Three months ago, this column strongly opposed Lagarde's appointment. Since the IMF was created from the ashes of the Second World War in 1946, all 10 of its previous managing directors had hailed from Western Europe. With the global centre of economic gravity shifting eastwards, and "emerging markets" controlling over three-quarters of total currency reserves, a non-Western IMF boss would have been preferable. At last weekend's Jackson Hole summit, though, the new Fund boss made a statement that sounded courageous and long overdue. Lagarde said the big problem facing the developed world is an excessive overhang of debts that were used to finance spectacularly bad investments – not least those ghastly collateralised debt obligations. Oh yes, the CDOs are still out there, levered-up 10-fold or more, those weapons of "financial mass destruction", lurking off-balance-sheet and largely undeclared in the "shadow banking system". They're the reason many Western banks are technically insolvent – and why the interbank market remains moribund, with banks reluctant to lend even to each other, given concerns over counter-party risk. With wholesale credit channels blocked, lending to credit-worthy firms and households remains thin. That's why the wheels of finance are gummed up and the West's economic recovery has been so feeble. Bank claims about "a lack of demand for credit" are propaganda – an attempt to deflect attention from their own bombed-out balance sheets and the sector's singular failure to disclose their massive loses. Those arguing otherwise either doesn't understanding banking or, directly or indirectly, are in the pay of the banks. Lagarde's actual words at Jackson Hole – "banks need urgent recapitalisation" – were a statement of the obvious. The so-called "stress tests", an attempt by regulators to secretly assess bank balance sheets, were a bad joke. The Irish banks, for instance, "passed" the first European tests, but were nationalised just a few weeks later. The second eurozone stress tests earlier this summer were also laughable, the results since deeply discredited. So when Lagarde pointed out that without mandatory recapitalisation "we could easily see the further spread of economic weakness to core countries, or even a debilitating liquidity crisis" she was only repeating what we already know. After all, the trouble extends beyond the eurozone's periphery. Spanish banks, for instance, are majorly exposed to dodgy real-estate deals and other non-performing loans. Even Germany's ubiquitous Landesbanken are bankrupt. So far, the insolvency of Europe's fragile banking system has generated sovereign debt risks, as eurozone governments have moved to "backstop" the banks. In recent weeks, though, an increasingly large number of European governments have been shown to be financially suspect which has, in turn, reflected investor angst back onto the banks. Throughout August, even on slow summer-trading, equity markets were rocked by wild gyrations, wiping out all this year's gains. Such volatility was led by Europe's banks – which are now down 25pc during 2011. In belated recognition of undeclared liabilities, many banks are now trading at a deep discount to the value of their assets. European credit default swaps, the cost of insuring against bank failure, have surged to levels beyond those seen even at the height of the subprime storm. The danger now is that Europe's bank fragility becomes systemic, sparking another "Lehman-moment" and causing, in turn, a second economically-debilitating credit crunch. Within financial circles, recognition is growing that such an outcome could happen. Even if it doesn't, concerns it might will damage investment and jobs. Lagarde's statement was welcome – and, as such, attracted praise. So lacklustre are our political leaders these days – and Lagarde, above all, is a politician – that even recognising an uncomfortable truth exists is enough to shine. But what about actually doing something about it? What about emphasising that the only way to fix the Western world's banking system, so facilitating a decent economic recovery, is for powerful financial institutions to be forced to disclose their entire portfolio of losses. Lagarde finally acknowledged the problem. But she stopped well short of acknowledging the implication. She said banks should be recapitalised from "funds in the markets first" and only then "seek public money if necessary". Lagarde must know this is nonsense. No commercial investor would invest in Europe's banks at this stage, given that they can't even know if such banks are solvent. Private-sector recapitalisation might have been possible a year ago, after the first round of stress tests, when global markets were awash with QE funny-money and investors had a warm glow. But not now. Bank recapitalisation will, of course, have to be state-funded. But it may already be too late to avoid a "disorderly solution". Chinese banks have been cutting their credit lines to Europe. American money-market funds have also been shifting money back across the pond. If there is to be more public-money spent on propping-up our banks, it absolutely must be used to facilitate restructuring, as loans are written off and investors are forced to take haircuts, rather than to finance the status quo. There really is no other way. Far from addressing these realities, Lagarde, like almost every other Western regulator, continued to deny they exist. None of this is to say that America's banking sector doesn't have problems. The US stress tests were also pathetic. Washington, too, has pandered to bank vested interest. But America's bank debt overhang is lower and a far higher share of liabilities have been "fessed-up". The big problem Europe has in addition, of course, is the single currency straitjacket. The US Fed can act, at least between elections, largely as the White House wishes. The European Central Bank, meanwhile, has to square off numerous competing governments. The eurozone isn't a fiscal union and almost none of its citizens ever wanted it to be. That's why the German President is accusing the ECB of violating its treaty mandate. That's why the Finns are insisting on additional collateral against any more European bail-out loans. Does Lagarde understand that, in the end, the eurozone structure is economically incoherent, making it even harder for Europe to extricate itself from a brewing bank meltdown? I think not. Europe's bail-outs have been "illegal", as she herself admitted in an interview last December. But "we violated the rules because we wanted to close ranks and save the euro zone". So speaks somebody who lacks the economic understanding, and certainly the sense of public responsibility, to lead the International Monetary Fund.Christine Lagarde highlights again why she's the wrong person to lead the IMF
Last week, I almost raised a glass to Christine Lagarde. Just for a moment, I thought the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund had said something sensible and brave.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
It was also particularly ill-advised to appoint yet another Western European right now – given that monetary union is in crisis and eurozone politicians are craving ever more IMF largesse. Under Lagarde's predecessor, the Fund was deeply discredited, losing its necessary status as a hard-headed fiscal arbiter. Dominique Strauss-Kahn transformed it instead into a soft-credit society for the eurozone's periphery nations, holding the single currency together for the benefit of his Franco-German friends. I suspected Lagarde would do the same, undermining the IMF just when it needs to be
at its strongest.
I've written this before. I will continue to write it, relentlessly, until it actually happens. Because happen it will. It's for our politicians and regulatory authorities to decide if this "reckoning" takes place in a relatively orderly way – with bad banks being broken-up and restructured, as solvent institutions absorb their depositors. Or maybe they'd
prefer if the market just took its chaotic course?
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Britannia Radio