IS A CARBON CURRENCY THE ENDGAME? There is growing evidence that a carbon currency appears to be the replacement for the currencies of the world after they all crash in the near future. The smart grid will become the means of implementing the carbon currency that will allow the global elite to control every bit of electronic activity of every human being on planet earth. The idea of a carbon currency has been around since 1932 with the advent of Technocracy. The Technocracy Study Course initially written in 1932 details what is needed for Technocracy and a carbon currency to work. These include, in no particular order: In other words no one would be able to buy and sell anythingwithout permission of big brother, and without him knowing about it. Bartering or perhaps the use of precious metals (if people are allowed to possess it) would be the only alternative. It is interesting that if this is what the elites are planning, it would literally fulfill the highly controversial prophecy given by the Apostle John in Revelation 13:17. The technology to implement this did not exist in 1932. It does now. Integral to creating the control demanded by technocracy is smart grid technology, which implements monitoring and control from production to consumption. It also allocates how much energy each home or business can use, with control being absolute and reaching even down to our coffee makers and refrigerators. The Push for Smart Grid Smart grid technology has not been developed because of demand or any perceived need. Private industry did not develop it. Rather, the entire idea was advanced by the Department of Energy (DOE) starting with President George W. Bush with the creation in 2003 of The Office of Electricity Delivery. Since then, it has been catapulted forward with President Obama’s allocation of over $4 billion from the Stimulus money. The DOE’s technology is spreading like wildfire across the world. Why? How?Patrick Wood provides this warning; “Smart Grid meets 100 percent of the Technocracy's original requirements…. If the Federal government had not been the initial and persistent driver, would Smart Grid exist at all? It is highly doubtful.” Global companies like IBM, Siemens, GE, Cisco, Panasonic, Kyocera, Toshiba, Mitsubishi are all scrambling to grab onto their share of the new smart grid market with digital meter controls and software. These companies are helping to usher in this single, integrated, communication-enabled electric delivery and monitoring system, known as Smart Grid. Similar to the World Wide Web, this new Network Of Things, or NOT will allow inanimate objects such as a central control computer and your household appliances to communicate with very little human interaction. Once it is entirely in place around 2020, complete control over energy consumption will be possible with systems that will allow our air conditioners, washing machines, and even our furnaces to be centrally shut off if we have been deemed ineligible for further consumption. Nations worldwide are positioning themselves to trade in this new global currency and smart grid technology. Italy has already implemented smart grid in 85% of its homes. Australia will soon have a framework in place which will position them to trade carbon credits internationally, with the passage of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill of 2011, Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011. On August 17, Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank in the wake of Russia’s removal of the least 10 euros per metric ton requirement for its carbon credits has encouraged the nation’s industrial powerhouses to apply for carbon credits. Companies are eligible to apply for one carbon credit for every 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide that they no longer emit. Just like Australia, they are positioning themselves to have carbon credits to trade and sell on the global market. The problems of implementing a carbon currency are infinite. Once the $4 billion in federal money is gone, who will pick up the costs? If history is a guide it will be you and I. Worse, Carbon Credits are a lot like Cell Phone Minutes, they don’t really exist. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Opportunities for corruption will abound! Counterfeiting with tangible, hold in your hand greenbacks is a problem now. Imagine when the currency is as invisible as the air. Nonetheless, nearly half of America will have been converted to smart meters by 2014; the first step in establishing the smart grid. It is expected that 100 percent will be retrofitted by the end of the decade. One has to wonder if the machinations of the global banking cartel are merely to keep the current currency system afloat long enough to retrofit enough homes and businesses with smart meters to institute carbon currency – at least in the developed nations. Once carbon trading is instituted world-wide, it may not take much to switch to a carbon currency in order to make way for a new carbon-based world. Unfortunately for individual people living in this new system, it will also require authoritarian and centralized control over all aspects of life, from cradle to grave. Related Articles: © 2011 Michael Coffman - All Rights Reserved Dr. Coffman is President of Environmental Perspectives Incorporated ( and CEO of Sovereignty International ( in Bangor Maine. He has had over 30 years of university teaching, research and consulting experience in forestry and environmental sciences. He produced the acclaimed DVD Global Warming or Global Governance ( His newest book, Rescuing a Broken America ( is receiving wide acclaim. He can be reached at 207-945-9878. E-Mail: Website:
Saturday, 17 September 2011
By Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D. and Kristie Pelletier
September 17, 2011
• Ability to register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy.
• By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load,
• Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption,
• Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where it is produced and where it is used and,
• Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”
Click here for part -----> 1, 2,America, with its Locke form of government has been the major obstacle to this effort. This is changing, however. Through foundations, corrupt courts, and progressive politics, the powerful elite are systematically destroying the Locke-based foundation of the U.S. Constitution. They are implementing legalized plunder through the destructive application of “expert planning” and the public good doctrine. And because this doctrine floods our public education, press, and environmental propaganda machine, most Americans are totally ignorant of what these globalists are doing, and often support this insanity that is designed to control everything they do. This agenda must be exposed for what it is – the death of America as we know it – and then throw these monsters out of office.
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