Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Israel’s Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy 

I attended a conference today hosted by the WJC and the JCPA, where this book was launched. I was thrilled that this book, setting out Israel’s legal rights was published. This is the first volley in a long overdue emphasis on Israel’s rights. It will be translated into a half a dozen languages and is currently available in book and digital form in English. For ten years now, I have been arguing for Israel to claim her legal rights and not just her security rights. At the bottom of this post you will see all the chapters which are each linked to the content. Spread it far and wide. Ted Belman


A concerted campaign is being waged against Israel to question its very legitimacy in virtually every aspect of its historical, political, and cultural life, with the aim of undermining the very foundations of Israel’s existence.

In response, several world-renowned experts have joined to present an authoritative exposition ofIsrael’s Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy, published jointly by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the World Jewish Congress.

Major Claims against Israel’s rights.


Amb. Alan Baker

Prof. Ruth Gavison

Sir Martin Gilbert

Prof. Shlomo Avineri

Dr. Stanley A. Urman

Amb. Alan Baker

Prof. Nicholas Rostow

Prof. Ruth Lapidoth

Amb. Dore Gold

Dan Diker

Col. (ret.) Pnina Sharvit-Baruch

Amb. Alan Baker

Prof. Alan M. Dershowitz

Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel