazi, dozens of critical blogs remain and there are no restrictions on Ms. Geller’s future blogging on the Rifqa Bary affair and Tarazi’s role.
One of the claims of defamation lodged by Tarazi was that Ms. Geller had linked him to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group, which the U.S.. Department of Justice had previously named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial in Texas, which culminated in guilty verdicts for all defendants.
During discovery, Ms. Geller’s lawyers uncovered that Tarazi in fact has personal and professional links to CAIR and argued to the court that Ms. Geller’s statements linking Tarazi to CAIR could not be defamatory because they were true.
Tarazi, an Ohio licensed lawyer, represented himself during the proceedings. Ms. Geller was represented by David Yerushalmi of the Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C. (New York and Washington, D.C.) and by Robert J. Muise, senior trial counsel to the Thomas More Law Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan). Patrick Dunphy of Falke & Dunphy, LLC, in Dayton served as local counsel.
About David Yerushalmi, Esq.
David Yerushalmi has been practicing law for more than 27 years. He is a litigator specializing in securities law, public policy relating to national security, and public interest law. Mr. Yerushalmi is licensed and practices in Washington D.C., New York, California, and Arizona and serves as General Counsel to the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., one of the nation’s leading national security think tanks founded by former Reagan administration official Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 11:23 AM in Atlas vs. Legal Jihad, Litigation Jihad, Rifqa Bary: Teenage Apostate in America | Permalink | Comments (72)| TrackBack (0)
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Check out the news report on the MTA ban on our pro-Israel subway ads while running the repulsive antisemitic, anti-Israel ads. The culture is subsumed by evil and the inability or unwillingness to distinguish between right and wrong.
Everyone is shocked (shocked, I tell ya) by the use of the word savage for savages. The targeting of civilians is savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit is savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family is savage. Munich was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser is savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Pali and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless.
But we are supposed to tiptoe around the savages, so as not to enflame the savages.
Of course the NY Daily News Pete Donahue resorts to Muslim Brotherhood smears like anti-Muslim and anti-Islam when referring to me. It seems left media is unable to accurately report anything. I am counter jihad. NY Daily News: "Blogger Pamela Geller vows to sue MTA if subway ad calling Israel's enemies 'savages' isn't approved"
The NY Post is a bit more even handed calling me "controversial" and describing my ad as inflammatory. Truth is inflammatory.
A holy war is brewing on the city’s subways.
“We’re preparing the paperwork as we speak.”
An controversial activist -- incensed at a slew of underground billboards denigrating Israel -- is threatening to sue the MTA if it doesn’t run her counter-ads likening enemies of the Jewish state to “savages.”
“This is an absolute free-speech issue,” said Pamela Geller.
Her inflammatory ad was sent to the MTA a week ago, but she has yet to receive a response.
From past experience, Geller -- co-founder of the American Freedom Defense Initiative -- said it usually takes a matter of hours for approval. But this isn’t just any advertisement.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man,” the ad states. “Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”
The ad is meant as a response to more than a dozen subway-stations anti-Israel billboards put up in by a group called WESPACK since the beginning of the month.
The MTA declined comment.
Read the rest.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 06:20 AM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign, Atlas TV | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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Speaking of outdoor advertisements:
New York City's Shariah Cabs Pamela Geller, WND
The taxi jihad continues. Friday the New York Post reported that New York City's Taxi and Limousine Commission, or TLC, has submitted to Islamic law. Devout Muslim taxi drivers are now allowed to impose the Shariah yet again on taxi tops and can veto strip-club ads on the roof of their taxis.
Last year, I created a taxi top ad campaign for the victims of honor killings. Muslim cab drivers protested (in obvious support of Shariah) and were taking the signs down. Our ad campaign directed threatened girls to go to LeaveIslamSafely.com, and some Islamic supremacist taxi drivers defaced our signs by cutting out the word "Leave," so that the ad read, "Islamsafely.com." But not to worry, we bought the URL for that, too.
When I ran this campaign, the Huffington Post wrote it was the work of "Pamela Geller, who has been dubbed the 'Queen of Muslim Bashers'" – uh, dubbed by whom? Yes, you guessed it, by the Huffington Post. They reported that the taxi ads I created to help girls whose lives were in danger were pulled off taxicabs in Chicago, despite the fact that the entire ad campaign had already run in full. No ads were pulled except for those that were taken down by Muslim cab drivers who demonstrated by doing so that they support the death penalty for apostates from Islam.
Even the cab company was against our ads defending girls from honor killing. Yellow Cab CEO Michael Levine rushed to the aid of the Shariah cabbies, saying at the time, "When Yellow Cab became aware of the ads three weeks ago, we immediately called the advertising company and asked to have the ads removed."
Read the rest.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 02:21 AM in Atlas Articles, WND Geller Columns | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 02:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Several IHOP locations are re-opening after seven of them in Ohio and Indiana were raided early Tuesday morning by the FBI, Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency and local police.
Hmmmmmmm. What on earth were Mr. Elkafrawi, Kamil Madi, and Maazen Kadir, among others, up to? Money laundering and terror = jihad.
Federal agents search six NW Ohio IHOP restaurants, two homes Simultaneous raids conducted in Ohio, and at an Indiana restaurant Toledo Blade (hat tip Diane)
Authorities take boxes out of IHOP on Talmadge on Tuesday. The Blade/Amy E. Voigt Enlarge | Photo Reprints
Federal agents searched six IHOP restaurants in northwest Ohio and another in Indiana and executed search warrants on two homes and a storage locker Tuesday as part of an investigation that involves Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service.
The nearly simultaneous raids at the popular eateries, including locations in West Toledo and Sylvania, Springfield, and Perrysburg townships, began just after 6 a.m., interrupting the busy breakfast rush at the restaurants.
Some employees arrived to begin their shifts and were greeted by federal agents showing badges and toting guns.
Scott Wilson, a spokesman at the FBI’s Cleveland office, confirmed agents searched the restaurants as well as two area homes and a lock storage facility. Agent Wilson refused to give details about the warrants, which were sealed in court.
“There were quite a few folks involved in this,” Mr. Wilson said.
Federal agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (the investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security), and local law enforcement officers executed the raids.
There were no arrests and authorities did not detain anyone in the searches. No charges have been filed.
The affected restaurants were at 4045 Talmadge Rd., 6920 West Central Ave., 10151 Fremont Pike; 6535 Airport Hwy., as well as locations in Findlay, Lima, and Evansville, Ind.
According to public records and the local Better Business Bureau Web site, Tarek Elkafrawi, also known as “Terry Elk”; Kamil Madi; and Maazen Kadir have either ownership or management roles in the seven franchises.An unidentified man loads the trunk of an SUV with boxes taken from an IHOP on Talmadge Road. The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
With the exception of the Lima restaurant, Mr. Elkafrawi, who lives in Wood County’s Middleton Township, is listed as the president of all the affected IHOPs and Mr. Kadir is identified as manager of the West Central Avenue and Airport Highway locations. The Lima location is owned by TE & KM, Inc., which is a limited liability company owned by Mr. Elkafrawi.
Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn confirmed Tuesday night that one of the homes where a search warrant was executed was at Mr. Elkafrawi’s Middleton Township residence.
Mr. Elkafrawi and his wife, Kelly Ann Elkafrawi, were not at home Tuesday afternoon and evening and did not respond to a message left seeking comment.
Dry cleaning could be seen hanging from the front door, and a door bolt could be seen lying on the ground in front of the house.
Lisa Wojciechowski, a neighbor, said she believed Mr. Elkafrawi is in poor health. She said his wife is friendly.
She said she doesn’t see her neighbors much and believes they are kept busy traveling to their various restaurants.
Mr. Madi also has ties to the Toledo area. Mr. Madi, who once lived in Sylvania Township, and his family moved to Jordan about a year ago, according to a woman who now lives in the home.
A man who answered the phone at the Airport Highway IHOP confirmed that Mr. Kadir is an “area manager” of IHOP locations, but was out of town and would not be back until next Thursday.
“No one will want to help you with that,” he said when asked if anyone else would comment.
Patrick Lenow, executive director of corporate communications for DineEquity, the parent company of IHOP restaurants and Applebees, said the seven locations are owned by a single franchisee. He refused to divulge the name of the franchise holder or its principals.
Mr. Lenow said he didn’t know the reason for the investigation, but was told by authorities it is not related to terrorism.
He said that three of the affected restaurants had reopened by Tuesday afternoon — those in the immediate Toledo area were operating except the Wood County restaurant — and said the others will do so soon after the investigators returned control of operations to the owners.
According to the IHOP Web site, the minimum financial requirements for a franchisee is $1.5 million net worth and $500,000 in liquid assets.IHOP released a statement about the raids.Donna Logan throws her arms in disgust when Toledo Police turn her away from the IHOP Restaurant on Talmadge as federal agents conduct an investigation. The Blade/Amy E. Voigt Enlarge | Photo Reprints
“We were informed [Tuesday] by one of our franchisees about the events at his restaurants in [Ohio] and [Indiana],” the statement said . “We are working to gather the facts and have been in touch with the federal authorities, although we have not been briefed on the matter. We are cooperating fully with the authorities as we seek to gain an understanding of this situation.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 11:14 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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