It's not every day that Jeremy Paxman finds himself upstaged on his own show. But that's exactly what happened on Newsnight last night when Peter Oborne insulted two fellow guests - prompting one of them to walk out. The Daily Telegraph's political columnist, who is promoting Guilty Men - his pamphlet about the people who advocated Britain's entry into the euro - was invited on the show to discuss the troubles facing the eurozone. However, he was unable to contain himself upon hearing Amadeu Altafaj-Tardio, a representative from the European Commission, talk about "a strong political response". "This is mad actually... he doesn't know what he's talking about," Oborne retorted. "These guys are in total denial. It's terribly frightening listening to those idiots in Brussels." Oborne called the spokesman an idiot three more times before the EU man finally unclipped his microphone and left the studio in Brussels. Another guest on the show, former Financial Times editor Richard Lambert, also got an earful. Oborne thrust a copy of his pamphlet at him - accusing him of being one of the 'guilty men' who would have led Britain into the EU. At this point, Lambert asks Paxman: "Have we had quite enough of this rubbish please?" Filed under: Newsnight, Jeremy Paxman, Peter Oborne, Eurozone, Guilty Men pamphletPeter Oborne forces
EU ‘idiot’ to quit
EU representative walks out after Daily Telegraph columnist
repeatedly refers to ‘idiots in Brussels’
Thursday, 29 September 2011
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Britannia Radio