It’s all bullshit. 1) there is a reference for negotiations and its Res 242, 2) the occupation is not illegal in that the SC by virtue of 242 authorized Israel to remain in occupation until they had recognized borders. 3) Res 194 has no legal authority and it did not support the right of return. Ted Belman Erekat says anyone who supports two-state solution should back Palestinian efforts at UN, says would consider dismantling the PA if statehood bid is thwarted; PLO official says UN bid inspired by Obama speech. The Palestinian Authority on Saturday warned the US against using the veto to thwart its plan to seek membership for a Palestinian state in the UN next week. The PA said that a US veto would “destroy” the two-state solution. The warning came hours after PA President Mahmoud Abbas announced in a speech in Ramallah that he would ask the UN Security Council to accept membership of a Palestinian state. Chief PLO negotiator Saeb... [See also: Obama’s 'Crony-Gate' Scandal Widens — Billions Now Under Scrutiny] By Andrew McCarthy, NRO The solar-energy company was a con game. The Solyndra debacle is not just Obama-style crony socialism as usual. It is a criminal fraud. That is the theory that would be guiding any competent prosecutor’s office in the investigation of a scheme that cost victims — in this case, American taxpayers — a fortune. Fraud against the United States is one of the most serious felony offenses in the federal penal law. It is even more serious than another apparent Solyndra violation that has captured congressional attention: the Obama administration’s flouting of a statute designed to protect taxpayers. By Ted Belman Of course you know that Germany and the Ottoman Empire were allies in WWI. With their defeat they were both cut down to size and in the case of the latter, Turkey was all that was left. But did you know that Germany’s historic Middle East policy had always given primacy to German relations to Turkey. Yet these relations are dicey due to the backlash in the EU to accepting Turkey for membership and the current debate in Germany regarding immigration. Paul Williams writing in Family Security Matters on 22 September 2010 reports “Our country is going to carry on changing, and integration is also a task for the society taking up the task of dealing with immigrants,” Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. “For years we’ve been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before.” Germany, with a population of 4-5 million Muslims, has been divided in recent weeks by... A poll of Likud members shows that the vast majority of party members believe that Israel should annex areas within the security fence if the Palestinian Authority declares a PA state in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. A telephone poll of 1,086 Likud members showed that 81% of party members want Israel to annex the large settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria if the PA fulfills its threat. The poll was conducted using a scientifically determined cross-section of party members. Abbas: Palestinians to seek full UN membership Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday that the Palestinians plan to approach the United Nations Security Council for full recognition, clarifying that they are seeking to delegitimize the occupation, not Israel, by taking the UN route for Palestinian statehood. He stressed that Israel is a legitimate state, but that by continuing to build in the settlements and rejecting the internationally recognized borders of a future Palestinian state, they are engaging in illegitimate activity. Abbas Claims 1947 Borders for PA state Abbas stressed that Israel’s “occupation” will not will not end the next day and much more remains to be done because the 1967 lines do not define the true... UN-nation; un-nation; non-nation; anti-nation I do not think there is a Palestinian nation. I think it’s a colonialist invention – Palestinian nation. When were there any Palestinians? “Of all the Palestinian lies there is no lie greater or more crushing than that which calls for the establishment of a separate Palestinian state in the West Bank… Not since the time of Dr. Goebbels has there been a case in which continual repetition of a lie has borne such great fruits….” – From “Palestinian Lies” in Haaretz, July 1976. Nothing could better underscore just how emaciated Israeli foreign policy has become than the penetrating observation by former Meretz minister of education Prof. Amnon Rubinstein articulated above. Nothing could better underscore just how detached from the reality the discourse on “Palestine” has become than the avowal of the timeless and unconditional rejection of Israel, articulated in ensuing... DEBKAfile Exclusive Report September 17, 2011, Military tension is building up among Greece, Turkey and Israel as Cyprus prepares to start exploratory drilling for gas offshore Monday, Sept. 19 in the face of threats from Ankara. All three have placed their air and sea forces in a state of preparedness along with the Cypriot army. From Wednesday, Sept 14, Turkish warplanes and fighters kept watch on the Homer Ferrington rig belonging to Houston-based Noble Energy as it moved from Israel’s offshore field Noa opposite Ashdod to Cyprus’s Aphrodite (Block 12) field ready to start work. It was the first time since the Mavis Marmara episode of May 2010 that Turkish warships came less than 80 kilometers from Israel’s territorial waters. debkafile’s military sources report that Israeli missile ships and drones kept watch from afar on the Noble rig’s movement and tracked Turkish surveillance. While it is no doubt true that the orthodox-liberal divide among Jews has become a political divide as well. Israel is becoming more religious and conservative while US young Jews remain liberal and secular, Christian Zionists specifically and Americans on both sides of the aisle remain supportive of Israel’s conservative bent. Yes, if would be better if Israel became more independent, it is also true that Israel is not a charity case. The current relationship has many mutual benefits and unfortunately many differences. On the question of a mutual defense treaty, I have no doubt that in a Republican administration, the US would support such a treaty. Why? Because of shared values. Ted Belman New report ‘Crossroads: The Future of the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership’, claims ‘social and political trends in United States and Israel are reshaping politics of both societies’. By Natasha Mozgovaya, Blog on Haaretz The main criticism of Netanyahu that Benn levels is that he is reflective and not proactive. But he stops short of saying what he should have done. Having said that, his analysis of Netanyahu’s considerations is excellent and favourable to Netanyahu. The only option Netanyahu is left with is the one of annexation. Capitulation is no option. Ted Belman Digging in, the essence of Netanyahu’s foreign policyPA to US: Statehood veto would ‘destroy’ two-state solution
Stick a fork in, Obama is done
Homing in on one of the several shocking aspects of the Solyndra scandal, lawmakers noted that, a few months before the “clean energy” enterprise went belly-up last week, the Obama Energy Department signed off on a sweetheart deal. In the event of...German/Turkish Axis
Likud Members: Annex Security Fence Areas
Fatah claims ’47 borders. Hamas claims no Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas clarifies that they are seeking to delegitimize the occupation, not Israel, by taking the UN route for Palestinian statehood.
By Haaretz
Virtual JerusalemThe Palestinian Myth
By MARTIN SHERMAN,JPOSTIsraeli-Greek-Turkish air sea forces prepare for first Cypriot gas drilling
As the rig moved into position opposite Cyprus, so too did two...Shared values and interests remain strong
Malka claimed that it is impossible...Bibi’s only options, status quo or annexation
By Aluf Benn, HAARETZ
The political reality will be decided in the alleys of the Old City of Jerusalem, the hills of the West Bank and along the border with the Gaza Strip – not in Washington or New York. A UN resolution in favor of the establishment of a Palestinian state will confer international validation, not to say urgency and encouragement, on the Palestinian national-liberation struggle to cast off the yoke of the Israeli occupation and the settlements. That is what “the world” wants; this is where Erdogan, King Adbullah and...More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 18 September 2011
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