Friday, 23 September 2011

: Iran - The mass U.N Walkout ! Wonder why ????

Well! This is unprecedented and I have never ever seen anything like THIS before, in all my 77 years! I expect ithas happened, but that was before I had a computer, or it was widely filmed and broadcast!
This is a very brief article from an Australian news website (my thanks to Stuart Bedford - an ex-pat out there) and shows the mass walk-out of the UN, when the President of Iran was speaking! Unbelievable!
It also includes access to a short 2 min video film of the event! It was reported in the UK news as well, but this shows the walkout!
How awful, to be speaking and see them all walk out in front of you! Not that he cares - he's looking to start WW3!

This is a news article I found on news dot com do au thought you might find it interesting.