Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Obama: Incompetent or Malevolent?

By David Solway In Daily Mailer,FrontPage

The phrase “politics as usual” has gained a certain currency in our time. Regrettably, it is no longer relevant. What we are presently witnessing cannot be described as politics as usual. Consider the concatenation of events and factors that now confront us: the upsurge of terrorism and the growing strength of Islamic radicalism, a United Nations that has violated its Charter and is now home to totalitarian regimes and rogue nations, the international ostracism of Israel and an impending war in the Middle East, the American betrayal of its allies and a foreign policy that supports the Muslim Brotherhood and faux Arab revolutions, the corrupting influence of the left in the mainstream media and the universities, the potential economic implosion of Europe and possibly of the United States as well, and perhaps most distressingly at so critical a historical juncture, the election of Barack Obama, a man with neither business, military nor...

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Take your secret Saudi threats and shove ‘em

By Ezra Levant, QMI Agency, Toronto Sun

Saudi Arabia has hired lawyers to threaten Canadian broadcasters who dare to run a TV ad critical of Saudi conflict oil.

I know this because I am the volunteer chairman of, the non-profit website that promotes Canada’s oilsands as an ethical alternative to the conflict oil of Saudi Arabia and other OPEC dictatorships.

Alykhan Velshi, who runs, produced a 30-second TV ad comparing the treatment of women in Canada with the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. That’s a place where women can’t drive, can’t vote and can’t even get medical care without the permission of their husbands/owners.

Compare that to Canada, where the mayor of the oilsands capital, Fort McMurray, is a young woman named Melissa Blake.

Saudi Arabia doesn’t like criticism like that, though. They are a fascist state without a free press or any opposition political parties. And now they’ve hired one of...

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MK Eldad Evokes Jabotinsky: for Peace, Build ‘Iron Wall’

Fern Sidman, INN

On Thursday evening over 200 people joined Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) and The Nordau Circle as they commemorated the 71st yahrzeit of Revisionist-Zionist leader Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky at the Congregation Ohab Tzedek on Manhattan’s trendy Upper West Side, known for its high percentage of New York professionals.

AFSI’s executive director Helen Freedman explained that “Jabotinsky’s ideology is the bedrock for those who believe in a greater Israel, with its biblical, legal and historical entitlements and is the driving force for AFSI.”

MK Dr. Arieh Eldad (National Union, a member of the Israeli Knesset since 2003, spoke of the incalculable impact of Jabotinsky’s ideals on modern day Israel. “The defense policy of Israel was created 30 years before its birth, as it was based on Jabotinsky’s short essay entitled “The Iron Wall”, said Dr. Eldad.

    “In 1923, Jabotinsky wrote, ‘Except...

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German fund finances anti-Semitic activity

Fund established to compensate Nazi victims sponsors ‘educational’ booklets questioning State of Israel’s right to exist

Eldad Beck, YNET

The resources of a Nazi forced labor compensation fund are being used to finance anti-Israel activities, some of which are clearly anti-Semitic, Yedioth Ahronoth has learned.

German fund “Memory, Responsibility and Future” was established 11 years ago to compensate Nazi victims who were subjected to forced labor during World War II. Now it turns out that some of its resources are being used for entirely different goals.

Yedioth Ahronoth has received a booklet including anti-Semitic propaganda and drawings, which was sponsored by the fund and prepared at the end of a student exchange program between high school students from Nazareth and students from an eastern German city.

The booklet allegedly tries to examine and compare the educational rights of young Germans and Israeli Arabs. In practice, it includes blatant...

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A New, Selective ‘Semi-Antisemitism’?

Only Jews Opposing Obama Are Evil, Greedy, and Have Dual Loyalty
by Barry Rubin, PAJAMAS MEDIA

I was horrified by reports that a powerful congressman, Henry Waxman, had said that Jews in New York’s ninth congressional district voted against President Barack Obama “to protect their wealth.” Could the obsession with backing Obama have led a leading Jewish politician to make such a stereotypical antisemitic remark?

In fact, Waxman’s statement was taken out of context. As usually happens, however, a proper understanding of what someone is saying teaches far more than stereotyping their argument.

Let’s examine Waxman’s statement as quoted in The Hill newspaper:

    I think Jewish voters will be Democratic and be for Obama in 2012, especially if you get a Republican candidate like Gov. Perry. But there’s no question the Jewish community is much more bipartisan than it has been in previous years. There are Jews who are trending toward the Republican Party,...

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“The Ideology that Time Forgot” Movie Poster

by Bill Levinson

Militant Islam, the Ideology that Time Forgot

We use “ideology” rather than “religion” to avoid confusing this Dark Age death cult with a legitimate means (including civilized versions of Islam) of relating to God, or a legitimate framework for relating to other human beings. The title was inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “The People that Time Forgot.” The concept of a tribe or people that time forgot is a convenient device for populating an action-adventure story with primitive and violent savages who capture civilized people for purposes like human sacrifice and cannibalism. Militant Islam does not however leave much to the imagination.

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel